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0716 - Papers of Sir James Thomas Knowles, Architect and Editor, 1850-1908, with additional papers, 1909-1920
1 - Diaries of a tour of Italy and Sicilly
2 - Letters from James Thomas Knowles to Henry Gay Hewlett
3 - Notes for speeches, papers and poems
4 - The Metaphysical Society
5 - Correspondence of James T Knowles
1 - Letters from James E. Senior, one addressed from Lavender Hill, Wandsworth, about an article by Major Noel on national defence without a standing army, which is to appear in the Contemporary Review. [National Defence by Major Noel, Jan 1871]
2 - Letter from John Dobree (Bernard) Dalgairns (1818-1876), priest at the Church of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (The Oratory), Brompton Road, and superior, 1863-1865, on printing of his article [On the Theory of the Human Soul, Dec 1870] for the Contemporary Review. With a postscript that he had sent Knowles' letter about Paris to The Tablet
3 - Letter from George Odger (1820-1877), trade unionist, shoemaker, who became secretary to the London Trades Council in 1862, 18 High Street, Bloomsbury, informing Knowles that his proposition for a week's food for the Parisians had been approved unanimously and suggesting subjects for his next article [for the Contemporary Review]
4 - Letter from William George Ward (1812-1882) Roman Catholic theologian and philosopher, editor of the Dublin Review, Old Hall House, Ware, Hertfordshire, about date of next meeting [of the Metaphysical Society] and visit to Freshwater [Tennyson's house on the Isle of Wight]
5 - Letter from S. Englander, Reuter's Telegram Company Ltd, 5 Lothbury, London, asking to be introduced to the editor of the Contemporary Review so that he can submit his history of the insurrection in France for publication
6 - Letter from Lady Emily Pepys, 16 Albert Mansions, Victoria Street [designed by James T. Knowles, 1867-1870] complaining about charges and service. With copy of reply from Knowles, 28 Regency Square, Brighton regretting that he is too busy with his professional duties [as architect for the Stanford estate in Hove] to take up these matters
7 - Copy letter by Knowles from The Hollies, Clapham, to George Douglas Campbell (1823-1900) 8th Duke of Argyll, member of the Metaphysical Society, accepting article for the Contemporary Review [On Hibernicisms in Philosophy, January 1872] and suggesting a petition from influential persons for a grant in aid of the sufferers in Persia
8 - Letter from Cardinal Henry Edward Manning (1808-1892) Archbishop of Westminster, 8 York Place, arranging date [for meeting of Metaphysical Society]) and asking about the printing of his paper [That Legitimate Authority is an Evidence of Truth, presented 14 May 1872]
9 - Copy letter from Knowles addressed from The Hollies and Reform Club (both addresses erased) to Leon Cornudet, Viscounte de Meaux, Deputy of the National Assembly and Leopold de Gaillard, Counsellor of State about publication of their letter from Paris in protest at an article Rome and Spain, based on fragmentary papers of Count de Montalembert and published without the permission of his family in January issue of Contemporary Review
10 - Copy letter from Knowles, 17 Albert Mansions, Victoria Street to Cardinal Henry Edward Manning (1808-1892) about Sir Aubrey de Vere's play Mary Tudor and comparing it to Tennyson's literary drama Queen Mary (1875)
11 - Letter from Dr William Benjamin Carpenter (1813-1895) naturalist, 56 Regent's Park Road, forwarding the manuscript of his 'Challenge' article for publication in XLXth Century, which he promises will not appear in any other form until he brings out his book on the physical geography of the deep sea
12 - Letter from Henry Fawcett, 18 Brookside, Cambridge [statesman (1833-1834), professor of political economy at Cambridge, about finding lodgings in Cambridge for Knowles' son Arthur
13 - Postcard from Edmund Gurney (1847-1888) philosophical writer, 25 Montpelier Square, asking for proof of article Mesmerism II, to be returned to him
14 - Letter from Sir Benjamin Baker (1840-1907), civil engineer, 2 Queen Square place, Westminster about Arthur Knowles' appearance on stage at the theatre of the Institution [of Civil Engineers].
