Finding Number | Album - WELLER/01 p.10 |
Title | Military parade on Birdcage Walk for the Silver Jubilee |
Description | View looking east along Birdcage Walk towards Great George Street. Crowds line the street to watch the Grenadier Guards process outside the Wellington Barracks. The parade formed part of the celebrations for King George V's Jubilee, 6 May 1935. Photographed by David John Weller, 1911-1972. |
Date | May 1935 |
Thumbnail | 
Access Status | Open |
Show related Persons records.
Code | PersonName | Dates |
DS/UK/1342 | Weller; David John (1911-1972); photographer | 1911-1972 |
NA309 | George V; George Frederick Ernest Albert (1865-1936); King of Great Britain | 1865-1936 |
Code | Set |
NA1773 | Birdcage Walk/St Margaret, Westminster |
NA1774 | Wellington Barracks/St Margaret, Westminster |