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Collapse M:Acc0612 - Paddington letters and papersM:Acc0612 - Paddington letters and papers
Expand 1 - Letters of Benjamin Robert Haydon (1786-1846), historical painter1 - Letters of Benjamin Robert Haydon (1786-1846), historical painter
2 - Bill for vegetable seeds, supplied 1825-1826, by Andrew Henderson, at [1] Pineapple Place, Maida Vale, to Wykeham Martin, Leeds Castle, Maidstone, Kent, with a letter requesting prompt payment to defray the cost of repairs to his greenhouses, damaged in recent hailstorms
3 - Letter from John Singleton Copley, first Baron Lyndhurst (1772-1863), at [6] Hyde Park Terrace, Paddington, to Montagu [Basil Montagu, 1770-1831, legal writer], thanking him for his letter anf=d gift
Expand 4 - Letters from John Linnell (1792-1882), portrait and landscape painter4 - Letters from John Linnell (1792-1882), portrait and landscape painter
Expand 5 - Letters from Isambard Kingdom Brunel (1806-1859), civil engineer5 - Letters from Isambard Kingdom Brunel (1806-1859), civil engineer
6 - Letter from Elizabeth Fry (1780-1845), prison reformer, in Jersey, to Catherine Steers, a Quaker friend at 15 Chancery Lane, London, about placing a four year old boy in an asylum in Bayswater
7 - Letter from John Finch, solicitor, at 26 Tokenhouse Yard, London, to Alfred Hunter, 7 Conduit Street, Paddington, requesting a copy of the lease for 39 Star stret, Paddington, in order to prepare an assignment to George Spring
8 - Letter from Waterhouse Hawkins, painter and exhibitor at the Royal Academy, 1833-1840, at 2 Cambridge Square, Paddington, to Mr Brandon, returning a paper on William Shakespeare and mentioning a meeting of the Friends of Poland, where Hawkins would be exhibiting his painting titled Prince Sangrusko and Dog, 2 May [18]41
9 - Letter from Henry Jutsum (1816-1869), landscape painter, at 174 Edgware Road, Maida Hill, to Mr Smith in Kent, explaining that he had moved to this address from [9] Princes Street, Cavendish Square, St Marylebone and describing the house and how to reach it
10 - Letter from Thornton Leigh Hunt (1810-1873), journalist and writer, Bayswater, to Rev Robert Vaughan (1795-1868), congregational divine, discusing a book on colonisation and the possibility of writing pieces on communion, John Stuart Mill, or French politicians, 24 Feb [1849]
11 - Letter from William Martins, [3] Hyde Park Gardens (where he was resident from 1842 to 1874), inviting Sir Henry and Lady Dillon [Sir William Henry Dillon 1779-1857, admiral], to a dinner party with the Prince of Surat, nd, 16 Mar [1850]
Expand 12 - Letters from Thomas Miles Richardson, junior, (1813-1890), landscape painter12 - Letters from Thomas Miles Richardson, junior, (1813-1890), landscape painter
13 - Letter from Garrard, solicitor, 31 Hyde Park Gardens, Paddington, of Farrard and Jones, 13 Suffolk Street, Pall Mall, to John and James Leighton, booksellers and book binders , 40 Brewer Street, London, discussing the binding of a copy of Finden
14 - Letters written from 24 Maida Hill West, to Lady Dillon and Admiral Sir [William] Henry Dillon (1779-1857), including arrangements for transport to the Mansion House, for the Lord Mayor's party
15 - Letter from Henry [Nelson] O'Neil (1817-1880), historical painter, at 6 Garway Road, Bayswater, arranging for a client to see a picture and to receive one from his brother in Glasgow, 3 Jan 1854-1859
16 - Letter from Sir James Stephen (1789-1859), Colonial Under-Secretary 1836-1847, at 29 Westbourne Terrace, Paddington, to Sir James Cosmo Melvill (1792-1861), Chief Secreatry to the East India Company, sending a letter from Doctor Vaughan of Manchester, concerning problems in the Esat India Company's education system in India