15 - Letter from Joseph Parker (1830-1902) Congregationalist divine, 21 Daleham Gardens, Hampstead sending a paper in the style of an informal interlocation [on Sacerdotalism and Puritanism] and asking for a pseudonym to be used for publication
16 - Letter from Sir William George Armstrong (1810-1900) Baron Armstrong of Cragside, Rothbury, Northumberland agreeing to propose a Royal Commission in the House of Lords [on the Channel Tunnel] but declining to play a prominent part in it. The letter mentions elections to the Northumberland County Council on which he represented. Rothbury, 1889-1892
17 - Letter from C M Craig to Mr Lord [Walter Frewen Lord, journalist, married to Millicent Knowles in 1888] sending copy of book to keep and describing problems of getting it published and also sending copy of 'St Paul's Visitation to the Free Churches' to look at
18 - Letters from Dock Wharf Riverside and General Labourers' Union, Great Assembly Hall, Mile End Road, about article written by Tom Mann, president of the union, on 'The Development of the Labour Movement' Two letters from Tom Mann and one from Benjamin Tillet, general secretary of the union with pencil note of Knowles' reply on back
19 - Letters from Sir Francis Seymour Haden (1818-1910) etcher and surgeon, about article for XIXth Century, two from the Athenaeum Club, Pall Mall and one from Woodcote, Alresford, Hampshire. [The Art of the Painter-Etcher, May 1890]
20 - Letters from Michael Davitt (1846-1906) Fenian, one from Ballybrack, Co. Dublin, recommending article by O'Connor Power, Irish Nationalist M.P. in 1883 Parliament, on the Government Land Purchase Bill for XIXth Century and two brief notes from Arundel Hotel, Victoria Embankment and United Democratic Club, 57 & 58 Chancery Lane, respectively about an article he had written for XIXth Century [Ireland (1) Retiring the Landlord Garrison, May 1890]
21 - Letters from Professor William Knight, two from University of St Andrews and one note from The Royal Society, Burlington House about paper on Women's Education
22 - Letters from Sir George Douglas Campbell, (1823-1900) 8th Duke of Argyll, 3 from Inverary, Argyllshire, one from Argyll Lodge, Kensington, about title and proofs of his articles for XIXth Century. [The Story of a Conspirator I & II, May and Jun 1890]
23 - Correspondence relating to publication of three papers on Actor-Managers in XIXth Century, Jun 1890 by Bram Stoker, Henry Irving and Charles Wyndham
24 - Letter from W Liebknecht, German Social Democrat, Bordorf, Leipzig, apologising for delay in sending in his article and excusing himself on grounds that he was interrupted by political duties
25 - Letters from Maurice, son of Henry Gay Hewlett and nephew of Knowles, from 53 Colville Gardens, one asking to be allowed to write a notice of a French book of medieval moral anecdotes of a Franciscan friar and one enclosing a paper and expressing his doubts about it. [A Medieval Popular Preacher, Sep 1890]
26 - Letter from Clementina Black, 18 Chenies Street Chambers giving address of Mrs. Briant as Knowles wished to see her during her visit to London
27 - Letters from William Samuel Lilly, barrister (d.1919) 27 Michael's Grove, one on Athenaeum Club paper, about corrections to proofs of his article. [An Atheist's Pupil, Jun 1890]
28 - Letter from F.H. Stanton, Oswestry House, Eastbourne asking for confirmation that his article "The Needs of the Church - a new idea" had arrived and enclosing an envelope for the return of the manuscript if it is not to be published
29 - Letters from Augustus Jessopp, school-master and historical writer and rector of Scarning, Norfolk sending a notice of a book [Life and letters of the Rev. Adam Sedgwick, Aug 1890] and also of the Dictionary of National Biography [Dec 1890] for inclusion in XIXth Century
30 - Letters from Hon. Emily Lawless, 2 from 8 Prince of Wales Terrace, Kensington, one from 66 Eaton Terrace, about proofs of her article [How Art Kavanagh fought Richard the King, Sep 1890]
31 - Letter from Mary Benson, Addington Park, Croydon about her daughters views on Mrs Frances Darwin's article on Domestic Service [Aug 1890] and asking Knowles to look at her article in reply. [In Defence of Domestic Service, Oct 1890]
