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Finding Number

C139 St George's Hospital (014)

[Subscription receipt for St George's Hospital 1765]

Receipt for a payment made by Andrew Millar 'towards the Relief of the Sick, Lame and Needy in St...

28 Mar 1765


C139 St George's Hospital (015)

[View of St George's Hospital and the Hyde Park Corner turnpike, 1797]

This view of Hyde Park Corner, looking towards Piccadilly, shows the turnpike where tolls were...

1 Aug 1797


C139 St George's Hospital (022)

View of St George's Hospital, Hyde Park Corner

View of Hyde Park Corner, showing St George's Hospital and the Wellington Arch. A group of...



L131.1 (451)

Aerial view of Hyde Park Corner

Aerial photograph of the Wellington Arch and St George's Hospital at Hyde Park Corner. The view...



L131.1 (475)

Aerial view of Hyde Park Corner

Aerial photograph of the Wellington Arch and St George's Hospital at Hyde Park Corner. The view...



Rocque map - 1746

[Section from John Rocque's London map of 1746, showing three Westminster hospitals]

John Rocque's map of London, made in 1746, shows three eighteenth century hospitals. St George's...

