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Collapse PAD - Paddington parish recordsPAD - Paddington parish records
Expand 2165 - Paddington parish, records2165 - Paddington parish, records
2299 - Paddington parish, volume of printed deeds, reports and schemes relating to parochial property and charities
Collapse Deeds - Paddington deeds, probate papers and lettersDeeds - Paddington deeds, probate papers and letters
1 - Agreement beween Elijah May and David Bell Johnstone concerging the lease of 110 Edgware Road, Middlesex (later No 266)
2 - Insurance policy of D B Johnstone's property at 266 Edgware Road with the Hand & Hand, Fire and Life Insurance Society. Notes on the back regarding changes of mortgagees
3 - Shares owned by D B Johnstone in the Tobridge (sic) Permanent Benefit Building Society
4 - Agreement concerning the release of 266 Edgware Road (formerly number 110) between Thomas Palmer Chapman and others, and David Bell Johnstone
5 - Last will and testament of Major Patrick Scott Campbell (27 Apr 1864). Certificate of probate
6 - Indenture of release of the Major Partick Scott Campbell Trust
7 - Agreement between George Bird and Alfred Jarvis concering the lease of 12 St Mary's Square, Paddington
8 - Will of Helen Marris, with a certificate of probate attached
9 - Will and administration of effects of James Graburn Marris. Will dated 17 Jan 1851, administration dated 20 May 1853
10 - Deed of release and indeminity relating to the estates of James Graburn Marris and his daughter Miss Rosa Melmont Marris
11 - Indenture of release by James graburn Marris to William Marris on the transfer of the trust fund instituted by the marriage settlement (1805) between James Graburn Marris and Jane Martinson
12 - Assisgnment of 2 Park Place Terrace, Paddington by Joseph Marris to John Barrable
13 - Deed of indemnity and release of property comprised in the first mariage settlement of Mrs Helen Bricknell (1810) - formerly Marris, formerly Graburn - from Joseph Marris to James Graburn Marris and John Gunner
14 - Probate of the will of Helen Bricknell. Will dated January 1833. Testatrix died Mar 1852. Probate dated Apr 1860
15 - Release and indemnity from Joseph Marris to Mrs Ruth Marris in respect of the trust fund instituted by a marriage settlement (Marris and Graburn) dated 1810
16 - Probate of the last will of Barnett Harris
17 - Probate of the will of Robert Setlow Robinson
18 - Lease of house and premises No 73 Ledbury Road, Bayswater by Mr F Olney to Messrs EB Green and RT Green (1881), also an indenutre of release by Mr RT Green to Mr EB Green of the above premises (1881)
19 - Assignment of leasehold premises No 73 Ledbury Rad, Bayswater and goodwill of the business of butcher by Mr EB Green to Mr John Grove
20 - Assignment of leasehold No 73 Ledbury Road, Bayswater by Mr John Grove to Mr Frederick Grove
21 - Assignment of the goodwill of the business of butcher (carried on at No 5 Clifton Vale) by Frederick Grove to Henry Thomas Matthews and William Henry Cliffen
22 - Assignment of lease and goodwill of a butcher's business situated at No 16 London Street, Paddington by Mr W Holden and Mrs B Hannay to Mr F Grove
23 - Assignment of No 41 Blomfield Road, Paddington by Mr CW Sheppard to Miss J Hopkinson
24 - Lease of 82 Gloucester Terrace, Paddintgon by Captain Leicester Robert Hibbert to Robert Annan with an invetory of fixtures attached
25 - Lease of house in Southwick Street, Hyde Park Gardens, made by Matthew Wyatt to Aaron Goldsmid
26 - Lease of the premises of Nos 18 & 19 Caroline Place by Mr John Ginger to Mr James Devoll
26a - Indenture of purchase of lease of a house in Caroline Place (presumably Nos 18 & 19) to John Creasy by Charles Anderson
27 - Countertpart lease of house and premises at No 10 Little Craven Place and of houses Nos 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Poplar Place, Bayswater by Mr M Lemm to Mr J Ginger
28 - Counterpart lease of a piece of ground and cottage (Elm Cottage) at Bayswater by Mr Bryan Helps to Mr T Dunhill (1845) for 22 years, but ended in 1849 (includes plan of premises)
29 - Lease of premises on the west side of Brook Mews, the eighth set of premises on the west side reckoning from the south end, [possibly No 26 Brook Mews - see PAD/Deeds/30] by George Summers to John Tippett
30 - Memorandum of agreement for the lease of No 26 Brook Mews North, Parish of Paddington, by John Tippett to Jacob Short
31 - Indenture recording agreement by JC Tozer and JH Mackenzie to lend a sum of £500 to T Edwards at the request of Mrs HF Flower on the security of No 47 Porchester Terrace, 17 Mar 1858. Original agreement 16 Sep 1857
32 - Probate of the will of Marie Oldaker, widow
33 - Probate of the will of Miss E Garden. Will dated 1867. Probate 1883. Died in Paris
33a - Death duty concerned with the personal estate of Emma Garden, filled in by Thomas Henry Street
33b - Account of the dividends owned by Emma Garden (1883) signed by Thomas Henry Street
33c - Letter from Emma Garden to Mr Street (dated 1875) from Dieppe, mentioning transfer papers
34 - Counterpart lease of premises situate and know as No 506 Harrow Road, Paddington in the county of Middlesex, by Lionel B Joseph to Mr John Blackwood
35 - Counterpart lease of 19 Warwick Crescent, Paddington in the county of Middlesex, made by Mr W Buddle to Mrs Coulson
35a - Termination (1901) by HWT White of the lease of No 19 Warwick Crescent made to him by Catherine Dunlop Coulson on 24 Jun 1893
36 - Lease of No 32 Gloucester Terrace by Mrs MC Lee, Mr CW Lee and Mr C Lee to Mr CE Stamp, with an inventory of fixtures
37 - Probate on the will of Ann Sarah Hetherington. (Unable to unfold it) Certificate of probate attached dated 1841
37a - Form from the Stamp Office concerned with legacy duty due on the estate of Benjamin Hetherington
37b - Form of receipt and discharge for legacy given out of the personal estate of Benjamin Hetherington
37c - Account of Dr Benjamin Hetherington with M Hetherington. (labelled John Hetherington in a/c with his late brother Benjamin Hetherington)
37d - Account of Dr Benjamin Hetherington with John Hetherington
37e - Account of Dr Benjamin Hetherington with M Hetherington. (Labelled John Hetherington in a/c with his late brother Benjamin Hetherington)
38 - Last will and testament of Margarett (sic) Robertson (1720). Among other bequests she left a small cottage in Paddington ("late my Sister ffield's") for the use of the poor of Paddington
39 - Lease of plots of land situated in Westbourne Green for the purpose of building houses on by John Aldridge to Edward Vigers (with plan)
39a - Sale of part of the land, described in 39, to Edward Vigers by John Aldridge and cancellation of the existing agreement
40 - Duplicate lease of plots of land situated at Westbourne Green, for the purpose of building houses on (afterwards parts of Great Western Terrace and Cornwall Villas), by John Aldridge to Edward Vigers
40a - Memorandum noting the erection of Nos 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 & 17 Great Western Terrace by Edward Vigers and leased by him to William Longridge and the purchase of the improved rental by John Aldridge from Edward Vigers
40b - Memorandum noting the erection of Nos 1, 2, 3 & 4 Cornwall Villas and leased by Edward Vigers to Frederick Lewellen and and purchase of the improved rental by John Aldridge from Edward Vigers
40c - Memorandum noting the erection of Nos 14, 15 & 16 Cornwall Villas and leased by Edward Vigers to William Rickell and Thomas Faulkes respectively and the purchase of ground rental by John Aldredge from Edward Vigers
40d - Memorandum noting the erection of Nos 11, 12 & 13 Cornwall Villas and leased by Edward Vigers to Frederick Lewellen and and purchase of the improved rental by John Aldridge from Edward Vigers
41 - Lease of plots of land situated at Westbourne Green for the purpose of building houses on by John Aldridge to Mr Woodroffe
42 - Draft lease of piece of land at Westbourne Green in the county of Middlesex by Mr John Aldridge to Mr Charles Woodroffe, for the purpose of building
42a - Agreements addressed by John Aldridge to Charles Woodroffe allowing Mr Woodroffe a further 12 months for completing the agreed buildings. 1854, 1856 & 1858
43 - Lease of plots of land situated near Westbourne Green, for building houses, by John Aldridge to Thomas Harris. (Plan of property and design of houses see No 44)
44 - Plan of property and the design of the houses situated near Westbourne Green
45 - Indendture arranging mortgage for secring £2,200 and interest by Mr William Buddle to Captain R Aldridge
45a - Bond for payment of £2,200 made by Mr William Buddle to Captain R Aldridge
46 - Counterpart assignment of No 14 Gloucester Square, Paddington by John Fleming Martin Reid to General E Fleming
46a - Schedule of the several deeds and writings delivered by Edward Fleming to John Fleming Martin Reid, upon the execution of a mortgage
46b - Schedule of the several deeds ... deposited by Messrs Henderson with Messrs Coutts in the names of Major St Leger and Henry Rose esquire on the transfer of by John Fleming Martin Reid of a mortgage dated 25 January 1856, of a leasehold messuage No 14 Gloucester Square, Paddington, identical with schedule of 25 May 1856 except for the addition of the above transfer and signed by Edward Fleming
46c - Draft schedule of the several deeds and writings delivered by Edward Fleming to John Fleming Martin Reid, upon the execution of a mortgage altered to agree with schedule of 27 May 1856
47 - Lease of No 2 Park Place Gardens, Paddington, Middlesex by George Pope Esq and the Revd Septimus Pope to Major General Henry Goodwyn
48 - Lease of messuage and premises No 3 Shirland Road, Paddington in the County of Middlesex by Frederick H Goldney Esq and others to Mr Joseph Higgs
48a - Surrender of his term and intereste in the premises No 3 Shirland Road by Mr James Martin to AJ Keary Esq and others
49 - Account of the personal estate of Robert Horsley, Connaught Terrace
49a - Receipt and discharge from the Stamp Office for duty paid on annuity left by Major Robert Horsley to Matilda Horsley Calcott, afterwards Mrs Mayo. Handwritten account of property attached
50 - Receipt and discharge issued by Stamp Office for various legacies bequeathed by Major Robert Horsley, Connaught Terrace, Edgware Road, Paddington Middlesex, who died 9 Sep 1828
51 - Bill of Jenner, Bush and Dyke for obtaining an additional stamp on the payment of additional duty on Mrs Mary Horsley's will
51a - Francis Ingram's account with Miss Horsley
51b - Account of the estate of the late Robert Horsley Esq
52 - Draft case concerning a legacy claimed by Mrs Mayo under Major Robert Horsley's will submitted by White and Borrett to a Mr Bell for an opinion
53 - Copy of draft case concerning a legacy claimed by Mrs Mayo under Major Robert Horsley's will submitted by White and Borrett to a Mr Bell for an opinion, for Poole, Greenfield & Co
54 - Copies of letters written by Major Robert Horsley to Nathaniel Stickland,. 31 Jul 1828, and to F Ingram, 9 Aug 1828 and 28 Aug 1828 about the sale of securities in the Dorchester Turnpike and Pavements Act, and Miss Garland, 28 Aug 1828, offering to continue the lease of the house which her father had leased from him
55 - Letter from Mr F Ingram to Major Robert Horsley informing him of Mr Stickland's illness and asking permission to act for him
56 - Letter from F Ingram to Major Horsley on the subject of share in the Dorchester Turnpike and Pavements Act
57 - Letter from F Ingram to Major Horsley making the final arrangements for purchasing the stocks in the Dorchester Turnpike and Pavements Act
