Hierarchy Browser

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Collapse GCH - Grey Coat Hospital (Grey Coat School), including St Michael's Schools, PimlicoGCH - Grey Coat Hospital (Grey Coat School), including St Michael's Schools, Pimlico
Collapse 1648 - Grey Coat Hospital (Grey Coat School) 1648 - Grey Coat Hospital (Grey Coat School)
Expand 1 - Governing Body1 - Governing Body
Collapse 2 - Financial records2 - Financial records
Collapse 1 - Account books1 - Account books
1 - Account book being " the accompts of the free school in the sanctuary in Westminster" Details of income and expenditure, including payments to tradesmen, bills and wages; lists of benefactors and subscribers
2 - Fair copy of account book, unsigned
3 - Treasurer's account book
4 - Treasurer's account book
5 - Treasurer's account book
6 - Treasurer's account book
7 - Treasurer's account book
8 - Treasurer's account book
9 - Treasurer's account book
10 - Treasurer's account book
11 - Treasurer's account book
12 - Treasurer's account book
13 - Treasurer's account book
14 - Treasurer's account book
15 - Treasurer's account book
16 - Treasurer's account book
17 - Treasurer's account book
18 - Treasurer's account book
19 - Treasurer's account book
20 - Treasurer's account book
21 - Treasurer's account book
22 - Treasurer's account book
23 - Treasurer's account book
24 - Treasurer's account book
25 - Treasurer's account book
26 - Treasurer's account book
27 - Treasurer's account book
28 - Treasurer's account book
29 - Treasurer's account book
30 - Treasurer's account book
31 - Treasurer's account book
32 - Treasurer's account book
33 - Treasurer's account book
34 - Treasurer's account book
35 - Treasurer's account book
36 - Treasurer's account book
37 - Treasurer's account book
38 - Treasurer's account book
39 - Treasurer's account book
40 - Treasurer's account book
41 - Treasurer's account book
42 - Treasurer's account book
43 - Treasurer's rough account book: 'Waste book'
44 - Treasurer's rough balance sheet
45 - Treasurer's rough account book: 'Waste book'
46 - Treasurer's rough account
47 - Treasurer's rough account
48 - Treasurer's rough account
Expand 2 - Ledgers2 - Ledgers
Expand 3 - Daybooks: deliveries3 - Daybooks: deliveries
Expand 4 - Daybooks: payments4 - Daybooks: payments
Expand 5 - Receipt books5 - Receipt books
Expand 6 - Cash books6 - Cash books
Expand 7 - Journals7 - Journals
Expand 8 - Annual Accounts and Balance Sheets8 - Annual Accounts and Balance Sheets
Expand 9 - Averages,Summaries and Estimates, [1789]-1823,1889-19099 - Averages,Summaries and Estimates, [1789]-1823,1889-1909
Expand 10 - Miscellaneous Books of Account10 - Miscellaneous Books of Account
Expand 11 - Receipts, Bills, Delivery Notes and Related Papers 11 - Receipts, Bills, Delivery Notes and Related Papers
Expand 12 - Bequests12 - Bequests
Expand 3 - Property records3 - Property records
Expand 4 - Clerk and Receiver4 - Clerk and Receiver
Expand 5 - School records5 - School records
Expand 6 - Miscellaneous6 - Miscellaneous
Expand 1649 - St Michael's Schools, Pimlico1649 - St Michael's Schools, Pimlico
1773 - Old Greys' Association (Grey Coat Hospital)
Expand 2393 - St Michael's Schools, Pimlico, weekly attendance registers2393 - St Michael's Schools, Pimlico, weekly attendance registers
2451 - Ministry of Education Report of H M Inspectors inspection of Grey Coat Hospital School, Westminster conducted on 23-26 Jan 1951
Expand 2591 - Grey Coat Hospital (Grey Coat School)2591 - Grey Coat Hospital (Grey Coat School)
Expand 2592 - St Michael's Schools, Pimlico2592 - St Michael's Schools, Pimlico
Expand 2668 - Grey Coat Hospital (Grey Coat School)2668 - Grey Coat Hospital (Grey Coat School)
Expand 2703 - Old Greys' Association2703 - Old Greys' Association
Expand 2828 - Old Greys' Association and Grey Coat Hospital 2828 - Old Greys' Association and Grey Coat Hospital
Expand 2955 - Grey Coat Hospital School2955 - Grey Coat Hospital School
Expand 2977 - Grey Coat Hospital and Old Greys' Association2977 - Grey Coat Hospital and Old Greys' Association
2978 - Grey Coat Hospital Photographs
Expand 3023 - Grey Coat Hospital School magazines and book3023 - Grey Coat Hospital School magazines and book
3108 - Grey Coat Hospital Old Greys Association (OGA)

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