Expand 17 - Letters from Sir James Scott (1790-1872), admiral, to the editor of the Naval and Military Gazette17 - Letters from Sir James Scott (1790-1872), admiral, to the editor of the Naval and Military Gazette
18 - Letter from Sir John Taylor Coleridge (1790-1876), judge, at 6 Southwick Crescent, Paddington, concerning the inclusion of his name on a petition for [John Abraham] Heraud (1799-1887), author, critic and poet and mentioning the omission in the petition of reference to one of Heraud's poems titled, The Legend of St Loy, 1821
19 - Letter from John Doyle (1797-1868), portrait painter and caricaturist, at 17 Cambridge Terrace, Hyde Park, Paddington, to C H La Fouche, requesting further details about a fishing trip to the Isle of Lewes, which Mr Bainbridge had described to him at a dinner party for St Patrick's Day given by Mr La Fouche
20 - Letter from George Kmety (1810-1865), Hungarian revolutionary, at 20 Chepstow Place, Paddington, to Captain Hamilton
Expand 21 - Letters and a small portriat photograph of Sir John Fox Burgoyne (1782-1871), engineer and Field Marshall21 - Letters and a small portriat photograph of Sir John Fox Burgoyne (1782-1871), engineer and Field Marshall
22 - Letter from Alexander Dyce (1798-1869), Elizabethan scholar who bequeathed his library to the Victoria and Albert Museum, at 33 Oxford Terrace, Hyde Park, to Robertson [James Craigie Robertson, 1813-1882, Canon of Canterbury and church historian], about arrangements to meet for dinner with friends, Macpherson and Leathes [Stanley Leathes, 1830-1900, hebraist, Professor of Hebrew at King's College, Cambridge]
23 - Letter from Frederick Walker (1840-1875), painter and book illustrator, at 3 St petersburgh Place, Bayswater, to S J Whiteford, enclosing some rough sketches for selection
Expand 24 - Letters from Sir John Duke Coleridge (1820-1894), 1st Baron Coleridge, Lord Chief Justice24 - Letters from Sir John Duke Coleridge (1820-1894), 1st Baron Coleridge, Lord Chief Justice
25 - Letters from Joseph Moses Levy (1812-1888), founder of the Daily Telegraph in 1855, at 103 Lancaster Gate, Paddington, to Henry Neville (1837-1910), actor and lessee of the Olympic Theatre, 1873-1879, about arrangements to hear a new play and a dinner appointment, nd [1867-1880]
26 - Letter from Herbert Spencer (1820-1903), author and scientist, at 37 Queen's Gardens, Bayswater, to Doctor Sharpey [William Sharpey, 1802-1880, Professor of anatomy and physiology at University College London, 1863-1874], offering an invalid bed for University College Hospital, with newspaper cuttings, Who's Who entry and a portrait
27 - Letter from Henry Brinsley Sheridan, barrister and Member of Parliament for Dudley, Worcestershire, 1857-1886, at 17 Westbourne Terrace, Hyde Park, to Wentworth Sturgeon, barrister, requiring assurances about a committee he had been asked to support
Expand 28 - Letters from Desmond L Ryan [journalist], to Wentworth Sturgeon, barrister28 - Letters from Desmond L Ryan [journalist], to Wentworth Sturgeon, barrister
Expand 29 - Letters from Samuel Sturgis [solicitor], to Colonel Falconnar 29 - Letters from Samuel Sturgis [solicitor], to Colonel Falconnar
30 - Letter from Edmund Yates (1831-1894), novelist and founder of the publication titled, The World, at Lancaster Lodge, Lancaster Gate, to [Frederic] Chapman [1823-1895, publisher], about arrangements for publishing his work in America, titles Wrecked in Port, 1869 and Dr Wainwright's Patient, 1871
31 - Note from Sir William Sterndale Bennett (1816-1875), musical composer, at 18 Porchester Terrace, Kensington Gardens, to Viscount Sydney, Lord Chamberlain (John Robert Townshend, 1805-1890), accepting an invitation to an audience with Queen Victoria