32 - Letter from Bishop of Carlisle, Rose Castle, Carlisle about proofs of his reply to Professor George Romanes' article in May issue of XIXth Century, (Darwin's latest critics). [Bees and Darwinism, Oct 1890]
33 - Letter from Sir Courtney Peregrine Ilbert, (1841-1924), parliamentary draughtsman, Office of the Parliamentary Counsel, 3 Whitehall Gardens, about his request that his article should appear in June issue of XIXth Century. [The Society of Comparative Legislation, Jul 1895]
34 - Letter from Robert Bright Marston, editor of the Fishing Gazette (d.1927) 160 West 86th Street, [New York] with thoughts on the Fashoda question marked 'private, not for publication'
35 - Letters from Garnet Joseph, Viscount Wolseley (1833-1913) field marshal
36 - Letters from Sir Henry Drummond Wolff, (1830-1908) politician and diplomatist mostly from 28 Cadogan Place
37 - Letters from Dr. Henry Charlton Bastian, physician, 8A Manchester Square (one on Athenaeum paper) offering to give up any other publication of his article in the U.S.A. if Knowles is prepared to accept it without cuts, and acknowledging return of paper
38 - Letters and telegrams from John Laidley Bashford (d 1908) author and journalist, 3 Behren Strasse, Berlin
39 - Letters from Katherine Bathurst, mostly from Dromenagh, Freshwater Bay, Isle of Wight and 17 Merton Street, Oxford on various articles published in XIXth Century and After on provision of national nurseries, physique of girls and education
40 - letters from Captain J. Basevi, United Services Club, Pall Mall, about reply 'The Stage from the Stalls' to Gertrude Kingston's article 'The Public As Seen from the Stage' in XIXth Century and After. [Apr 1905]
41 - Card [from Rev. C.G.H. Baskcomb], Devises about article 'The National Church - its adaptation to different epochs' which he wished to have published. (not published in XIXth Century and After, 1905)
42 - Letters from Stringer Bateman
43 - Letter from George Bateman, the Press Club, 7 Wine Office Court, enclosing statement of aims of the Knowledge Organisation Bureau for the problem of unemployment
44 - Letters to Knowles and William Wray Skilbeck, from Edward James Stephen Dicey (1832-1911) author and journalist about articles in XIXth Century and After on Egypt, including replies to articles by Lord Cromer and Sir Auckland Colvin. With letter from A.V. Dicey, All Souls' College, Oxford, sending article by Caroline E. Stephens on Women's Suffrage. [The Representation of Women. A Consultative Chamber for Women, Dec 1908]
45 - Letters from Aubrey Trevor Battye, Chilbolton, Hampshire, on articles for XIXth Century and After
46 - Letters to Knowles and Skilbeck from Prince Peter Kropotkin, Russian geographer, writer and anarchist about articles on Russian revolution, and also from his wife Sophie, including letter of sympathy to Lady Knowles after death of James Knowles
47 - Letters from Mary Drew, third daughter of William Ewart Gladstone (1809-1898), statesman, and wife of Rev. Harry Drew, mostly from Hawarden Rectory, Chester about articles on St Deniol's Library and Women's Suffrage
48 - Letters to Knowles and Skilbeck from William Archer (1856-1924) critic and journalist, Langley Rise, King's Langley, Hertfordshire about article on Ibsen's Imperialism'
49 - Letter from E F Batty, 1 Prior Park Villas, Bath, asking for space for a short article, to the Editor of XIXth Century
50 - Letters from Frederic Harrison (1831-1923), author and positivist to William Wray Skilbeck, (married Beatrice Knowles in 1894, secretary to James Knowles and editor of XIXth Century after death of Knowles.)
51 - Letter from Sir William James Erasmus Wilson (1809-1884), surgeon, 17 Henrietta Street, Cavendish Square, to the Misses Knowles (daughters of James Knowles) thanking them for presents sent on his 70th birthday. (found with 716/126)
6 - Letters from the Royal Family
7 - Papers relating to the Paris Food Fund
8 - General papers relating to the journal "XIXth Century"
9 - Photographs and papers relating to the knighthood and death of Sir James Thomas Knowles
10 - Other material
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