58 - Letter from Mr F Ingram to Miss Horsley (Calcott) asking for a copy of Major Horsley's will before he can complete the purchase of the stocks
59 - Receipt for a sum of twenty pounds paid by the executors of Major Horsley's will to White and Borrett in payment for further charges in the business of the executorship
60 - Note stating that Mr Mann has been paid ten pounds for his further expenses in the executorship of Major Horsley
61 - Letter discussing Major Horsley's will headed 'Dear Sir' and with no signature (possibly unfminished). Presumably written to Mr Mann by the Major's solicitors. Principal beneficiary, Miss Calcott
62 - Letter from M Horsley [Calcott] to T Borrett Esq telling him that Mr F Ingram will call at his office
63 - Letter from WP Mann to Messrs White and Borrett accompanying the probate and affidavit of Major Horsley's will and containing a statement of his property
64 - Note from Messrs Shephard & Co to Messrs White and Borrett accompanying the probate of Major Horsley's will, and an account of their expenses
65 - Letter from Borrett Esq from Francis Ingram enclosing deeds for Mr Mann's execution
66 - Letter from Miss M Horsley [Calcott] (presumably to Borrett and White) thanking them for obtaining the probate of Major Horsley's will for herself and Mrs Smyth
67 - Letter from Miss Horsley [Calcott] to Messrs White and Borrett thanking them for Mr Mann's probate
68 - Letter from Miss Horsley [Calcott] to Mr Borrett asking him to write to Mr Mann on business connected with Major Horsley's will
69 - Letter from Miss Horsley [Calcott] to Messrs White and Borrett asking them to advertise for the Revd J Carnegie. A draft of the advertisement is enclosed, with figures on the back
70 - Letter from Miss Horsley [Calcott] to T Borrett Esq asking him to settle account with Mr Mann
71 - Letter from the Revd James Carnegie to Messrs White and Borrett saying that he has signed the discharge and asking them to forward the legacy to Sir James Esdaile & Co
72 - Letter from Mr John Hemming asking Messrs White and Borrett to call on the brokers for £315 due from Mr Ingram
73 - Letter from Borrett and White to Francis Ingram about the legacies due to Miss K Garland, Mr J Garland and Mr W Garland and asking for the discharge of a debt owed by Mr Stickland to Major Horsley
74 - Letter from Mr Francis Ingram to Messrs White and Borrett asking if Mrs Spencer (formerly Frances Garland) had been left a legacy in Major Horsley's will
75 - Letter from Miss Horsley [Calcott] to Mr Borrett asking him to procure a policy to £125 for her
76 - Letter from Mr Francis Ingram to Messrs White and Borrett informing them that he cannot settle Mr Stickland's debt, owing to the latter's illness
77 - Letter from Miss Horsley [Calcott] to Messrs White and Borrett about the duty payable on legacies
77a - Letter from Miss Horsley [Calcott] about the debt due from Mr Stickand
78 - Letter from Miss Matilda Horsley [Calcott] to T Borrett Esq about receipts and distributions
79 - Letter from WP Mann to Messrs White and Borrett to explain that he has been called home suddenly by illness
80 - Letter from Mr Francis Ingram to Messrs White and Borrett asking for the probate of Major Horsley's will in order to claim an arrear of interest due to the Major from the Dorchester Paving Act
81 - Letter from Francis Ingram to Miss Horsley [Calcott] informing her that he has succeeded in getting the additional stamp on the probate of Mrs Horsley's will, and also referring to the debt owed by Mr Stickland to Major Horsley
82 - Letter from Francis Ingram to Messrs White and Borrett informing them that he has already written to Miss Horsley
83 - Letter from Mr WP Mann to Messrs White and Borrett authorising them to act for him in the affairs of the estate of Major Horsley, particularly the £2,000 claimed by Mrs Mayo (formerly Calcott)
84 - Letter from Mr WP Mann to Messrs White and Borrett promising the return of the Probate and mentioning other business connected with Major Horsley's will
85 - Letter from a Mr Poole to Messrs White and Borrett about the case submitted to Mr Bell concerning Major Robert Horsley's will. (Mr Poole evidently acted for Mr and Mrs Mayo)
85a - Page from the draft case submitted to Mr Bell concerning Major Robert Horsley's will
85b - Copy of the codicil to Major Robert Horsley's will
86 - Letter from Mr WP Mann to Messrs White and Borrett arranging an interview with them in connection with Mrs Mayo's (formerly Miss Calcott) business
87 - Letter from Mr WP Mann to Meadows White Esq informing him of Mrs Smyth's unwillingness to pay the £2,000 claimed by Mrs Mayo
88 - Note from Mr Mayo to Messrs White and Borrett informing them of his wife's date of birth (figures connected with annuity paid to Miss Horsley on the back.)
88a - Note from White and Borrett to Mr James Watson asking him to invest £1,008/8/0 in the 3/2d Reduced Annuities, in the names of Mrs Matilda Horsley Mayo, Mrs Charlotte Smyth and Mr William Peele Mann
89 - Letter from Mr WP Mann to Messrs White and Borrett expressing his unwillingness to pay the £2,000 to Mrs Mayo (formerly Calcott)
90 - Letter from Mr WP Mann to Messrs White and Borrett expressing the opinion that the executors should be guided by the advice of Mr Bell
91 - Letter from Mrs Mayo (formerly Calcott) to T Borrett Esq on the subject of the £2,000 and expressing her unwillingness to lay the matter before the Court of Chancery
92 - Note from Mr Mayo to Messrs White and Borrett thanking them for the receipt of the first payment of duty on Mrs Mayo's annuity etc
93 - Letter described on the back as a memorandum of a conversation between Mrs Smyth and Mrs Mayo. Not addressed to anyone and signed only with a "C", so possibly written by Mrs Smyth
93a - Copy letter from Messrs White and Borrett to Mr Smyth, badly faded
94 - Letter from Mr John Mayo to T Borrett Esq expressing that a proposed meeting between himself and Mr Mann will be of no benefit to either party
95 - Draft affidavit for the return of duty on Major Robert Horsley's estate, sworn by Mr WP Mann
96 - Letter from Mr Mayo to Mr WP Mann mentioning the birth of a daughter to himself and Mrs Mayo, and the death of Mrs Smyth, and stating that in the event of Mr Mann's still refusing to pay the £2,000, he and Mrs Mayo will be willing to accept Mr Mann's proposal to withdraw from the trust
97 - Letter from Mr J Mayo to Mr Thomas Borrett on business arising from Major Robert Horsley's estate
97a - Letter from Mr J Mayo acknowledging the receipt of the lease of the house 31 Connaught Terrace and other documents
98 - Copy of receipt for cheques drawn on Major Horsley's estate
99 - Statement of legacies bequeathed in Major Horsley's will
100 - Statement of accounts pertaining to Major Horsley's estate, written on the back of a document which doesn't seem to have any connection with the Horsley family
101 - Receipt signed by Miss Matilda Horsley [Calcott] of a sum of money from the Garlands by payment of Mr Mann
102 - Letter from Miss Horsley [Calcott] to T Borrett Esq asking him to settle the question of some debts with Mr Mann
103 - Statement of amount of annuity received and to be realised, with other accounts. No means of identification
104 - Statement of debts, funeral expenses etc. No means of identification
105 - Statement of accounts, mentioning Mr Mann, so presumably connected with the Horsley estate
106 - Account of legacy duty due in connection with the Horsley estate
107 - Statements of accounts mentioning Mr Mann and presumably connected with the Horsley estate
108 - Account of the money received by WP Mann Esq, T Borrett Esq and Miss Matilda Horsley [Calcott
109 - Statement of accounts connected with the Horsley estate
110 - Statement by Mrs Mayo (formerly Calcott) of the differenct legacies with the aggregate amount involved in the Horsley estate
111 - Receipt for a sum of money paid by Charles Stickland Esq to the Horsley estate
112 - Statement of accounts received from Mr Mann in connection with the Horsley estate
113 - Description of Major Robert Horsley's will
114 - Statements of accounts mentioning Mr Mann, so presumably connected with the Horsley estate
115 - Statement of accounts. No means of identification
116 - Letter written from Frederick Place, Old George, concerned with the Horsley estate, mentioning an agreement reached with Mr Mann with regard to the £2,000 legacy claimed by Mrs Mayo (formerly MH Calcott). Partly illegible and the signature illegible
117 - Indenture of a declaration of trust made by William Peel Mann Esq with Mrs Smyth and John Meadows White Esq., 21 Oct 1828 Memorandum states that the trust was discharged, 1 Mar 1831
118 - Account submitted to the Inland Revenue of the personal estate of Matilda Ready, exhibited by Charles Ready and William Ready
119 - Conveyance of land and house on the west side of London Street, Paddington, by the Grand Junction Water Works Company to Mr Charles Lee
120 - Lease of house and shop No 8 London Street, Paddington to Mr Thomas Finlay. With plan of house
121 - Counterpart lease of house and shop No 8 London Street, Paddington to Mr Thomas Finlay. With plan of house
122 - Copy of the last will and testament of Thomas Finlay, 25 Jun 1860. Proved on 26 Feb 1862
123 - Assessment of leasehold dwelling houses and premises known as No 8 London Street and No 21 Conduit Place situate in the parish of Paddington by Mrs Anne Finlay to Mr John Headon. Plan of the premises
124 - Duplicate assignment of No 8 London Street and No 21 Conduit Place
125 - Security for advanced shares (£1,000) on leasehold dwelling houses and premises situate at Paddington in the County of Middlesex by Mr John Headon to the Trustees of the Provident Permanent Benefit Building Society, Exeter
126 - Security for advanced shares (£800) by way of further charge on leasehold dwellinghouses and premises in the parish of Paddington, and grant of Life Assurance Policy
126a - Indenture witnessing the discharge of security for advanced shares (£800) by way of further charge on leasehold dwellinghouses and premises in the parish of Paddington, and grant of Life Assurance Policy
126b - Memorandum noting the entry of the discharge of security for advanced shares (£800) by way of further charge on leasehold dwellinghouses and premises in the parish of Paddington, and grant of Life Assurance Policy, at the Middlesex Registry
127 - Mortgage of the Western Counties Hotel, London Street, Paddington, Middlesex by Mr John Headon to Messrs Elliot, Watney & Co
127a - Release of the mortgage of the Western Counties Hotel (127) by James Watney the younger to John Headon
128 - Copy of the will of John Headon
129 - Assignment of the Western Counties Hotel, London Street and No 21 Conduit Place, Paddington by Mr Jonathan Andrews and Mr Thomas Headon to Mr Thomas Hollyman
130 - Mortgage by demise of the Western Counties Hotel, London Street, Paddington by Mr Thomas Hollyman to Mr Jonathan Andrews to secure £6,000 and interest at 5%
131 - Mortgage of the Western Counties Hotel, No 8 London Street, Paddington and No 21 Conduit Place by Mr Thomas Hollyman to James Watney Jnr Esq
132 - Assignment of the Western Counties Hotel, No 8 London Street, Paddington and No 21 Conduit Place by Mr Thomas Hollyman at the request of Miss LF Headon to Mr AW Headon
133 - Conveyance of freehold premises known as the Western Counties Hotel, Paddington, Middlesex by G Rayner Esq and others to Mr AW Headon
134 - Statutory acknowledgement and undertaking with reference to title deeds by Thomas Bevan Esq to Mr AW Headon
135 - Mortgage of the Western Counties Hotel, London Street, Paddington by Mr AW Headon to James Watney Jnr Esq
