
AltRefNoAlbum - MISC/02 p26
TitleHyde Park, Park Lane, Grosvenor Square, [Grosvenor House Flats and Selfridge's]
DescriptionBlack and white aerial photograph looking north-east from Hyde Park towards Park Lane, Grosvenor Square and Selfridge's. Beyond lies Marylebone, with the southern edge of Regent's Park visible in the top left corner of the photograph.
Access StatusOpen
PL708Selfridges (Department Store)/St Marylebone
PL1199Grosvenor Sq/St George, Hanover Square
PL1296Oxford St/St George, Hanover Square
NA2062Hereford Gdns/St George, Hanover Square
PL1319Park Lane/St George, Hanover Square
NA1510Grosvenor Hotel/St George, Hanover Square
PL571Hyde Park/St George, Hanover Square
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