
Title[Henry Lytton as Strephon in 'Iolanthe'].
DescriptionFull length portrait of Henry A Lytton in eighteenth-century costume for the part of Strephon in Iolanthe. On his back he wears a small pair of wings. Postcard published by Raphael Tuck; photograph by Dover Street Studios. The caption on the reverse of the card reads: "Strephon is the Arcadian lover, whose dual personality causes much amusement in the course of this charming fairy play. He is the son of Iolanthe, a fairy, and the Lord Chancellor, a mortal. To borrow his own words, his fairyhood is the curse of his existence. "My brain is a fairy brain, but from the waist downwards I am a gibbering idiot".
Date[early 20th century]


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