Expand 32 - Letters from Emily Faithfull (1835-1895), publisher and feminist, founder of women's printing office32 - Letters from Emily Faithfull (1835-1895), publisher and feminist, founder of women's printing office
33 - Letter from Richard Doyle, artist and caricaturist, contributor to Punch, son of John Doyle, portrait painter and caricaturist, 54 Clifton Gradens, Paddington, accepting an invitation to dinner, nd, 2 Jul [1872]
34 - Letter from Nicholas Chevalier (1828-1902), landscape and historical painter and engraver, 5 Porchester Terrace, Hyde Park, to William Tinsley (1831-1902), publisher, requesting payment for illustrations of London's Reach
35 - Letter from Monsieur Perriere, Stranraer House, Maida Vale, Paddington, to a ballroom dancing instructor, excusinh himself from further lessons with a postscript sending a Russian quadrille for the band, 9 Feb [18]74
36 - Letter from Archibald Forbes (1838-1900), war correspondent and military biographer, at 34 Lanark Villas, Maida Hill, with thanks for a letter and enclosures received on his return to England from [Afghanistan]
Expand 37 - Letters from John Wilbye Cooper, tenor37 - Letters from John Wilbye Cooper, tenor
38 - Letter from Mrs Emma Phipson, 14 Connaught Square, Hyde Park, to Mr Hooper, thanking him for the copy of The radical and sending the prospectus of a society recently started and inviting him to its next meeting, with four tickets for meetings of the Zetetical Society, 36 Great Quen Street, Holborn
39 - Letters from Caroline H Lysaght, 33 Westbourne terrace, Hyde Park, replying on behalf of her brother in law [James whitwell Torre] to an enquirer asking for genealogical details of the Torre family
Expand 40 - Letters from John Cordy Jeffreson, barrister, author and architect (1831-1901) from 24 Carlton Road, Maida Hill40 - Letters from John Cordy Jeffreson, barrister, author and architect (1831-1901) from 24 Carlton Road, Maida Hill
Expand 41 - Letters from Frederic Harrison (1831-1923), author and positivist41 - Letters from Frederic Harrison (1831-1923), author and positivist
Expand 42 - Letters from John Percy (1817-1889), metallurgist, to John Cordy Jeaffreson (1831-1901), author and archivist42 - Letters from John Percy (1817-1889), metallurgist, to John Cordy Jeaffreson (1831-1901), author and archivist
43 - Letter from John Miller Strachan, Bishop of Rangoon from 1882 to 1903, at 6 Chilworth Street, Paddington, to Canon Allen Page Muir, Vicar of St Clement's, Truro, Cornwall from 1877 to 1900, thanking him for his congratulations on his appointment as Bishop
44 - Letter from Reginald Brebeson, 12th Earl of Meath (1841-1929), diplomat and philanthropist, at 83 Lancaster Gate, Paddington, to Miss Medhurst, agreeing to deliver a parcel for her, 7 Feb [1882-1887]
45 - Letter from Sir Warrington Wilkinson Smyth (1817-1890), mineralogist and geologist, lecturer in mining at the Royal School of Mins and President of the Royal Geological Society of Cornwall, at 5 Inverness Terrace, Paddington, to Dr Barham [of Falmouth Polytechnic, Cornwall] about the amalgamation of the Mining Institution and the Miners Association
46 - Letter from Edmund Gosse (1849-1928) poet and man of letters, to John Cordy Jeaffreson (1831-1901), barrister, archivist and author, thanking him for his help with research for a book and promising to send him a copy when published. Letter addressed from Cowley House, Broadway, Worcestershire, with printed heading of 29 Delamere Terrace, Westbourne Square, crossed through
47 - Letter from Marcus H Spielmann (art editor of the Pall Mall Gazette), 16 Porchester Terrace, Paddington, to John Fulleylove (1847-1908), landscape painter and member of the Royal Institute of Painters in Watercolours, concerning the route of the Lord Mayor's Show and a notice in the Pall Mall Gazette about Fulleylove's exhibition