135a - ndenture made between Watney & Co Ltd and Arthur Willie Headon, witnessing the release of the mortgage of the Western Counties Hotel, London Street, Paddington by Mr AW Headon to James Watney Jnr Esq
136 - Mortgage of the Western Counties Hotel, Paddington by Mr Arthur Willie Headon to Messrs J & W Nicholson & Co
137 - Mortgage of the Western Counties Hotel, London Street, Paddington by Mr AW Headon to Mr Thomas Hollyman
138 - Transfer of mortgage of the Wester Counties Hotel by Mr Thomas Hollyman and Mr AW Headon to Messrs Boord & Son
139 - Transfer of mortgage of the Western Counties Hotel by Messrs J & W Nicholson and Mr AW Headon to Messrs Boord & Son
139a - Transfer of mortgage of the Western Counties Hotel by Thomas William Boord Esq and Mr AW Headon to Frederick S Hunt Esq
139b - Discharge of mortgage on Western Counties Hotel by FS Hunt Esq to Mr AW Headon
140 - Transfer of mortgage on the Western Counties Hotel, London Street, Paddington by James Watney Esq to Watney & Co Ltd
141 - Reconveyance of the Western Counties Hotel, London Street, Paddington by Watney and Co Ltd to Mr Arthur Willie Headon
142 - Statutory declaration that Mr Walter James Rawlings is the eldest son of the late Mr James Rawlings, made by Emma Rawlings
142a - Copy of the marriage certificate of James Rawlings (ginger beer maker) and Emma Dunnell
142b - Copy of the birth certificate of Walter James Rawlings
143 - Lease of 18 Hyde Park Terrace, London, by M Arnold Esq to Mrs MB Seligman
144 - Counterpart of lease of No 18 Hyde Park Terrace, London, by M Arnold Esq to Mrs MB Seligman
145 - Documents relating to a site for stables at Greville House, No 22 Paddington Green, purchased by MB Foster and Sons Ltd
146 - Documents relating to the negotiations for purchase of cottage property in Braithwaite Place
147 - Documents relating to the survey and valuation of leasehold premises No 78 Ledbury Road, North Bayswater from Hollams & Sons, Coward & Hawksley
148 - Documents relating to the valuation of No 26 Pembridge Villas, Bayswater for Messrs Hollams and Co
149 - Documents relating to the survey and valuation of The Prince Albert, Craven Road, Paddington for the Metropolitan Railway Surplus Lands Committee
150 - Documents relating to dilapidations, No 31 Hyde Park Square for CM Griffith, Hollams, Sons & Co
151 - Documents relating to the survey and valuation of leasehold property No 16 Dawson Place, Bayswater for estatet duty for Hollams, Sons, Coward and Hawksley
152 - Documents relating to a survey of the stabling 38A Porchester Terrace for Messrs Hollams, Sons and Co
153 - Documents relating toe the survey and valuation of freehold property No 26 Pembridge Square and No 24 Pembridge Mews for estate duty for Messrs Coward & Hawksley, Sons & Chance
154 - Documents relating to survey for dilapidations at No 9 Hyde Park Place for A Croker
155 - Documents relating to the survey and valuation of leasehold residence No 26 Warwick Avenue, Maida Vale for Epperheim's Executors, (Ernst Oettinger)
156 - Documents relating to survey of leasehold residence No 13 Orsett Terrace, Hyde Park for Pfaehler
157 - Document relating to survey for dilapidations at 143 Maida Vale for Stanley Phillips
158 - Documents relating to survey for dilapidations at 29 Inverness Terrace for Uhthoff Esq
159 - Documents relating to the assessment of dilapidations at 16 Cleveland Mews, Hyde Park (stabling) for the executors of I Searight
160 - Survey and valuation of the leasehold property No 63 Fernhead Road for Hollams, Sons, Coward and Hawksley (includes plan of premises)
161 - Report and valuation for the probate of No 102 Westbourne Terrace
162 - Documents dealing with the survey for dilapidations and the disposing of 26 Talbot Square, Hyde Park for Druces and Attlee
163 - Documents relating to assessment of stables at 22 Paddington Green for MB Foster & Sons owing to raising of rateable value
164 - Documents relating to the survey fo 37 Southwick Street, Hyde Park for Nicol, Son & Jones
165 - Documents relating to survey and valuation of leasehold residence No 62 Westbourne Park Villas for Messrs Sun, Gribble & Oliver
166 - Documents dealing with assessment for dilapidations for 28 Craven Hill Gardens and 5 Porchester Mews for Messrs Witty & Co
167 - Documents relating the the survey and valuation of No 22 Lancaster Mews, Lancaster Gate for estate duty
168 - Documents relating to the assessments of dilapidations at 21 Westbourne Street for Druces and Attlee
169 - Documents concerned with the dilapidations and negotiations for letting of 9 Cleveland Square, Hyde Park
170 - Settlement on the marriage of Edmund Henry Dickinson Esq with the Honourable Emily Dulcibella Eden. Refers to land, stocks, shares and acts of Parliament
171 - Appointment by Edmund Henry Dickinson Esq and the Honourable Mrs Emily Dickinson (née Eden) of the Trust Fund under their marriage agreement
172 - Indenture made between Charles James, Bishop of London and Thomas Thistlethwayte, Thomas Somers Cocks and Christopher Hodgson relating to the leasing of the Demesne Lands of the Manor of Paddington. With a Description and Quantity of Lands
173 - Indenture covering the conveyance of land at Black Lion Lane, Paddington made between Sir Warwick Charles Morshead Bt, Henry Frederick Thsitlethwayte, Charles James, Bishop of London, Thomas Somers Cocks, Thomas Thistlethwayte, Christopher Hodgson and Thomas William Budd
174 - Assignment of Indenture made between Charles James, Bishop of London and Thomas Thistlethwayte, Thomas Somers Cocks and Christopher Hodgson relating to the leasing of the Demesne Lands in the Paddington Estate by the way of mortgage for securing £3,000 and interest by Henry Frederick Thistlethwayte to Benedick John Angell Angell
175 - Abstract of the title of William Wood to No 19 Formosa Street, Paddington, 1906 Appendices: 2 diagrams of the property. Abstract of Indenture of 25 Jan 1954 (not possessed) and abstracts of mortgages and assignments contained in 176-182. Also abstract of land certificate Title No 49796 and further indenture of mortgage between William Wood and Trustees of The Hearts of Oak Benefit Society
176 - Mortgage of leasehold house and premises at 19 Formosa Terrace, Paddington conveyed by Thomas Rudkin to Admiral Henry Broadhead and his wife Mary Ann Broadhead
177 - Assignment of leasehold premises No 19 Formosa Street (formerly Terrace) by Admiral Broadhead and wife to Alfred James Hopkins
178 - Security for 15 shares and receipt for £375 from AJ Hopkins to the Trustees of the Borough of Marylebone Permanent Benefit Building Society, 26 Feb 1874 Also contains redemption of this mortgage 11 Jun 1879, and memorandum relating to the Trustees
179 - Assignment of leasehold premises No 19 Formosa Street from Alfred James Hopkins to George Speer Brown
180 - Mortgage on leasehold premises No 19 Formosa Street conveyed by GS Brown to Z Daunton
181 - Mortgage on leasehold premises No 19 Formosa Street conveyed by GS Brown to the Trustees of the Earl of Cadogan Lodge of Odd Fellows (Manchester Unity) Friendly Society. Mortgage redeemed, 13 Sep 1897
182 - Assignment of leasehold premises No 19 Formosa Street from GS Brown to E Bannister
183 - Letter from Major General Sir John Palmer Brabazon to Van Courtland referring to the latter's being 'passed over' in promotion. Also contained biographical details of Sir John's career and cutting and photograph from a newspaper of Sep 1922
184 - Letter by Lord Brabazon written from 83 Lancaster Gate, W, 7 February to a Miss Medhurst. It refers to a parcel to be collected by one Samuel, expresses thanks for a letter received from her sister and apologises for being engaged every evening
185 - Robert Browning acknowledges an invitation to dine with an unknown correspondent (name has been cut from the letter). Letter written at 19 Warwick Crescent
186 - Letter from Archibald Forbes to unknown male correspondent. Written at 34 Lanark Villas, Maida Vale. Acknowledges receipt of letter and cuttings and hopes for a meeting with the correspondent
187 - Letter from Edmund Gosse to John Cordy Jeaffreson. Written at Cowley House, Broadway, Sorcs (sic - should this be Worcs). Refers to assistance given by Jeaffreson and a promise of a copy of Gosse's book to be published by 1887
188 - Letter from Frederick Harrison, 38 Westbourne Terrace, W to Onless, arranging a time of meeting
189 - Letter from Frederick Harrison, 38 Westbourne Terrace, to a male, addressee unknown. Acknowledges the letter but writes that he has no interest in Academies
190 - Letter from Frederick Harrison, 38 Westbourne Terrace, to female enquirer regarding Harrison's volume on 'William the Silent'
191 - Letter from Mrs Annie Alexander Hector to unknown male correspondent acknowledging his admiration for her writing and his request for an autograph. Written from 54 Portsdown Road, Maida Vale
192 - Letter written by John Cordy Jeaffreson from 24 Carton Road, Maida Vale to Drummond. Reply to invitation. General comments on the changeability of the weather and men's feelings
193 - Letter written by John Cordy Jeaffreson from 134 Portsdown Road, Maida Vale to his sister Carol, concerning the new home, her godchild's presentation to the Queen, John's invitation to the Royal Academy Dinner, to hear Gladstone speak
194 - Letter written by John Cordy Jeaffreson from 134 Portsdown Road, Maida Vale (addressee unknown) dealing with administration of Eliza Jeaffreson's legacy. Unsigned receipt for £11 thereof
195 - Letter written by John Cordy Jeaffreson from 134 Portsdown Road, Maida Vale to sister, Em at Brighton. John has bronchitis. Has been beading and includes accounts of the plots of novels by Grant Allen, Stanley Weyman and Conan Doyle
196 - Letter written by John Cordy Jeaffreson from 134 Portsdown Road, Maida Vale to Charion. Relates an incident between Alfred Austin (recently appointed Poet Laureate) and contributors to 'The Athenaeum'
197 - Letter written by John Cordy Jeaffreson from 134 Portsdown Road, Maida Vale, W to Royle, in which he acknowledges his help in legal matters and refers to financial difficulties. Enclosure of cheques for services rendered, 17 Feb 1897 [Jeaffreson misdates February 1897 for 1898, since he acknowledges Royle's letter of 27 Jan 1898]
198 - Letter from G Latham Brownie (Nelson's biographer) to J Cordy Jeaffreson writter at 16 Westbourne Park Villas. Refers to an enquiry re Nelson. Speaks disparagingly of D Pettigrew and the 'Emma' letters
199 - Letter from WJ Locke, at 72 Ashworth Mansions, Elgin Avenue, to Mr Allhusen, in which he acknowledges receipt of letter and agrees to meet Allhusen on Sunday
200 - Letter from Mrs Roberta Macbeth at 193 Portsdown Road, to to Wesley Manning, 12 Edith Villas, West Kensington., referring to a lost picture
201 - Letter from Mrs Roberta Macbeth, 193 Portsdown Road, to Wesley Manning, 12 Edith Villas, West Kensington, acknowledgeing Manning's letter re Royal Academy election, dated 14 Mar 1903
202 - Letter from James Stephens, at 29 Westbourne Terrace, to Sir James Melvill MP. Letter deals with complaints about the East India Company's educational system in India
203 - Letter from Fred Walker, 3 St Petersburgh Place, Bayswater, to TT Whiteford, referring to sketches and designs submitted by the writer to his correspondent
204 - Letter from Ernest A Waterloo, St Petersburgh Place, Bayswater, to Mrs Lewis, referring to the meeting of 'Stanley' at Stafford House and expresses courteous greetings
205 - Photostat copy of letter from Thomas Paine written in London, to Thomas Walker of Rotherham, Yorkshire. Mentioned in the contents are a bridge being built by Paine. The King's attitude to England and Hanover; William Pitt and the Opposition and a discourse on Monarchy.
