
AltRefNoB138 Aldwych (020)
TitleBird's eye view of bomb damage at Aldwych following a V1 attack
DescriptionBlack and white photograph showing blast damage suffered by buildings on Aldwych following a V1 hit (incident 1879). The view looks east from the junction with Kingsway. A fireman's ladder has been erected against Bush House. Adastral House, Houghton House, Connaught House, Colombia House and Aldwych House are all shown having suffered serious blast damage. The streets are strewn with debris and busy with people and vehicles, including a City of Westminster Mobile Aid Post. Photograph by Planet News.
Date30 Jun 1944
Access StatusOpen
PL562Aldwych/St Clement Danes
PL481Aldwych House/St Clement Danes
PL483Bush House/St Clement Danes
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