Title | Attested copy of a lease dated 26 Mar 1776 by Richard Lord Grosvenor to David Boyd of St George, Hanover Square, builder, of a piece of ground in the parish of St George, Hanover Square, lying on the south side of the way leading through the five fields from Westminster to Chelsea, bounded on the north by the road, on the south and west by land leased to David Boyd and on the east by land of Lord Grosvenor measuring 50 ft on the north, 27 ft on the south and 113 ft on the east, on the west side measuring 59 ft to a break, then 6 ft towards the east, 4 ft southwards, 14 ft eastwards, 3 ft southwards, 3 ft eastwards and 47 ft southwards to the corner. King's Arms alehouse erected on it |