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Collapse 0495 - Collection of records of Westminster City Council and the various authorities which it superceded0495 - Collection of records of Westminster City Council and the various authorities which it superceded
Collapse 1 - St George, Hanover Square1 - St George, Hanover Square
Expand 1 - Metropolis Local Management Act1 - Metropolis Local Management Act
Expand 2 - Orders of Local Government Board2 - Orders of Local Government Board
Expand 3 - Street Orders3 - Street Orders
Expand 4 - Letters to the Vestry.4 - Letters to the Vestry.
Collapse 5 - Burial Board.5 - Burial Board.
1 - Plan of St George's burial grounds at Uxbridge Road and Occupation Road, Hanwell, Middlesex, showing consecrated and unconsecrated grounds.
2 - Copy regulations for burial grounds under various acts of parliament
3 - Mortgage by the Burial Board to the Trustees of the Sun Life Assurance Society of the parish poor rate to raise £5000
4 - Draft agreement with the Guardians of the Poor of St George's Union for the burial of poor children from the West London District schools at Ashford.
5 - Bundle of papers relating to the consecration of the burial ground at Hanwell, Middlesex.
6 - Draft memorandum concerning the appointment of William Mitchell as superintendent of Hanwell cemetery.
7 - Draft memorandum concerning the superintendent's occupation of apartments in the new lodge at Hanwell cemetery
8 - Agreement concerning the occupation by William Mitchell of the lodge at Hanwell cemetery.
9 - Agreement between the Burial Board and William Atley re construction of a drain running west from Boston Road between the land of Mrs Trayloc and Lord Jersey.
10 - Agreement between the Burial Board and Joseph Baker re construction of a drain between the south-west corner of the cemetery and Boston Lane.
11 - Grant by Miss Mary Green of a right to make a drain across her property at Hanwell, together with a covenant by the Burial Board.
12 - Grant by William Seward and his mortgages of a right to replace drains laid in 1854 at Hanwell, together with covenants in respect of new and old drains.
13 - Agreement and specifications concerning the building of vaults at Hanwell cemetery.
14 - Contract for making roads and laying out grounds at Hanwell Cemetery.
15 - Agreement concerning fruit trees on land belonging to William Seward nailed to the southern wall of the cemetery at Hanwell.
16 - Contracts for work in connection with a new greenhouse at Hanwell cemetery.
17 - Agreement for a lease to the Burial Board of land and the east face of the eastern wall of the cemetery for the purpose of erecting a greenhouse.
18 - Consent of the Bishop of London to a new scale of burial fees together with a copy of the new scale.
Expand 6 - 1891 Public Health Act6 - 1891 Public Health Act
Expand 7 - Paving Rates of Grosvenor Square7 - Paving Rates of Grosvenor Square
Expand 8 - Railway Bills8 - Railway Bills
Expand 9 - Miscellaneous9 - Miscellaneous
Expand 2 - St. James, Piccadilly2 - St. James, Piccadilly
Expand 3 - St. Margaret and St John, Westminster3 - St. Margaret and St John, Westminster
Expand 4 - St. Martin-in-the-Fields4 - St. Martin-in-the-Fields
Expand 5 - Poor Law Unions5 - Poor Law Unions
Expand 6 - Boards of Works6 - Boards of Works
Expand 7 - City of Westminster7 - City of Westminster
Expand 8 - Miscellaneous Westminster City Council and civil parish records8 - Miscellaneous Westminster City Council and civil parish records

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