Title | Assignment by (1) to (2) of a moiety of a piece of ground with two messuages erected upon it, fronting Five Fields Row, bounded on the north by the road, south by Princes Row and east by lands of Lord Grosvenor, measuring on the north, 50 ft, on the east side 101 ft to a break, westward 5 ft 8 ins, southward 3 ft 9 ins, westward at the south end 17 ft 10 ins to a passage leading to Princes Row, then 3 ft 6 ins [northwards] to a break, then westward 4 ft, the [northward] 46 ft, then westward 7 ft, [northward] 2 ft 6 ins, westwards 16 ft then northward to the corner 52 ft, with two messuages built upon it with right of use of a passage 4 ft wide and 24 ft long. Recites previous deeds, 26 Mar 177 -17 Jan 1818, whereby (1) became entitled to a moiety of the property |