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Finding Number

E133 (051)

Cloisters and Oratory of St Stephen's Chapel after the fire

drawing by Anne Rickman

18 Oct 1834


E133 (058)

Under-Chapel of St Mary beneath's St Stephen's Chapel, after the fire of 16th October 1834

watercolour by George Cattermole

16 Oct1834


E133 (111)

[Newspaper article with artist's impression of the Palace of Westminster in 1530]

Photocopy of an article by Felix Barker, featuring a modern reconstruction of the Palace of...



E133 (154)

[View of the font in the Chapel of St Mary Undercroft, Palace of Westminster]

View of the font in the Baptistry of St Mary Undercroft. The font is viewed through the entrance...



E133 (155)

[View of the altar at Chapel of St Mary Undercroft, Palace of Westminster]

View of the altar in the Chapel of St Mary Undercroft. The caption on the reverse of the postcard...



E133 (160)

[View of the altar at Chapel of St Mary Undercroft, Palace of Westminster]

Interior view of the Chapel of St Mary Undercroft, showing the vaulted roof and looking towards...



E133 (165)

Houses of Parliament: the Crypt

Interior view of the Chapel of St Mary Undercroft, showing the vaulted roof and looking towards...



E133 (166)

Houses of Parliament: the Crypt

Interior view of the Chapel of St Mary Undercroft, showing the vaulted roof and looking towards...



E133.2 (005)

[View showing House of Commons, listening to debates through the ventilator on the roof of St...




Gardner Box 57 No 77c

Part of the south side of the Chapel [St Stephen's Chapel, Houses of Parliament]

illustrations from J T Smith's 'Antiquities of Westminster', published by Thomas Smith, Newman...



Gardner Box 57 No 89c

[Houses of Parliament, showing view of the east end of St Stephen's Chapel as it appeared before...

One of two views. Illustrations from J T Smith's ' Antiquities of Westminster', published by John...