Expand 48 - Letters from Henry Leech, entomologist, to Professor Herbert Druce48 - Letters from Henry Leech, entomologist, to Professor Herbert Druce
49 - Letter from Annie French Hector (1825-1902), novelist, under the pseudynom Mrts alexander, wife of Alexander Hector, explorer (who died in 1875), rom 54 Portsdown Road, Maida Vale, ansewering a reader's request for an autograph
50 - Letter from Robert Browning (1812-1889), poet, at 19 Warwick Crescent, Paddington, accepting an invitation to dinner
Expand 51 - Letters from Charles Prosper Sainton (1861-1914), painter, son of Frederick Sainton (1813-1890), violinist and Charlotte Sainton Dolby (1821-18850, contralto singer, to Mrs Alder, wife of Henry Brooke Alder, 17 Harrington Gardens, Kensington51 - Letters from Charles Prosper Sainton (1861-1914), painter, son of Frederick Sainton (1813-1890), violinist and Charlotte Sainton Dolby (1821-18850, contralto singer, to Mrs Alder, wife of Henry Brooke Alder, 17 Harrington Gardens, Kensington
52 - Letter from John Waller, dealer in autographs, 2 Artesian Road, Paddington, [to Canon Allen Page Moor, vicar of St Clement's, Truro, Cornwall] thanking him for payment for two autograph letters and discussing other acquisitions
53 - Letter from Hugh Owen FSA, 12 Porteus Road, Paddington, to Cunnington and sons, ordering claret
54 - Letter from Sir John Miller Aldye (1819-1900), General, at 12 Tavistock Road, Westbourne Park, Paddington, enclosing a ticket for the exhibition of the South London Society
Expand 55 - Letter from Sir Edmund Widdrington Byrne (1844-1904), barrister and judge, at 33 Lancaster Gate, Paddington, to Burney [Charles Burney, 1840-1912, barrister], thanking him for a book, mentioning his "Tooting friends" (Burney lived on Wandsworth Common) and the birth of his child55 - Letter from Sir Edmund Widdrington Byrne (1844-1904), barrister and judge, at 33 Lancaster Gate, Paddington, to Burney [Charles Burney, 1840-1912, barrister], thanking him for a book, mentioning his "Tooting friends" (Burney lived on Wandsworth Common) and the birth of his child
56 - Letter from Lady Wilma Maria Francesca Halle (formerly Norman-Neruda), (1839-1911), violinist and wife of Sir Charls Halle (1819-1895), pianist and conductor, at 20 Linden Gardens, Paddington, sending Miss Crafts the address of her sister in Austria, nd, [1889-1892]
57 - Letter from George Lathon Browne, author and biographer, at 16 Westbourne Park Villas, Paddington, to John Cordy Jeaffreson (1831-1901), barrister, archivist and author, 24 Carlton Road, Maida Vale, discussing books about Admiral Horatio Nelson
58 - Letter from Sir Ernest Albert Waterlow (1890-1919), landscape painter, at 3 St Petersburgh Place, Bayswater, to Mrs Lewis, accepting an invitation to meet Stanley {Henry Morton Stanley, explorer], at Stafford House, St James
59 - Letter from Cornelia A H Crosse, 32 Delamere Terrace, Westbourne Square, to Mrs Alec Tweedie, Traveller and writer (who died 15 Apr 1940), congratulating her on a piece about Norway and mentioning some articles of her own on Temple Bar and Michael Faraday (1761-1867). She also mentions her neighbour Mrs Gosse [wife of Edmund William Gosse (1849-1928, poet and man of letters, who lived at 29 Delamere Terrace], meeting Mrs Tweedie
60 - Note from Sir George Thomkyns Chesney (1830-1895), General and author, at 27 Inverness Terrace, Hyde Park, Paddington, acknowledging receipt of a parcel of photographs
61 - Letter from G Colmache, 26 Fulham Place, Harow Road, Paddington, to Mrs [Aylmer} Gowing, poet, congratulating her on poems she had written, with suggestions for a series on female heronies displaying different virtues, 17 Dec [1890s]