206 - Letter from Wilma Hall‚ 20 Linden Gardens, Bayswater , to a Miss Grafton enclosing the former's sister's address
207 - Indenture made between George Potter of Sandhurst and Thomas Bromfield of London
208 - Counterpart of a mortgage from Joseph Duxon to Mr Thomas Upton of several houses and a close of parcel of ground at Paddington
209 - Lease of a messuage or tenement at Paddington by Mr Joseph Duxon to Mr Robert Willson
210 - Counterpart of lease of a messuage or tenement at Paddington by Mr Joseph Duxon to Mr Robert Willson
211 - Indenture made between Jane Upton and Richard Little
212 - Bargain and sale for one year. Mary Dearing of Wokingham and Mary Hucle of Paddington, of a messuage called Bayards Watering Place, formerly called the King's Head and lately the Bell
213 - Assignment of several houses and a close of ground at Paddington. James Freeman to Charles Carne
214 - Assignment of a lease of two houses and ground in Paddington. Charles Carne to John Fredk Hesse
215 - Bargain and sale between Peter Calmel, John Blake, John Laroche and John Adam Frederick Hesse
216 - Deed of covenant to produce deeds, made between Mr Benjamin Grompton and John Adam Frederick Hesse
217 - Conveyance of rights of fishery in part of the Paddington branch of canal by the company proprietors of the Grand Junction Canal to George Fillingham (includes plan of Paddington Canal)
218 - Undated and unsigned indenture, made 1809, between Robert Thorp of Westminster and John Rayner of St Marylebone, in respect of Prospect Place, Paddington
219 - Lease for a year, by Charles Maul and others (Henry Siddons) to Mr William Stokes
220 - Lease of houses in London Street, Conduit Street and Spring Street by the Grand Junction Canal Company to Mr William Anderson
221 - Security for two life annuities of £42 and £20 (charged on 45 and 46 Spring Street). Mr William Anderson to Mrs Ann Bird and others
222 - Counterpart lease of four houses, two of them in London Street and two in Conduit Street, Paddington. Mr William Anderson on the nomination of Mr David Hay's executors to Mr Joseph Maxwell
223 - Counterpart lease (7, 9, 10 and 11 Conduit Street) Mr William Anderson to Mr Thomas Currie and another
224 - Lease of a dwelling house, No 12 Conduit Place, Paddington, Mr William Anderson, to James Brown
225 - Counterpart of a lease of a dwelling house, No 12 Conduit Place, Paddington, Mr William Anderson, to James Brown
226 - Counterpart lease of No 14 Conduit Street and stables behind the same, William Anderson and others to Mr Thomas Currie
227 - Counterpart lease of three houses, Nos 8, 12 and 13 Conduit Street, William Anderson to Mr Currie and Mrs Hay
228 - Counterpart lease of ground and stable adjoining London Street, Praed Street, Paddington, Mr William Anderson to Mr Thomas Nuttall
229 - Counterpart lease of a house in London Street, William Anderson to Mrs E Bloxam and others
230 - Grant of annuity from William Anderson to Miss L Thomas
231 - Counterpart lease of No 1 Grand Junction Road, William Anderson to Mr Thomas Finlay
232 - Counterpart lease of No 2 Grand Junction Road, William Anderson to Mr Thomas Finlay
233 - Copy of the will of William Anderson
234 - Schedule of deeds etc, relative to Mansion House etc, of William Penney Esq, Westbourne Green in the County of Middlesex
235 - Abstract of Acts of Parliament enabling the Bishop of London and his lessees to grant sub leases of the Paddington Estate
236 - Deed of covenant to produce a deed from the Right Revd George Lawrence of Great Ormond Street in the Parish of St George the Martyr to Mr Edward Orme of Bayswater. Relating to the Ministry of Bayswater Chapel
237 - Lease of house on the south side of Clifton Road, the 8th east from Portsdown Road, made by Christopher Hodgson of Dean's Yard, Westminster, Hon George Rose of Hyde Park Gardens and Thomas Somers Cocks the younger of Charing Cross, Westminster to Mr William Robert Fry of Circus Road, St John's Wood. Plan of site included
238 - Counterpart lease of No 4 Clifton Road, Maida Hill, from Mrs Elizabeth Green Fry of 57 Boundary Road, St John's Wood to Mr Thomas Swannell of 4 Clifton Road
239 - Counterpart lease of No 4 Clifton Road, Maida Hill and coachhouse and stable of No 8 Lanark Mews, Clifton Road, from Mr Richard James Chard of 30 Chilworth Street to Frederick William Peake of No 2 Clifton Road, Maida Vale
240 - Mortgage of a house and premises in Clifton Road, the 8th east from Portsdown Road, from Mr Willian Robert Fry of Circus Road, St John's Wood, to Richard Nation of Orchard Street, Portmand Square, George Dawes of Angel Court, Throgmorton Street and Francis Croughton Hileman of Great George Street, Westminster
241 - Assignment of leasehold premises situate near Uxbridge Road from George Ashlin of 36 Hyde Park Gardens to Nathaniel Montefiore of 13 Craven Hill, Bayswater
242 - Assignment of rent charge on Bayswater Chapel, near Kensington Gravel Pits from Revd George Lawrence of Great Ormond Street in the Parish of St George the Martyr to Miss Sophia Anglin Lawrence of Colebrook Row, in the Parish of St Mary, Islington
243 - Abstract of the title of Mr Joseph West of Ryders Court in the Parish of St Anne, Westminster to a piece of ground and messuage situate at Maida Vale, Paddington from John Taylor of Denmark Street in the Parish of St Giles in the Fields
244 - Asignment of leasehold premises of No 4 Clifton Road from the executors of Julius Calisher, deceased to Mr James Chard of 30 Chilworth Street, Hyde Park. Executors of Julius Calisher are: Julia Calisher of 42 Portland Place; Philip Beyfus of Russell Square; Algernon Edward Sydney of 46 Finsbury Circus.
245 - Deed of demise for 99 years and covenants as within mentioned from James Weller Ladbroke of Stratford House, near Guildford to John Josselyn of Sproughton, Suffolk. List of previous indentures and certificates of burial. Also two letters from Smith, Byley and Janson to Edward Orme and a bill from Smith, Bayley and Janson to Edward Orme
246 - Indictment, Sara Wastell sentenced to be whipped for stealing two white geese pertaining to Godfrey Awdeley of Paddington
247 - Lease of No 24 Westbourne Grove in the County of Middlesex. John Henry Snow of 23 Westbourne Grove to Samuel Pallant of 9 Halkin Street West, Pimlico
248 - Lease of No 78 Westbourne Grove, Bayswater in the County of Middlesex, Samuel Pallant of 294 Regent Street to Charles Curtis of 29 Baker Street, Portman Square
249 - Counterpart lease of No 78 Westbourne Grove, Bayswater in the County of Middlesex, Samuel Pallant of 294 Regent Street to Charles Curtis of 29 Baker Street, Portman Square
250 - Mortgage of No 24 Westbourne Grove in the County of Middlesex. Samuel Pallant of 29 Baker Street to John Bradley of 5 Brondesbury Terrace, Kilburn
251 - Assignment of a messuage and premises situate No 78 Westbourne Grove in the County of Middlesex, and goodwill of business of a Hatter Charles Curtis of 78 Westbourne Grove to William Baynton of 203 Strand
252 - Assignment of lease of No 120 Gloucester Terrace, Paddington, in the County of Middlesex, Mrs Anne Charlotte Samuells of 120 Gloucester Terrace to Miss Maria Jones of The Elms, Yaxham, in the County of Norfolk
253 - Lease of house on the north side of the Bishop's Road, the eighth west from Gloucester Crescent, Paddington. Thomas Thistlethwayte of Southwick Park, Southampton, and others, with the consent of the Lord Bishop of London and on the nomination of William Scantlebury of Eastbourne Terrace, to the Revd Simon Sturges of Knowl Hill Parsonage, Maidenhead, Berkshire. Plan included.
