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Collapse DJon - Colonel Leslie Grove JonesDJon - Colonel Leslie Grove Jones
Collapse M:Acc0248 - Colonel Leslie Grove Jones, correspondenceM:Acc0248 - Colonel Leslie Grove Jones, correspondence
1 - Letter from Colonel Leslie Grove Jones (signed Radical) to Leicester stanhope concerning objections to his emarks about the late Earl of Clare in his letters
2 - Letter from Scott Portand to Colonel Leslie Grove Jones concerning his public support for plans of reform
3 - Letter from Lord Frederick FitzClarence to Colonel Leslie Grove Jones about the letters published in The Times
4 - Letter from William Hutt to Colonel Leslie Grove Jones accepting an apology
5 - Letter from John Fothwich to Colonel Leslie Grove Jones concerning a seat in Parliament
6 - Letter from [H L] Wickham to Colonel Leslie Grove Jones requesting him to call on Lord Althorp
7 - Letter from George Kinloch to Colonel Leslie Grove Jones concerning the reform movement in Scotland
8 - Letter from Lord Frederick FitzClarence to Colonel Leslie Grove Jones
9 - Letter from William Fielding to Colonel Leslie Grove Jones, including an invitation to a meeting at Islington and the draft of a reply
10 - Letter from J W Hodgett to Colonel Leslie Grove Jones, concerning a forthcoming election
11 - Letter from J Kipling to Colonel Leslie Grove Jones, thanking him for securing his promotion
12 - Letter from Colonel Leslie Grove Jones to Lord Wharncliffe, requesting an interview to discuss the Reform Bill
13 - Draft of a letter from Colonel Leslie Grove Jones to Lord Brougham providing a testimonial for Mr Mackenzie and other matters
14 - Letter from S Hart to Colonel Leslie Grove Jones, enclosing a letter for criticism. On the back begins the draft of a letter from Jones to Lord Grey concerning the rejection of the Reform Bill by the peers and its consequences
15 - Continuation of the draft of a letter from Colonel Leslie Grove Jones to Lord Grey concerning the rejection of the Reform Bill by the peers and its consequences
16 - Letter from E G Wakefield to Colonel Leslie Grove Jones asking him to apologise to the Dowager Countess of Strathmore for one of his printed letters, with a draft of Jones' letter to the Countess
17 - Letter from Colonel Leslie Grove Jones to Lord Durham welcoming him home from overseas
18 - Letter Colonel Leslie Grove Jones to the electors of the Borough of St Marylebone and a printed copy of a letter to a member of his committee
19 - Letter from Francis Place to Colonel Leslie Grove Jones concerning the reform dinner
20 - Letter addressed to Master Bruin and signed R B
21 - Letter from Lord Frederick FitzClarence to Colonel Leslie Grove Jones making an appointment
22 - Letter from Mr Hutt to Colonel Leslie Grove Jones and a draft letter of apology
23 - Draft of a letter from Colonel Leslie Grove Jones to Lord Durham concerning his letter in The Times signed Philo-Radical
24 - Letter from Lord Radnor to Colonel Leslie Grove Jones concerning a public dinner
25 - Letter from D [...] to Colonel Leslie Grove Jones concerning petitions to both Houses of Parliament and letters of thanks to the King
26 - Draft of a letter from Colonel Leslie Grove Jones to Lord Lansdowne on the political situation
27 - Letter from Leicester Stanhope to Colonel Leslie Grove Jones stating that "Radical should continue his war with rigour ut at the same time due caution"
28 - Postscript of a letter, probably to Colonel Leslie Grove Jones
29 - Part of a draft of a letter from Colonel Leslie Grove Jones
30 - Part of a draft of a letter from Colonel Leslie Grove Jones
31 - Part of a draft of a letter from Colonel Leslie Grove Jones
32 - Part of a draft of a letter from Colonel Leslie Grove Jones
33 - Part of a draft of a letter from Colonel Leslie Grove Jones
34 - List of books recently published bt Kene and Donaldson of Edinburgh
35 - Letter cover addressed to Part of a draft of a letter from Colonel Leslie Grove Jones
Expand M:Acc0249 - Colonel Leslie Grove Jones, letter bookM:Acc0249 - Colonel Leslie Grove Jones, letter book

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