62 - Letter from Sir James, Baron Hannen (1821-1894), judge, at 49 Lancaster Gate, Bayswater, Paddington, to Lady Gooch, thanking her for sending him a copy of the Diaries of Sir D[avid] Gooch (1816-1889), railway poineer and inventor
63 - Letter from Miss S J Prideaux, at 37 Norfolk Square, Hyde Park, to [James and Walter James] Leighton, bookbinders and booksellers [40 Brewer Street], asking if thet would sell her a catalogue of the Books of J T Payne {Joseph T Payne, 1840-1910, physician, who collected a medical library], 12 Jun [1892]
Expand 64 - Letters from Sir John Tenniel (1820-1914), artist and cartoonist, at 10 Portsdown Road, Maida Hill, Paddington64 - Letters from Sir John Tenniel (1820-1914), artist and cartoonist, at 10 Portsdown Road, Maida Hill, Paddington
65 - Letter in pencil, with envelope, from James Payn (1830-1898), novelist, at 43 Warrington Crescent, Maida Vale, Paddington, to Rev Spencer R Wigram, West Ilsley, Newbury, Berkshire, enclosing £1 for the poor of the parish, 28 Dec [1897]
Expand 66 - Letters from Rev Isidore Harris, of the West London Synagogue for British Jews, at 192 Portsdown Road, Paddington, to Mrs Alec Tweedie, traveller and writer (who died 15 Apr 1940)66 - Letters from Rev Isidore Harris, of the West London Synagogue for British Jews, at 192 Portsdown Road, Paddington, to Mrs Alec Tweedie, traveller and writer (who died 15 Apr 1940)
67 - Letter from Francis Knollys, 1st Viscount Knollys (1837-1924) as private secretary to Edward VII (then Prince of Wales), Marlborough House, Pall Mall, to Sir Donald Currie (1825-1909) founder of the Castle Steam Ship Company and MP, [4 Hyde Park Place], asking him to be President of the North Paddington League of Mercy to be established by the Prince of Wales
68 - Letter from Percy Thomas Macquoid (who died 1925), painter, designer and decorator, The Yellow House, 8 Palace Court, Bayswater (where he was resident 1894-1925), inviting John Fulleylove (1845-1908), landscape painter, and his wife to dinner, 17 Apr 1900]
Expand 69 - Letters from Robert Walker Macbeth (1848-1910), painter and etcher, 193 Portsdown Road, Maida Vale, to William Westley Manning, painter (who exhibited at the Royal Academy from 1896 to 1904), 12 Edith Villas, West Kensington 69 - Letters from Robert Walker Macbeth (1848-1910), painter and etcher, 193 Portsdown Road, Maida Vale, to William Westley Manning, painter (who exhibited at the Royal Academy from 1896 to 1904), 12 Edith Villas, West Kensington
70 - Letter from Rev Herman Adler, Chief Rabbi, of the Great Synagogue, at 6 Craven Hill, Hyde Park, to Henry Charles Baker, solicitor, arranging a meeting in the "girl's department" in Old Montague Street, Whitechapel
71 - Letter from Nathaniel Linder, Baron Lindley (1828-1921), Lord of Appeal, at 19 Craven Hill Gardens, Paddington, as Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Norfolk District and Cottage Nursing Federation, asking for a contribution towards a retiremnent gift for Rev H J Cowell, Secretary
72 - Letters from Ernest Alfred Bendall (1846-1924), drama critic for the Observer and Daily Mail, at 37 Princes Square, Bayswater, Paddington, to Macmillan [Macmillan & Co Ltd, publishers, St Martin's Street, Leicester Square], about plays by a young writer sent to him for his comments
73 - Letter from Kathleen Purcell, harpist, 25 Portsdown Road, Maida Vale, Paddington, to Mrs Burgess, enclosing a Venetian necklace as a wedding present for her daughter and a notice for a special matinee being given by her riends for her own wedding on 30 Apr 1908
