Hierarchy Browser

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Collapse 1272 - Harrison and Sons Ltd (formerly James Harrison and Son c1820, then Thomas Richard Harrison and Co until c1848, then Thomas Richard Harrison and Sons until 1862), printers, chiefly St Martin's Lane1272 - Harrison and Sons Ltd (formerly James Harrison and Son c1820, then Thomas Richard Harrison and Co until c1848, then Thomas Richard Harrison and Sons until 1862), printers, chiefly St Martin's Lane
Expand 1 - Corporate records1 - Corporate records
Expand 2 - Accounting records2 - Accounting records
Expand 3 - Production records3 - Production records
Collapse 4 - Printing orders4 - Printing orders
Expand 1 - The London Gazette1 - The London Gazette
Expand 2 - Stamps2 - Stamps
Collapse 3 - Other government orders3 - Other government orders
1 - Cypher "T" with decypher
2 - Cypher "X" with decypher, and supplement in 1862
3 - Extracts from minutes of Parliamentary Committees relating to Foreign Office printing expenses, 1848, 1853, 1873
4 - Correspondence with Comptroller of HMSO and the Treasury concerning Harrisons' charges for government printing
5 - Correspondence with Board of Trade
6 - Draft agreements for printing the Foreign Office List
7 - Letter from Lord Chamberlain's office
8 - File entitled "Plant & c"
9 - Letter from Harrisons to War Office
10 - Statement of accounts of printing Foreign Office List
11 - File relating to printing for the War Office
12 - Letter from Earl of Kimberly to Thomas Harrison
13 - Letter from HMSO to James Harrison
14 - Letter concerning printing arrangements at the Admiralty in 1855
15 - Letter from the Treasury
16 - Copy of agreement for War Office printing
17 - Memoranda relating to Foreign Office Press
18 - Extract from Treasury letter
19 - File relating to printing of the Colonial Office List
20 - Correspondence with Eyre and Spottiswoode
21 - Letter of appreciation from the Foreign Office to Harrisons for their work as government printers
22 - Cutting from The Westminster Gazette relating to the assurance of Secrecy at the Foreign Office Press
23 - Memorandum and letter form Harrisons concerning Eyre and Spottiswoode's tender for printing the India Office List
24 - Letter from the India Office concerning the map to be included in the India Office List
25 - Memorandum to Cecil R Harrison informing him of Lord Salisbury's approbation of a gratuity to the staff at the Foreign Office Press for printing the Venezuela papers
26 - Letter from the Foreign Office enquiring about the date of delivery of the Algiers report
27 - Letter from the Foreign Office granting James William Harrison permission to succeed his brother, Thomas, as Foreign Office printer
28 - Correspondence with the Foreign Office
29 - Weekly figures [of government printing], and letters relating to stocks of type and paper at Foreign Office Press
30 - Agreement for printing the War Office List
31 - Calculations of commission to staff at the Foreign Office Press
Expand 4 - Other official and private orders4 - Other official and private orders
Expand 5 - Business correspondence5 - Business correspondence
Expand 6 - Staff records6 - Staff records
Expand 7 - Legal records7 - Legal records
Expand 8 - Subsidiary companies8 - Subsidiary companies
Expand 9 - Property records9 - Property records
Expand 10 - Family records10 - Family records
Expand 11 - Other material11 - Other material