
AltRefNoE132.3 (028)
Title[Masters of Westminster School]
DescriptionShowing masters of Westminster School, Front row from left to right: Rev Nall, J Sargeaunt, Mr Tanner, Rev J Gow, Mr Fox, Rev Rayner, Mr Huckwell; 2nd row: Mr Ethenidge, Mr Barrett Tyson, Mr Day, Mr Hardy, Mr Wootton, Mr Orr, Mr Michell, Mr Smedby; Back Row: Mr Liddell, Mr Reed, Mr Burnell . Inscription by former pupil in the back with some of the teachers nic-names and explianing what they taught of their positions to him. Westminster School Series A F B Gillman, oxford Copyright
Date[Early 20th century]
Access StatusOpen
NA1820Westminster School/St Margaret, Westminster
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