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Collapse 1475 - Bechstein Hall/Wigmore Hall, 32-40 Wigmore Street1475 - Bechstein Hall/Wigmore Hall, 32-40 Wigmore Street
1 - Annual accounts and associated correspondence
2 - Wigmore Hall account book of the Arts Council of Great Britain with Messrs Coutts & Co, 16 Cavendish Square
3 - Bechstein Hall ledger, No 2 (indexed), 1 Jan 1906-21 July 1909 and agents' ledger, 1 Jan 1906-31 Jan 1938
4 - Bechstein Hall ledger, No 3 (indexed)
5 - Wigmore Hall ledger, No 1 (indexed)
6 - Wigmore Hall ledger, No 2 (indexed)
7 - Wigmore Hall ledger, No 3 (indexed)
8 - Wigmore Hall ledger, [No 4] (indexed)
9 - Wigmore Hall ledger, No 5 (indexed)
10 - Wigmore Hall ledger (indexed)
11 - Wigmore Hall ledger (indexed)
12 - Bechstein Hall, advance booking ledger, No 7, 17 Jun 1913-23 Jun 1917 and Wigmore Hall ledger of sales, 1 Oct 1958-29 Dec 1960
13 - Agent's ledger (indexed)
14 - Cloaks accounts
15 - Cloaks accounts
16 - Cloaks accounts
17 - Bechstein Hall till account book, No 5
18 - Wigmore Hall till account book, No 12a
19 - Wigmore Hall cash book, No 2
20 - Wigmore Hall cash book
21 - Day book
22 - Diary
23 - Diary
24 - Diary
25 - Diary
26 - Diary
27 - Diary
28 - Diary
29 - Diary
30 - Diary
31 - Diary
32 - Diary
33 - Diary
34 - Diary
35 - Diary
36 - Diary
37 - Diary
38 - Diary
39 - Diary
40 - Diary
41 - Diary
42 - Diary
43 - Bechstein Hall letter book No 18, letters sent (indexed)
44 - Bechstein Hall letter book No 19, letters sent (indexed)
45 - Bechstein Hall letter book No 20, letters sent (indexed)
46 - Bechstein/Wigmore Hall letter book No 21, letters sent (indexed)
47 - Wigmore Hall letter book No 22, letters sent (indexed)
48 - Wigmore Hall letter book No 23, letters sent (indexed)
49 - Wigmore Hall letter book, account 1, letters sent (indexed)
50 - Wigmore Hall letter book, account 2, letters sent (indexed)
51 - Copy of a letter from C Bechstein, Pianoforte Manufacturer, Bechstein Hall, 32-40 Wigmore Street to H Marshall and Sons,Cross Cheaping, Coventry, concerning the firm's situation following the outbreak of war with Germany
52 - Correspondence file (largely of H T C Bicknell, Manager, Stuart Wilson and John Denison, Music Directors, and Mona C Tatham, Assistant Music Director) concerning accounts, fabric and fixtures, lettings and including some programmes of concerts
53 - Correspondence file (largely of H T C Bicknell, Manager, Stuart Wilson and John Denison, Music Directors, and Mona C Tatham, Assistant Music Director) concerning accounts, fabric and fixtures, lettings and including some programmes of concerts
54 - Correspondence file (largely of H T C Bicknell, Manager, John Denison, Music Director, and Mona C Tatham, Assistant Music Director) concerning accounts, fixtures, lettings and including details of the inaugural concert on 31 May 1901 and an inventory of 14 May 1949
55 - Correspondence file (largely of H T C Bicknell, Manager, John Denison, Music Director, and Mona C Tatham, Assistant Music Director) concerning fixtures, lettings and including a copy of the covenants and conditions of the lease dated 29 Jan 1926 made between Debenhams Limited and the Wigmore Hall and Piano Galleries Limited
56 - Correspondence file (largely of H T C Bicknell, Manager, John Denison, Music Director, and Mona C Tatham, Assistant Music Director) concerning fixtures and lettings
57 - Correspondence file concerning Mr George Read, employed as a commissionaire
58 - Index of names from an unknown volume
59 - List of fixtures for the month of June, giving the date, name of the artist and the prformance to be given
60 - Copy of 75th Anniversary Concert Season, including a history of the Hall
61 - Two photocopies of a C Bechstein delivery cart standing outside the Bechstein Hall and a poster advertising Bosendorfer Pianos

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