Expand 74 - Letters from William John Locke (1863-1930), novelist and Secretary of the Royal Institute of British Architects, RIBA, 72 Ashworth Mansions, Elgin Avenue, Paddington74 - Letters from William John Locke (1863-1930), novelist and Secretary of the Royal Institute of British Architects, RIBA, 72 Ashworth Mansions, Elgin Avenue, Paddington
Expand 75 - Letters from and postcards featuring Phyllis Dare, variety actress75 - Letters from and postcards featuring Phyllis Dare, variety actress
76 - Letters from Gilbert Walker, at Claremont House, 12 St Mary's Terrace, Paddington Green, to H E Friend, lecturer, about a lecture on Paddington village. The letters include descriptions of Claremont House, which according to Walker was the oldest house then standing in Paddington
77 - Letter from [Lord] Cockerell, at 106 Banbury Road, Oxford, to [H E ] Friend, lecturer, thanking him for the loan of a book which helped him with his family history. He also discuses his grandmother's connection with Mrs Sarah Siddons (1725-1831), actress, when she lived at Westbourne Farm, c1805
78 - Letter from Stanley Owen Buckmaster, 1st Viscount Buckmaster (1861-1934), Lord Chancellor and statesman, at 1 Porchester Terrace, Hyde Park, Paddington, to Hardy {Herbert Hardy Cozens-Hardy, 1838-1920, first baron, judge and Master of the Rolls], in reply to a letter of welcome sent to Buckmaster n his appointment as Lord Chancellor
79 - Postcards fro F Lawrence, at 32 Marylands Road, Paddington, to James Hooper, 92 Queen's Road, Norwich, with personal news. Includes note by Hooper of dates answered
Expand 80 - Letters from Clement Shorter (1857-1926), journalist and author, founder of The Sphere in 1900, to Mr Hume, colleague on the paper, about matters relating to The Sphere80 - Letters from Clement Shorter (1857-1926), journalist and author, founder of The Sphere in 1900, to Mr Hume, colleague on the paper, about matters relating to The Sphere
81 - Letter from [Ernest] Brough Johnson (died 1949), artist, at 22 Westbourne Park Road, Paddington, to [Eric] Hesketh Hubbard, landscape and architectural painter (died 1957), concerning the search for paintings by deceased members of the Royal Society of British Artists, RSA, for a duo-centenary exhibition. He mentions paintings in his posession by sir Herbert von Herkomer (1849-1914), a german born British portrait painter and Harry Backer, one of his pupils
82 - Receipted bill of Joseph Hampton (late Joseph Johnson), carrier, 4 Northwick Mews, Aberdeen Place, St Marylebone for services to Dr Ansley. Attached to a letter rom John S Brinsley, 121 Leadenhall Street, sending a case of "natural curiosities" from Madras, which Captain Hall of the ship "Sir Edward Paget", had purchased from Captain R Maunsell
83 - Bill from Edward Welch, floorcloth manufacturer, 1 Chapel Street, Paddington, to Mr Edward Tilbury, of Edward Tilbury and Co, warehousemen, 35 and 49 High Street, St Marylebone
84 - Vouchers of Pynder and Medlicott, lime merchants, for supplies of stone, chalk and cement from their lime wharf at Paddington [Bason] to Mr Tilbury [Edward Tilbury, warehouseman]
85 - Voucher for woollen van cloth supplied by William Thornton, rick cloths, tarpaulin and ropes manufacturer, 90 Harrow Road, Paddington, to E[dward] Tilbury, with note of payment
86 - Receipted bill from Edward Vigers Junior, timber merchant, Union Saw and Planing Mills, Lisson Street, Paddington, for sawing planks for Messrs Tilbury [Edward Tilbury & Co, warehousemen]
87 - Auction Sale Catalogue of furniture, china and glass to be sold under an execution for rent by Oxenham and Son, auctioneers, 333 Oxford Street, St James Poccadilly