254 - Counterpart lease of house on the north side of the Bishop's Road, the eighth west from Gloucester Crescent, Paddington. Revd Simon Sturges of Knowl Hill Parsonage, Maidenhead, Berkshire to William Scantlebury of Eastbourne Terrace
255 - The Paddington Estate. Licence for Mrs Ada Reece of Queensborough Terrace, W2 or other approved person or body to use No 48 Gloucester Gardens as a private hotel or boarding house. Lease No 1630
256 - Licence for Mrs Ada Reece to use the said premises as a private hotel or boarding house, (48 Gloucester Gardens). Lease No 1630
257 - Assignment of leasehold premises known as 48 Gloucester Gardens, Paddington. Mrs Beatrice Thursby-Pelham of Knightsbridge Barracks, Knightsbridge (wife of Rev Henry Cressett Thursby-Pelham) to Lewis Hunter of Southampton Street, Bloomsbury Square
258 - Abstract of the title of Mrs Beatrice Thursby-Pelham to leasehold premises known as 48 Gloucester Gardens, Paddington, William Sturges and Co, Caxton House. Plan attached
259 - Lease of house on the south side of Porchester Square, the fifth west from Porchester Terrace North. Christopher Hodgson and others with the consent of the Lord Bishop of London, and on the nomination of Samuel Josiah Stephens of Charlotte Street, Portland Place, to John Scantlebury
260 - Mortgage of leasehold house and premises on south side of Porchester Square, the fifth house from Porchester Terrace North, for securing £1,000 and interest. John Scantlebury of Porchester Terrace North to John Garrard Elgood of 98 Wimpole Street, Cavendish Square
261 - Assignment of leasehold messuage No 42 Porchester Square, Paddington, subject to a mortgage by John Scantlebury of Porchester Terrace North to Thomas Bottrill of Arundel Terrace, Barnsbury Road, Islington
262 - Re-assignment of No 42 Porchester Square, Paddington, Middlesex on satisfaction of mortgage by John Garrard Elgood of 98 Wimpole Street, Cavendish Square to Thmas Bottrill of 4 Arundel Terrace, Barnsbury Road, Islington
263 - Assignment of leasehold premises No 42 Porchester Square, Bayswater, Middlesex. Percival John Alston of 3 Navarino Road, Hackney, William Davis of 35 Gas Street, Nuneaton, Warwickshire, to Thomas Joshua Pemberton of 39 Westbourne Park
264 - United Telephone Company Ltd and Thomas Joshua Pemberton. Copy of letter concerning the erection of a telephone pole in the property of 42 Porchester Square
265 - Mortgage of leasehold messuage and premises No 42 Porchester Square, Bayswater in the County of Middlesex. Thomas Joshua Pemberton of Dunster House, Mincing Lane to Frederick Dru Drury (sic) of Mauda Villas, Westcombe Hill, Blackheath, Kent
266 - Scottish Union and National Insurance Company: Fire Policy No 5246485 in favour of John Herbert Hunter of 33 Alfred Place West, South Kensington and others (the Trustees for the time being of the Paddington Estate) for 42 Porchester Square. Also two letters from JH Hunter to Kate Hunter, and Lewis Hunter to Kate Hunter
267 - Particulars and conditions of sale of the substantially-built and convenient town residence known as 42 Porchester Square. Sold by Messrs Holliday and Stanger to John Herbert Hunter of 33 Alfred Place West, South Kensington for £425. Copy of the contract
268 - Mortgage by William Ernest Magor to Lloyds Bank Ltd, of 42 Porchester Square
269 - Assignment of leasehold premises of No 42 Porchester Square, Paddington, Middlesex. Lloyds Bank Ltd to John Herbert Hunter of 33 Alfred Place West, South Kensington
270 - Assignment of leasehold premises No 42 Porchester Square, Bayswater. The Executors of Thomas Joshua Pemberton, deceased to William Ernest Magor
271 - Abstract of the title of Lloyds Bank Ltd to leasehold hereditaments and premises No 42 Porchester Square in the County of London. Plan attached
272 - Lease of house No 12 Westbourne Crescent in the Parish of Paddintgon in the County of Middlesex. Charles Parish of Carlton Chambers, Regent Street to Thomas Ponsford of Conduit Street. Plan attached
273 - Mortgage of No 12 Westbourne Crescent, Paddington for securing £1,200 and interest. Thomas Ponsford of Conduit Street, W to Edward Williams of Southampton Row, St Marylebone
274 - Assignment of No 12 Westbourne Crescent, Thomas Ponsford of Westbourne Terrace to John James Ponsford of Westbourne Terrace
275 - Trasnfer of a mortgage of No 12 Westbourne Crescent, Paddington, London and further charge to secure £1,000 and interest. Mrs Harriet Williams of 36 Sharland Road, Warwick Road, Maida Hill and others to Charles Willesford of Tavy Cottage, Tavistock
276 - Transfer of mortgage of No 12 Westbourne Crescent. John Douglas Johnstone and John Ernest Steer of Tavistock to Thomas Elliott Ponsford of Glendale, 19 Pemdevon Road, Broad Green, Croydon and Frederick William Ponsford of 28 Darville Road, Ravenscourt Park
277 - Abstract of title relating to No 12 Westbourne Crescent
278 - Assignment of leasehold premises known as No 12 Westbourne Crescent, Hyde Park, in the County of London, and a Capital Redemption Policy with the Scottish Union and National Insurance Company Ltd. Lady Rosalie Emma Wrottesley Hunter and Vera Hunter to Lady Rosalie Emma Wrottesley Hunter
279 - Transfer of charge by way of deposit of deeds relating to leasehold property No 12 Westbourne Crescent, Hyde Park, in the County of London. Lewis Hunter of 7 Southampton Street to Lewis Hunter and others
280 - Assignments of leasehold hereditaments No 12 Westbourne Crescent in the County of London. The Alliance Economic Investment Co Ltd. National Provincial Bank, Llewlyn England Sidney Parry and Arthur Anderson Bethune to Sir John Herbert Hunter. Receipt attached
281 - Counterpart lease of No 12 Westbourne Crescent, Paddington. The Alliance Economic Investment Co Ltd to John Herbert Hunter of 33 Alfred Place West, South Kensington
282 - Lease of No 12 Westbourne Crescent, Paddington. The Alliance Economic Investment Co Ltd to John Herbert Hunter or 33 Alfred Place West, South Kensington
283 - Assignment of leasehold premises No 12 Westbourne Crescent, Paddington, Middlesex. William John Weir of 8 South Street, Park Lane to the Alliance Economic Investment Co Ltd
284 - Assignment of leashold hereditaments No 12 Westbourne Crescent, Hyde Park, London. Frederick William Ponsford of 28 Darville Road, Ravenscourt Park and Thomas Elliott Ponsford of Glendale, 19 Pemdevon Road, Broad Green, Croydon to William John Weir of 8 South Street, Park Lane
285 - Lease of ground and a messuage No 63 Cambridge Terrace, Paddington, William Norsworthy of Cambridge Terrace to George Henry Braine of Wyndham Place, St Marylebone.Plan attached. Typed copy
286 - Lease of ground and a messuage No 63 Cambridge Terrace, Paddington., William Norsworthy of Cambridge Terrace to George Henry Braine of Wyndham Place, St Marylebone. Includes plan
287 - Mortgage. George Henry Braine of Wyndham Place, Bryanston Square to John Vale of Devonshire Place, Maida Hill and Newland Richard Tompkins of Worthing
288 - Assignment of leasehold premises in Cambridge Terrace, Paddington, in the County of Middlesex and the tenants and fixtures thereon. John Vale of Devonshire Place, Maida Hill and Newland Richard Tompkins of Worthing as within mentioned - George Henry Braine of Cambridge Terrace to John Banks of Upper Montague Street, Montague Square
289 - Power of attorney, Major Charles John Lewis Stuart of 4 Edinburgh Terrace, Victoria Road, Kensington to Jonathan Clark of 1 Devonshire Terrace, Portland Place
290 - Statutory declaration of Musgrave James Hugh Clay, late of 4 Victoria Street, now of Alvin Brazoria, Texas, USA, concerning his brother and his wife
291 - Acknowledgment for production of deeds. Musgrave James Hugh Clay of Alvin Brazoria, USA and Charles John Lewis Stuart of 4 Edinburgh Terrace, Victora Road v George James Cutts of 32 Alexander Street, Westbourne Park
292 - Assignment of leasehold premises No 63 Cambridge Terrace, Paddington, Middlesex. Musgrave James Hugh Clay of Alvin Brazoria, Texas, USA and Charles John Lewis Stuart of 4 Edinburgh Terrace, Victoria Road to George James Cutts of 32 Alexander Street, Westbourne Park
293 - Assignment of leasehold premises No 63 Cambridge Terrace, Paddington, Middlesex. George James Cutts of 32 Alexander Street, Westbourne Park to Mrs Annie King Faulks of 15 London Street, Paddington
294 - Licence to make alterations in No 63 Cambridge Terrace in the County of London. John Everard Henry Colclough of 22 Duke Street, Dublin to Mrs Annie King Faulks of 5 Osborne House, St Mary's Terrace
295 - Counterpart lease of No 63 Cambridge Terrace, Paddington, in the County of Middlesex. Mrs Annie Henrietta King Faulks of 7 Cambridge Street, Hyde Park to Mrs Alice Mary McLaren of 123 Uxbridge Road, Shepherds Bush. Letter attached from Major Faulks
296 - Assignment of 63 Cambridge Terrace, Paddington, Middlesex. Major James Faulks of 17 Bishopsthorpe Road, Sydenham to Mrs Gertrude Jessie Patterson of 40 Cleveland Square, Hyde Park
297 - Tenancy agreement for third flour of 63 Cambridge Terrace, Hyde Park. William Robert Patterson of 28 Woburn Square, WC1 to Janet Smith of 63 Cambridge Terrace, Hyde Park. Two typed copies
298 - Various receipts concerning 63 Cambridge Terrace
299 - Lease of No 44 Queen's Road, Paddington. Edward Welch of Salem Road and Sam Binks of Victoria Grove to Edward Russell of Queen's Road., 22 Dec 1863 Another indenture on the same sheet: Arthur William James Russell of 97 Queen's Road to William Henry Reece of Queen's Road, 23 Jun 1877
300 - Duplicate assignment of leasehold premises situate in Desborough Street, Harrow Road in the County of Middlesex. Mrs Elizabeth Kipping and James her husband of Crown Distillery, Mare Street, Hackney to William Sandbrook of 276 Harrow Road
301 - Duplicate assignment of No 3 Victoria Street, Paddington. Samuel William Roberts of 12 Holme Road, East Ham, and his mortgagee Christmas Sizeland of 142 Tevelyan Road, Lower Tooting, to Edmund Knowles of 16 Mitcham Street
302 - Indenture. John Michell of Red Lyon Street, Clerkenwell and Richard Michell of the Middle Temple and Thomas Dartwell of Clerkenwell, concerning the stable-yard in St John Square, Clerkenwell 22 Nov 1750. Another indenture between the same people, 21 Nov 1750
303 - Lease of No 6 Sussex Terrace, Hyde Park. George Burnell of 5 Sussex Terrace, Hyde Park to Miss Ellen Burnell of the same address
304 - Counterpart lease of No 6 Sussex Terrace, Hyde Park. George Burnell of 5 Sussex Terrace, Hyde Park to Miss Ellen Burnell of same address. With plan
305 - Assignment of a leashold house known as 22 Kensington Garden Terrace (formerly Sussex Terrace), Hyde Park. Henry Luke File Hansard of 16 Grosvnor Street to Mrs Florence Ellen Burnell of Winchester. With plan
306 - Lease of No 6 Sussex Terrace, Hyde Park. George Burnell of 5 Sussex Terrace and Edward H Burnell to Colonel William Walker Davidson of 20 Orsett Terrace, Hyde Park. With plan
307 - Counterpart lease of No 6 Sussex Terrace, Hyde Park. George Burnell of 5 Sussex Terrace, Hyde Park and others to Colonel William Walker Davidson fo 20 Orsett Terrace, Hyde Park. With plan
308 - Assignment of No 6 Sussex Terrace, Hyde Park in the County of Middlesex. John St Barbe, acting executor of Lt-Col Davidson to Frederick Porter of Upper Tooting
