
AltRefNoL131.1 (472)
TitleAerial view of Speakers' Corner and Marble Arch
DescriptionColour aerial photograph of Marble Arch and Speakers' Corner, as seen looking north-east from Hyde Park. The view includes the Odeon Cinema and Cumberland Hotel, and extends along Oxford Street as far as the corner of North Audley Street. The view includes North Row, Green Street and Wood's Mews. A crowd is gathered in Hyde Park at Speakers' Corner. Photograph by Photoair.
Access StatusOpen
NA1699Marble Arch/St George, Hanover Square
PL495Green Coat House, Francis St/St Margaret, Westminster
PL890Hyde Park, Speakers' Corner/St George, Hanover Square
PL553Oxford St/St Marylebone
PL1319Park Lane/St George, Hanover Square
NA2065Cumberland Hotel/St Marylebone
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