88 - Trade card, with engraving of carriage, of J Corns, coal, coke, charcoal, wood and potato warehouse, 4 Gardens Mews, Conduit Street West, Westbourne Terrace, Paddington, advertising carrying service. Note on reverse by Doctor James O'Laughlin, 155 Westbourne Terrace, Paddington, authorising the bearer to collect a large chest
89 - Faculty ro the Bishop of London to the rector, churchwardens and parishoners of the church St Mary's Paddington, permitting the removal of the bodies of Mary Telles, Margaret Thompson, Louisa Thompson, Richard Thompson and Maria Thompson, by William Henry Thompson and John Thompson from a vault under the church of St John Paddington
90 - Marriage certificate of William Luther and Mary Ann West, both of Paddington. Extract made by William Heydon, Perpetual Curate of Paddington
91 - Certified copy from burial register of All Souls Cemetery, Kensal green, of burial on 25 Jan 1878, of Amelia Stone, aged 77, of 97 Hereford Road, Paddington. Copy certified by Henry J Croft, registrar, 95 Great Russell Street, Bloomsbury. Used in the legal case of Lugli v Pantin
92 - Rubbings of seals of the Collegiate Church of St Peter (Westminster Abbey), and the Ecclesiastical Commissioners for England (incorporated in 1836) on a lease of 3 Walterton Road, Paddington, from the Dean and Chapter of Westminster Abbey and the Ecclesiastical Commissioners, to Tobias Parnell, builder, of 8 Carlton Terrace, Harrow Road, Paddington. Rubbings made by M Slewyn, of the Paddington Society
93 - Printed letter from the Committee of Paddington residents, established to providea Dinner for the children of the National and Sunday schools to commemorate the christening of the Prince of Wales. With manuscript list of the names and amounts of money headed "Houses etc not taken into account"
94 - Prospectus for St Mary Magdalene's Institutio for the Supply of Trained Nurses, 3 Delamere Crescent, Paddington, giving details of costs and egulations for the treatment of nurses, nd, [1879-1893]
Expand 95 - Papers of Sergeant John Finch, of the Paddington Rifle Volunteers95 - Papers of Sergeant John Finch, of the Paddington Rifle Volunteers
Expand 96 - Papers of the Paddington Parliament, a debationg society96 - Papers of the Paddington Parliament, a debationg society
97 - Documents relating to the service of Sidney George Johns in the Royal Navy. Certificate of final medical examination for enry, aged 27 years and 10 months and medical history sheet; conduct sheet; qualifications list; certificate of service giving adress as 12 Lydford Road, Paddington; note of service on the ships "Vivid" and "Cornwall" and demobilisation on 15 Feb 1919; and note of medals and shares of Naval Prize Fund received, 1917-1924. with envelope from the Admiralty addressed to 34 Lena Gardens, Hammersmith
Expand 98 - Receipt books for monthly payments on life insurance policy by Sydney George Johns98 - Receipt books for monthly payments on life insurance policy by Sydney George Johns
Expand 99 - Certificates awarded by the London County Council to Ernest Johns, for Scripture Knowledge, from Addison Gardens School, 1923-1924 and Essendine Road Boys School, 1924-192999 - Certificates awarded by the London County Council to Ernest Johns, for Scripture Knowledge, from Addison Gardens School, 1923-1924 and Essendine Road Boys School, 1924-1929
100 - Estimate and receipted bill by Arthur Howard, upholsterer, 113 Borough Road, Southwark, to Mrs Johns, 25 Denholme Road, Paddington, for re-coveringa settee and chairs, 22 Feb-2 Mar 1935 and two receipted bills from the Gas Light & Coke Company for gas supplied to Mrs E Johns, 25 Denholme Road, Maida Hill, 4 apr-5 Jul 1939
101 - Photographs of the Johns family of 25 Denholme Road, possibly taken on holiday, [1930s]

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