309 - Counterpart lease of No 22 Kensington Garden Terrace, Hyde Park in the County of Middlesex. Edward Henry Burnell of 32 Bedford Row and others to Frederick Porter of 22 Kensington Garden Terrace
310 - Counterpart of lease of ground and a house in the Parish of Paddington, County of Middlesex. John Elkins of the Parish of St George, Hanover Square to Samuel Nicholson of Parish of St Marylebone. With plan
311 - Assignment of two pieces of ground and two messuages by way of mortgage for £300. William Kirkby of Titchfield Street, Thomas Eccles of Blenheim Street, and John Elkins of South Street to Serjeant Edgley of Bracknall, Berkshire, now of Oakingham, Berkshire
312 - Declaration of trust. Thomas Eccles of Blenheim Street ot John Elkins of South Street
313 - Lease of a piece of ground and the messuage thereon situate near Bayswater. John Elkins of South Street to Thomas Eccles of Blenheim Street
314 - Lease of premises at Bayswater. John Elkins of South Street to Thomas Eccles of Blenheim Street
315 - Assignment by way of mortgage to secure £200 and interest. John Elkins of South Street and Thomas Eccles of Blenheim Street to Serjeant Edgley of Bracknall, Berkshire
316 - Declaration of trust. Thomas Eccles of Blenhem Street to John Elkins of South Street
317 - Attested copy of lease. John Elkins of South Street to James Stocking of St Marylebone
318 - Assignment of leasehold premises, ground rents etc, situate at Bayswater in the Parish of Paddington, County of Middlesex. James Buck, William Barlow and Thomas Ward (Executors of John Elkins) to John Richards of Oxford Street. With plan
319 - Counterpart lease of ground and premises situate in the Parish of Paddington, County of Middlesex. James Buck and others, Executors of John Elkins deceased, to William Gill. With plan
320 - Counterpart lease of grounds and premises situate in the Parish of Paddington, County of Middlesex. James Buck and others, Executors of John Elkins to William Gill of St Marylebone
321 - Lease of Longlands. Thomas Chandless of York Place to John Punter of Lisson Street, Lisson Green. With plan. Also an indenture, John Punter of Lisson Street, Lisson Green to Edward Kelly of Notting Hill
322 - Counterpart Lease. Edward Kelly of Notting Hill to Edward Jones of Black Lion Lane. With plan. Also copy of a letter dated 1855
323 - Counterpart lease. Edward Kelly of Black Lion Lane to John Wotton of Paddington
324 - Release from certain articles of agreement. Thomas Wyatt of Hampstead Road to Edward Orme of New Bond Street
325 - Assignment of certain articles of agreement. John Carlon of High Street and others to Thomas Wyatt of Hampstead Road
326 - Assignment. John Carlon and Edward Orme, assignees of Edward Kelly, a bankrupt, to Thomas Wyatt
327 - Lease of land and premises near Craven Place. Edward Orme to Richard Tuck of Westmoreland Street
328 - Lease for a year. James Weller Ladbroke of East Clandon, near Guildford to Edward Orme
329 - Deeds of releas and Covenant. James Weller Ladbroke of East Clandon, near Guildford to Edward Orme. With plan Another indenture included, Edward Orme to James Weller Ladbroke
330 - Counterpart lease of a messuage coach-house and stables in Elkins Row, Bayswater in the County of Middlesex. Benjamin Manning Vandergrucht of Gower Street, Bedford Square to John Innes of Wells Street, Oxford Street
331 - Licence of Bayswater Chapel
332 - Counterpart lease of a piece of ground for a frontage at Paddington in the County of Middlesex. Edward Orme to John Bark of Bayswater Hill. With plan
333 - Mortgate, Richard Tuck of Westmoreland Street to Joseph William Thrupp of Paddington Green
334 - Demise of two dwelling houses. Richard Tuck of Westmoreland Street to Aaron Henry Fox of Maida Hill West
335 - Counterpart lease of a piece of ground in Paddington called Cock Pit Field for a building. James Weller Ladbroke of Shalford House near Guildford to Edward Orme of Bayswater. With plan
336 - Lease of a piece of ground in Paddington called Cock Pit Field for building. James Weller Ladbroke to Edward Orme. With plan
337 - Demise of a piece of ground called the Cock Pits in the Parish of Paddington, County of Middlesex. James Weller Ladbroke of Shalford House to James Briggs of 30 Edgware Road, a trustee of Edward Orme
338 - Assignment of rent charge on Bayswater Chapel in trust. Miss Sophia Anglin Lawrence of Colebrooke Row to Robert Orme of Allsops Buildings, New Road
339 - Demise of two dwelling houses. Richard Tuck of Westmoreland Street, to Aaron Henry Fox of Maida Hill West
340 - Lease of a piece of land, Benjamin Crompton to John Elkins
341 - Assignment, Richard Tuck of Westmoreland Street to Aaron Henry Fox of Paddington
342 - Lease of No 7 Elkins Row. James Richards of Oxford Street and George Richards of Cold Bath Fields, Clerkenwell to William Harding of Rupert Street
343 - Lease of Nos 16 and 17 Elkins Row. James Richards of Oxford Street and George Richards of Cold Bath Fields, Clerkenwell to William Harding of Rupert Street
344 - Counterpart lease of No 7 Elkins Row. James Richards and George Richards to William Harding
345 - Counterpart lease to Nos 16 and 17 Elkins Row. James Richards and George Richards to William Harding
346 - Counterpart lease of No 1 Elkins Row. James Richards and others to Robert Grace of Bayswater Terrace
347 - Lease of a pew and vault in Bayswater Chapel for 999 years. Rev Hibbert Binney of Byaswater to Edward Orme of Fitzroy Square. Also five letters enclosed between Francis Orme and Rev Cornwall Smalley Jnr
348 - Release. William Whitabek Clulow of Enfield and others to Edward Orme of Fitzroy Square and Robert Child of Stamford Street, Blackfriars
349 - Counterpart lease of a messuage and premises No 45 Mornington Place, Hampstead Road. William Appleford of Holborn Road to George Berry of Mornington Place, Hampstead Road
350 - Assignment of a leasehold ground messuages and premises in Moscow Road, Bayswater (Nos 26 and 27). Frederick William Thompson of Raymond Buildings, Grays Inn Road and others, executors of the late Mrs Mary Fox, to George Webster of Craven Place, Bayswater
351 - Counterpart lease of cottage and premises No 26 Moscow Road. George Webster of Craven Place, to the direction of Frederick Elijah Thompson and others to James Meacham of Moscow Road
352 - Lease of a messuage and premises in Moscow Road. Edward Orme of Fitzroy Square to James Careless Earley of Moscow Road
353 - Counterpart lease of a messuage and premises in Moscow Road. Edward Orme of Fitzroy Square to James Careless Earley of Moscow Road. Also a licence to carry on a trade.
354 - Lease. Edward Orme of Fitzroy Square to Lt-Col Gilliess of Porchester House, Bayswater, with plan, 20 aug 1842. Another indenture dated 7 Oct 1842
355 - Counterpart lease of No 22 Uxbridge Gardens, Bayswater. Edward Orme of Fitzroy Square to John Wilkins of Great Castle Street. With plan
356 - Counterpart lease of No 21 Uxbridge Gardens. Edward Orme of Fitzroy Square to John Wilkins of Great Castle Street. With plan
357 - Lease of shop and premises No 32 Queens Road, Bayswater. Edward Orme of Fitzroy Square to Alfred Taylor of Queens Road, with plan, 22 Jul 1846. Another indenture dated 25 Jun 1860, also two dated 29 Nov 1860 and 24 Feb 1863
358 - Counterpart lease of shop and premises No 32 Queens Road, Bayswater. Edward Orme of Fitzroy Square to Alfred Taylor of Queens Road. With plan
359 - Lease of house and premises No 33 Queens Road, Bayswater. Edward Orme of Fitzroy Square to Matthew Edlin of Bayswater, 12 Mar 1847. Also another dated, 23 Jun 1860
360 - Counterpart lease of house and premises No 33 Queens Road, Bayswater. Edward Orme of Fitzroy Square to Matthew Edlin of Bayswater
361 - Mortgage of house and furniture No 33 Queens Road, Bayswater. William Matthew Edlin of Bayswater to William Houghton Allen
362 - Counterpart lease of No 16 Bayswater Terrace. Edward Orme of Fitzroy Square to William Jones of Castle Street, Leicester Square
363 - Counterpart lease of No 18 Bayswater Terrace. Edward Orme of Fitzroy Square to Robert Clemow of King William Street
364 - Assignment of No 32 Queens Road, Bayswater subject to mortgage thereon. William Matthew Edlin of Bayswater to Mrs M Harrison
365 - Release in respect of the share of Miss Gertrude Francesca Orme deceased, in the Orme Trust Estate. CL Grant and AR Burkill and others to Spencer Robert Lewin of Southampton Street, Strand, and H Wilson
366 - Counterpart lease of No 33 Craven Road, Hyde Park in the county of Middlesex. Term 6¾ years from 29 Sep 1883 less 21 days. Rent £260. Henry Green to John F Trigg. [Enclosure: JF Pousford and H Pousford to Henry Green. Licence fo assign lease to Mr Trigg]
367 - Mortgage of No 128 Westbourne Terrace, Paddington for securing £500 and further advances not exceeding £1250 & interest. WR and GW Fry to Wm Chas Smith
368 - Lease of house No 128 on the west side of Westbourne Terrace, Paddington, the 11th north from James Street West, and coachouse and stable. George Dodd to W[illia]m R Fry and George W[illia]m Fry
369 - Counterpart lease of house No 128 on the west side of Westbourne Terrace, Paddington, the 11th north from James Street West, and coachhouse and stable. George Dodd to W[illia]m R Fry and George W[illia]m Fry
370 - Assignment of a leasehold messuage and premises No 128 Westbourne Terrace in the Parish of Paddington in the County of Middlesex. William Robert Fry and George William Fry and their mortgagee to John Gemmill
371 - Deed of covenant for the production of title deeds relating to No 128 Westbourne Terrace. W[illia]m Rob[er]t Fry and Geo[rge] W[illia]m Fry to John Gemmill
372 - Re-assignment of premises No 128 Westbourne Terrace discharged of a mortgage for £1250 and interest. Will[ia]m Cha[rle]s Smith and In C Hayward to John Gemmill
373 - Assingment of dwelling house and premises being No 128 Westbourne Terrace, Paddington in the County of Middlesex. The trustees and executors of the will of John Gemmilll deceased to Alfred Hanson
374 - Counterpart lease of 128 Westbourne Terrace, Paddington. To commence 24 Jun 1875. Term 21 (years) expires 24 Jun 1896. Rent £300. Alfred Hanson to George EB Lousada
375 - Assignment of messuage, stable and premises No 128 Westbourne Terrace, Hyde Park in the county of Middlesex. Alfred Hanson to Moses H Moses
376 - Mortgage on No 128 Westbourne Terrace, Hyde Park in the county of Middlesex to secure £3000 and interest at £4 per cent. MH Moses to the trustees of the will of Henry Moses deceased
377 - Lease of house and garden at 46 Porchester Square (present numbering) to John Scantlebury for 90¼ years at a yearly rent of £15, by Christopher Hodgson, Sir George Rose and Thomas Somers Cocks (£10), and Charles James, Bishop of London (£5)
378 - Counterpart lease for 46 Porchester Square between Julia Bull, wife of Wilfrid James Bull (Landlord) and Winifred Helen Gibbens (tenant) for 17 years at a rent of £150 per year
379 - Land certificate for 46 Porchester Square, dated 27 Nov 1901 and naming the following as proprieters, Emily Catherine Anderson 1901-1904, Julia Bull, 1904
380 - Licence from the trustees of the Paddington Estate to allow the lease-holders of 46 Porchester Square to use it as a high class boarding house:, to Miss Winifred Helen Gibbens, 29 Sep 1927, to Mrs Margaret Mary Marrogordato, 24 Mar 1928, to Mr Alexander Duchesne and Mrs Frances Emily Duchesne, 1 Dec 1830
381 - Licence from the primary leaseholder of 46 Porchester Square, Mrs Julia Bull, to allow the secondary leaseholder, Miss Winifred Helen Gibbens, to use the house as a high class boarding house
382 - Assignment of lease of 46 Porchester Square to Benjamin William Simpson by Percival John Alston and William Davis, executors of the will of Thomas Bothill [Bottrill see PAD/Deeds/391], for 60 years (remainder of the lease of 90¼ years - see number 177) for a sum of £2290
383 - Assignment of lease by Benjamin William Simpson to Emily Catherine Anderson of 46 Porchester Square, for the remainder of a 90¼ years term (ie 42 years) at a rent of £15 and a consideration of £2050
384 - Abstract of the title of William Norris to the leasehold of 46 Porchester Square
385 - Licence granted to Percival John Alston and William Davis by the Ecclesiastical Commissioners' trustees James Bathurst and Sir William Vernon Harcourt, for a new roof to be put on 46 Porchester Square
386 - Grant of general power of attorney to Tom Edmund Livingstone Oakley by Thomas Michael Thackthwaite, dated 7 Dec 1891 and redated with a memorandum 25 May 1900
387 - Counterpart of lease of 46 Porchester Square by Benjamin William Simpson to Thomas Michael Thachthwaite [sic] for a term of 21 years, for a rent of £140
388 - Lease of 46 Porchester Square granted by Percival J Alston and William Davis to FJ Cullingford for a term of 24 years at a rent of £140 pa for the first three years and £160 pa for the remainder of the term
389 - Counterpart lease on 46 Porchester Square granted by Percival J Alston and William Davis to FJ Cullingford for a term of 24 years at a rent of £140 pa for the first three years and £160 pa for the remainder of the term
390 - Mortgage of leasehold house and premises, 46 Porchester Square, by John Scantlebury to Rev John Miles for a sum of £1000 repayable in seven years at a 5% rate of interest
391 - Assignment of lease of 46 Porchester Square from John Scantlebury to Mr Thomas Bottrill and the transference of a mortgage from Rev John Miles of £1000 plus 5% interest, for a consideration of £575. 10 Mar 1856. Receipt for repayment of £1000 to Rev John Miles by Thomas Bottrill. 1 Jun 1860
392 - Declaration made by Percival John Alston that one of the executors and all the annuitants named in the will of Thomas Bottrill deceased have now died. Copies of death certificates, parish register and ship's log enclosed
393 - Lease of 46 Porchester Square from Benjamin William Simpson to Thomas Michael Thackthwaite for a term of 21 years at a rent of £140 per year
394 - Consent given by Benjamin William Simpson to the assignment of a lease on 46 Porchester Square from Thomas Michael Thackthwaite to Emily Catherine Anderson
395 - Assignment of lease of 46 Porchester Square from Thomas Michael Thackthwaite to Emily Catherine Anderson for a term of 21 years at a rent of £140 per year, and for a consideration of £75
396 - Licence from Mrs J Bull to Mr Alexander and Mrs Frances E Duchesne to use 46 Porchester Square as a high class boarding house
397 - Mortgage for £1000 on several leasehold properties in Paddington (Alexandra Street and Marlborough Place) between Francis Marshall and the United General Assurance Association, repayable by an annuity, 9 Jan 1857. Receipt for repayment of annuities and capital of loan, 29 May 1862
398 - Mortgage by demise of No 11 Lanark Villas by Anne Reynolds to Sophia Witcher in repayment of a debt of £140 to be paid off in quarterly installments, 28 Jan 1863. Assignment of lease of 11 Lanark Villas by Thomas Reynolds, John Yates and Hannah Yates, heirs of Anne Reynolds, to Sophia Witcher upon a consideration of £200 and the repayment of a mortgage of £200 to Thomas Charles Ostell, 25 Jun 1866
399 - Notice to Mr Thomas Charles Ostell informing him of a mortgage on the assignment of the lease of 11 Lanark Villas to Mrs Sophia Witcher and ordering him not to part with the lease to any but her
400 - Re-assignment of lease of the property backing on Little Craven Place to William Storey on repayment of a mortgage from Henry Gore Chandless, executor of the late Thomas Chandless
401 - Mortgage of property at the back of Little Craven Place by William Storey to Thomas Chandless for the sum of £150
402 - Lease of 5 Chepstow Place, Bayswater from Francis Marshall to Isabella Ferber for a term of 21 years, determinable at 7 of 14 years, at a rent of £120 per year
403 - Agreement preparatory to making a lease between Francis Marshall and Isabella Ferber on 5 Chepstow Villas, Bayswater for a term of 7, 14 or 21 years at an annual rent of £120, and £65 for carpets, fittings and fixtures
404 - Lease of 19 Shrewsbury Road from Francis Marshall to Mrs Mary Lilly Tapping for a term of 21 years at an annual rent of £80
405 - Counterpart lease of 19 Shrewsbury Road from Francis Marshall to Mrs Mary Lilly Tapping for a term of 21 years at an annual rent of £80
406 - Lease of 19 Shrewsbury Road by Francis Marshall to William Hull for a term of 21 years at an annual rent of £80
407 - Assignment of lease on 6 Praed Street from Francis Clarke to Francis Marshall for the residue of a 21 year term (from 1843) at a yearly rental of £30
408 - Assignment of lease of 6 Praed Street from John Skipsey and George Beard to Francis Clarke for a term of 21 years at an annual rent of £30
409 - Counterpart lease of shops in Leinster Terrace from Stroud Lincoln Cocks to Charles Hull for a term of 7 years from 24/6/1874 at a yearly rental of £50
410 - Counterpart lease of shops in Leinster Terrace from Stroud Lincoln Cocks to Charles Hull for a term of 19 years at a yearly rental of £30
411 - Counterpart lease of 17 Porchester Terrace from Stroud Lincoln Cocks to Sarah Ann Oakes for a term of 10¾ years at an annual rent of £85, starting from 29 Sep 1870
412 - Agreement between John Woodward and Stroud Lincoln Cocks for the erection of additions to 17 Porchester Terrace and for the building of two shops at the end of the garden, later known as 34 and 36 Leinster Terrace and for the surrender of a lease dated 1/7/1852 for 17 years and the substitution of one for 28 years to date from 24 Jun 1853 at an annual rent of £60. With a plan of the alteration
413 - Letter from Henry Simpson Hamblin and John Steavenson, assignees of the estate of John Woodward, to remind Stroud Lincoln Cocks of the near termination of his lease on 17 Porchester Terrace and 34 & 36 Leinster Terrace, and setting out a specification of the repairs due to be done to the property
414 - Correspondence and notes from John Steavenson to Stroud Lincoln Cocks concerning disputes over fixtures and repairs in connection with the expiration of lease on 17 Porchester Terrace and 34 & 36 Leinster Terrace
415 - Mortgage assignment of 4 leases of property on the south west side of Bristol Mews (Nos 1, 2, 3 and 4) for the remainder of 97 years at rentals of £4 pa, dating from 1853, between Edward Gurling and Sarah Nettleshop for a sum of £450, with provision for borrowing further sums to the limit of £600 dated 12/4/1854. Surrender of mortgage
416 - Mortgage assignment of Nos 1, 2, 3 and 4 Bristol Mews for a sum of £550, repayable over 15 years, for 96 years at a peppercorn rent, from Edward Gurling to the Trustees of the Perpetual Benefit Building Society
417 - Agreement to assign on mortgage the leases of 1, 2, 3 and 4 Bristol Mews by Edward Gurling to William Nettleship for the sum of £120 and further sums to the total of £600
418 - Indenture of mortgage on 1, 2, 3 and 4 Bristol Mews between Francis Marshall and the Mercantile Union Loan and Investment Company Limited for a sum of £450, repayable in 10 years. 16 Jun 1857. Repayment of mortgage and receipt dated, 17 Nov 1858
419 - Assignment by mortgagee, the Trustees of the Perpetual Benefit Building Society of Nos 1, 2, 3 and 4 Bristol Mews to John Hollinshed for a sum of £636/15/6d, upon the default of mortgage repayments by Edward Gurling
420 - Assignment of lease on Nos 1, 2, 3 and 4 Bristol Mews from John Hollinshed to Francis Marshall for a sum of £725 for the remainder of a term of 97 years dating from 1853
421 - Lease of 3 houses and an outhouse (now numbered 166-170 Church Street and 3-5 Hall Place) from Benjamin Edward Hall to Watkin John Charlton, for a term of 99 years dating from 24/6/1822, for a first year's rent of a peppercorn, a second year's rent of £11, and subsequently at a yearly rental of £22/1/-
422 - Counterpart lease of 3 houses and an outhouse (now numbered 166-170 Church Street and 3-5 Hall Place) from Benjamin Edward Hall to Watkin John Charlton, for a term of 99 years dating from 24/6/1822, for a first year's rent of a peppercorn, a second year's rent of £11, and subsequently at a yearly rental of £22/1/-
423 - Mortgage assignment of lease on three houses and an outhouse (now numbered 166-170 Church Street and 3-5 Hall Place) from Watkin John Charlton to Joseph Staines, for the remainder of 99 years lease dating from 1822, for a sum of £800 repayable in 5 years at 5%
424 - Assignment of lease of premises (now known as 166-170 Church Street and 3-5 Hall Place) from FW Staines and James William (executors of mortgagee and leaseholder's debtor respectively) to John Charles Waites for a sum of £350 for the remainder of the term of 99 years dating from 1822
425 - Bond recording a debt on £1600 due from Watkin John Charlton to Joseph Staines, £800 of which to be repayable in five years time, and to be charged 5% per year
426 - Assignment of lease on two houses in Church Street (variously numbered, but here called 15 & 16 Old Church Street) and a stable in Hall Place (now Nos 3 & 5), from Francis William Staines and James Williams to Francis William Calder, for a sum of £785 for the remainder of a 99 year lease dating from 1823, at an annual rent of £15 15s
427 - Mortgage assignment of lease on houses in Church Street and a stable in Hall Place (now known as 166-170 Church Street and 3 & 5 Hall Place) for a sum of £700, between Francis William Calder and John Jones, for the remainder of a 99 year lease dating from 1823, 17 Mar 1855. Re-assignment from the heirs of John Jones to Francis William Calder, 30 Jul 1868
428 - Lease of stables at the rear of Nos 12, 13 & 14 Old Church Street (now known as Nos 3 & 5 Hall Place) by Francis William Calder to Sills James Humfress for a term of 30 years dating from 25 Dec 1866, at an annual rent of £30
429 - Mortgage assignment of lease on Nos 15 & 16 Church Street (now known as 166-170) from Francis William Calder to Emma Higham, for a sum of £600 at 5%, 8 Aug 1868. Re-assignment from George Lascelles Higham to Euphemia Caller [Calder see PAD/Deeds/ 431] on repayment of £600, 4 Jan 1881
430 - Conveyance of Nos 112, 114 & 116 Church Street [now Nos 166-168] from Charles Home Lloyd Fitzwilliams to Moss Samuel for a sum of £740
431 - Assignment of lease on 116 Church Street from John Porker Snowdon to Euphemia Calder for the sum of £35, for the remainder of 99 years dating from 1823, and for the annual rent of £6/6/-
432 - Abstract of the title of Annie Elsworth Erlebach and Henry James Cooper to Nos 112, 114 & 116 Church Street (now 166-170) and 3a Hall Place (Nos 3 & 5 Hall Place)
433 - Assignment of lease on Nos 112, 114 & 116 Church Street [now Nos 166-170] by Annie Elsworth Erlebach, Henry James Cooper and Henry Arthur Erlebach to Ernest Edwards for the sum of £620 for the residue of the term of 99 years dating from 1823
434 - Unsigned assignment of lease on Nos 170, 172 & 174 Church Street and 3a Hall Place by Winifred Weller Kent to Maurice M Hardy for a sum of £100 for the remainder of a term of 99 years dating from 1823
435 - Conveyance of Nos 170, 172 & 174 Church Street and 3a Hall Place from Moss Samuel to Messrs George Hamlett and Sons Limited, for a sum of £1300
436 - Lease of no 17 Porchester Terrace from John Woodward to Stroud Lincoln Cocks for a term of 26½ years at an annual rent of £60
437 - Counterpart lease on 17 Porchester Terrace from Stroud Lincoln Cocks to Lawrence Oakes for a term of 14 years, at an annual rent of £85
438 - Assignment of lease of premises and land in Westbourne Grove Road (north side) from John Atkinson to Francis Marshall, for the remainder of a term of 97 years dating from 1856, on payment of £650
439 - Mortgage assignment of lease of premises and land in Westbourne Grove Road, north side, from Francis Marshall to Mary Ann Procktor, for a sum of £400, 25 Jun 1857. Surrender of assignment on repayment of mortgage sum, 14 Apr 1860
440 - Assignment of lease of premises in Westbourne Grove Road, north side, second house eastwards from a mews by John Atkinson to Thomas Blake, for the sum of £570, for the residue of a term of 97 years dating from 1856
441 - Mortgage assignment of lease of property in Westbourne Grove Road, north side, second house ease of a mews, from Thomas Blake to George Speechly Bishop, for a sum of £800 repayable in three years at 5% interest, 8 Jun 1860. Re-assignment of mortgage from George Speechly Bishop to James Bishop. 26 Jun 1860. Surrender to mortgage assignment from James Bishop to Francis Marshall, on payment of £800, 14 Nov 1866
442 - Assignment of lease on property in Westbourne Grove Road, north side, second house ease of a mews, from Thomas Blake to Francis Marshall, at a sum of £700 plus repayment of a mortgage of £800 then due, for the remainder of a 97 year lease dating from 1856
443 - Lease of No 19 Shrewsbury Road from Francis Marshall to William Hull for a term of 21 years, at an annual rental of £80
444 - Counterpart lease of 16 Westbourne Grove by Francis Marshall to Francis Seward for a term of 28¼ years at an annual rental of £170, the first quarter paying £14/3/4d
445 - Lease of 16 Westbourne Grove by Francis Marshall to Francis Seward for a term of 28¼ years at an annual rental of £170, the rent for the first quarter being £14/3/4d
446 - Counterpart lease on 14 Westbourne Grove Road by Francis Marshall to Francis Seward, for a term of 28¼ years at a yearly rental of £130, the rental for the first quarter being £10/16/8d
447 - Lease on 14 Westbourne Grove Road by Francis Marshall to Francis Seward, for a term of 28¼ years at a yearly rental of £130, the rental for the first quarter being £10/16/8d
449 - Extracted copy of will and certificate of probate of Thomas Capper of 10 Pickering Place, Bayswater, made 19 Dec 1834, proved 14 Jan 1835
450 - Lease of a house and land called 7 Hyde Park Place West from Charles Joseph Thrupp to David Lyon for a term of 84 years, for a sum of £3650 and a yearly rent of £45
451 - Lease of No 7 Hyde Park Place West from David Lyon to the Honourable William Reginald Courtney (Lord Courtney) for a term of 21 years, at a yearly rental of £206/15/-
452 - Surrender of lease dated 21 Jun 1851 on No 7 Hyde Park Place West from the Honourable William Reginald Courtney (called Lord Courtney) to David Lyon
453 - Lease of No 7 Hyde Park Place West from David Lyon to James Innes for a term of 21 years at a yearly rental of £206/15/-, 19 Jul 1858. Assignment of the above lease from James Innes to Anna Maria Reid and Louisa Reid for the sum of £1100, same rent, 24 Dec 1860
454 - Counterpart lease of No 7 Hyde Park Place West from David Lyon to James Innes for a term of 21 years at a yearly rental of £206/15/-
455 - Demise of lease of No 7 Hyde Park Place West from David Lyon upon trust to Edward Walker for the benefit of Mrs Adele Hunter, for the remainder of the term of 84 years dating from 1827
456 - Sale of lease and cancellation of demise on trust on No 7 Hyde Park Terrace by David Lyon and Edward Walker to Anna Maria Reid and Louisa Reid for the sum of £3500, for the remainder of the term of 84 years dating from 1827
457 - Sale and assignment of lesae on No 7 Hyde Park Terrace by Clara Vernon Reid, James Innes and John Innes to George Emanuel Baruh Lousada, for the sum of £5300 for the remainder of a term of 84 years dating from 1827
458 - Mortgage assignment of leases on Nos 44 & 45 Westbourne Park Road from James Whittle Mead to Ann Lloyd for a principal of £500 at 5%, 23 May 1849 Re-assignment of leases from James Fordham Harriss and Ellen Maria van Harriss and James Balfour the elder to Ann Margaret Mead, all heirs to the parties in above mortgage on repayment of principal of £500, 14 Nov 1866
459 - Attested copy of mortgage assignment of leases on property on both sides of the nort part of Hereford by James Whittle Mead and James Thomas Mead to George Harriss, Joseph Rownson and James Fordham Harriss, for a principal of £1000 at 5%. Re-assignment of leases of properties in Hereford Road by Joseph Rownson and James Fordham Harriss to Ann Margaret Van Neck, Ellen Balfour and Louisa Ann Mead, on repayment of mortgage principals of £1034 and £700, 31 Jul 1869
460 - Attested copy of transfer of mortgage on Nos 59, 60 & 61 Westbourne Park Road from Sophia Pearson, on repayment of £700 principal, to John James Johnson, on payment by him to James Thomas Mead, the mortgagor, of £1150, 27 Feb 1858. Assignment of leases on the same property on repayment of mortgage from John James Johnson to James Thomas Mead, 12 Sep 1866
461 - Assignment of part of lease of land and premises in Westbourne Park Road, more particularly Nos 71 & 71a from Arthur Percy Vanneck to AJ Tatham Limited, for the remainder (32 years) of a 99 year lease for the consideration of £825, at an annual rent of £2
462 - Part of abstract to the title of Nos 71, 75, 77 & 79 Westbourne Park Road
463a - Copy of assignment of half shares in the leases of Nos 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11 & 12 St Stephen's Terrace, Hereford Road North and Nos 36, 55 & 57 Hereford Road North and No 3 Talbot Villas, Talbot Road, from James Balfour and Ann Margaret Mead to James Thomas Mead
463b - Assignment by the Sun Permanent Benefit Building Society of No 29 Maida Hill to Mr William Melbourne
464 - Mortgage of leasehold premises situate and being No 29 Maida Hill West, by Mr Harry Rous to the Sun Permanent Benefit Building Society
465 - Mortgage by Mr W Melbourne to Mrs H Russell ot No 29 Maida Hill West
466 - Grant of right of way from Spencer Street into Cirencester Street, Harrow Road by the "Spotted Dog", Cirencester Street by Mr HD Clarke and his mortgages to Mr George Wadley
467 - Conveyance by Mr Henry Daniel Clarke and his mortgages to Mr George Wadley of a public house called the Spotted Dog and other hereditaments in Spencer Street and Cirencester Street, Harrow Road
468 - Assignment by Mr John Taft and his mortgages to JH Robinson of a messuage being No 6 Maida Hill West in the Parish of Paddington, Middlesex
469 - Counterpart of lease to Mr John Taft by Edmund Walker of No 6 Maida Hill West
470 - Lease to John Taft by Thomas Thistlethwaite and others with the consent of the Lord Bishop of London and on the nomination of Mr Charles Stevenson of No 6 Maida Hill West for a period of 95¾ years, the rent being £2
471 - Lease to Mr John Taft by Mr Edmund Walker of No 6 Maida Hill West
472 - Abstract of the title of AP Vanneck [Van Neck, see PAD/Deeds/474], its leasehold premises 89 Hereford Road, and No 11 St Stephen's Road, Paddington
472a - Deed of charge by John Grant Van Neck of 99 Westbourne Park Road to the London County and Westminster Bank Limited relating to his deposit with them of deeds relating to 85, 87 & 89 Hereford Road 1856-1869 and to 11 St Stephen's Road, 1858-1911, including a list of these deeds
473 - Mortgage of no 85 & 87 Hereford Road between JW Mead and JT Mead of one part, F Harris, J Bownson and JF Harris of the other part, 22 May 1857. Assignment between J Balfour Elder and AM Mead of one part and JT Mead of the other part. 25 Feb 1860. Surrender of mortgage between J Rownson and JF Harris of one part and AM Van Neck, E Balfour and LA Mead of the other part, 31 Jul 1869
474 - Assignment by Arthur Charles Rhodes, Henry Nathan and James Balfour of leaseholds apportioned in respect of the share of the said Arthur Percy Van Neck under the will of Miss Louisa Mead, to Arthur Percy Van Neck
475 - Lease by Mrs Hannah Russell to Mr Harry Rowe of No 29 Maida Hill West, for a period of seven or 14 years from 25/3/1893 at a rent of £60 per year
476 - Assignment of leasehold premises at 29 Maida Hill West to Claude Randolph [Davey] and others by Price Jones Langford Morris
477 - Assignment of leasehold premises No 29 Maida Hill West by JS Stocker to PJL Morris and HW Morris
478 - Lease of No 29 Maida Hill West by Mrs Hannah Russell to Mr Harry Rowe for a period of seven to 14 years as of 25 Mar 1893, at a rent of £60 pa plus insurance
479 - Mortgage of No 29 Maida Hill West to the Petersburgh Mutual Benefit Building Society by Mr William Melbourne
480 - Statement of mortgages costs amounting to £4/3/2d re conveyancing Nos 71-94 Westbourne Park Road by Robert Liveing to WRF Liveing
481 - Assignment of No 29 Maida Hill West to W Melbourne by CR Barry, Mrs BK Sharman and LC Barry
482 - Assignment of leasehold premises No 29 Maida Hill West to Mrs Hannah Russell by the executors of Michael Samuels
483 - Counterpart lease of No 29 Maida Hill West by Mr William Melbourne to Mr JH Gladstone for five years dating from 24 Jun 1913, at a rent of £80
484 - Surrender (of No 29 Maida Hill West) by Mrs H Russell to Mr William Melbourne
485 - Assignment of No 29 Maida Hill West to Mr W Melbourne by Mrs H Russell
486 - Assignment of leasehold premises at Maida Hill to Misses Helen Lowe and Marianne Lowe by Miss Bertha Kirby and Mr Henry Gray Brydone, executrix and executor of the last will of John Henry Robinson deceased
487 - Assignment of leasehold premises No 29 Maida Hill West by Miss Marianne Lowe to Mr Michael Samuels
488 - Mortgage of leasehold premises No 29 Maida Hill West to the Sovereign Alliance Benefit Building Society by Mr Michael Samuels
489 - Assignment of leasehold premises at Maida Hill to Miss Marianne Lowe by Miss Helen Lowe
490 - Assignment of leasehold premises at Maida Hill to Alfred Elkins by Dr Samuel Walker
491 - Mortgage statement on Nos 71-94 Westbourne Park Road amounting to £2043/12/4d, made to WB Liveing by Robert Liveing
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