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SMEC - St Marylebone Electricity Supply Undertaking
1 - St Marylebone Electricty Supply Committee records - Part I, pre 1906
2 - St Marylebone Electricty Supply Committee records - Part II, post 1906
15 - Bryanston Square Feeder Box - Agreement with Lord Portman
24 - Victoria Palace. Agreement with Lord Portman re-rectification of estate boundary.
31 - Middlesex Hospital - supply of electricity.
31A - Middlesex Hospital.
114A - Depot
122A - London County Council, loans.
132 - Aybrook Street sub-station:- Alterations etc. generally to July 31 1913, also papers on loan.
132A - Papers for Blandford Street property. (Manchester and Aybrook Street) File no. 1
138 - Public Lighting. and Public Street Lighting.
138A - Public Lighting.
163 - Agreements with consumers.
163A - Agreements with consumers:- Debenhams; Friswells; G. Cozens & Co.; London Freehold and Leasehold Property Co.
163B - Agreements with consumers: generally
163C - Agreements with consumers:
163D - Agreements with consumers.
163E - Agreements with consumers.
166D - Parliamentary.
168 - Tariffs.
168A - Tariffs
168B - Tariffs
175A - Concessions to Flat Owners:- case of the Consolidated Property Co.
189D - Tenders and Contracts
189E - Tenders and contracts - General (except for Plant).
189F - Tenders and Contracts
190 - Bulk Supplies of Electricity (except Hampstead). Central Electricity Supply Co. link-up.
194 - Assessment of Undertaking.
213 - Extension of boxes - Blandford Street and Manchester Street property.
213A - Papers relating to Blandford Street property. (Manchester Street and Aybrook Street).
213B - Aybrook Street and Blandford Street properties
213C - Aybrook Street and Blandford Street properties.
213D - Aybrook Street and Blandford Street properties.
214A - Evelyn Street and Rathbone Place properties.
214B - Evelyn Street and Rathbone Place properties.
227 - Regents Canal Co. - generally.
256 - 2 & 3, Hanway Place.
256A - 2 & 3, Hanway Place - General.
256B - 2 & 3, Hanway Place - Alterations and repairs.
256C - 2 & 3, Hanway Place - Alterations and repairs.
341A - Storage Batteries. Electrical Power Storage Co. Ltd. (Rathbone Place and Manchester Street).
341B - Electrical Power Storage Co. - Messrs. Pritchett and Gold.
363 - Consolidation of London's Electricity Supply. London & District E.S. no. 2. Bill.
364 - Regent's Park Lighting etc.
423A - Bulk supplies of Electricity (except Hampstead).
423B - Bulk supplies of Electricity (except Hampstead).
423C - Bulk supplies of Electricity (except Hampstead).
423D - Bulk supplies of Electricity (except Hampstead).
425 - Insurance (except staff).
591A - Hampstead Bulk supply.
591B - Hampstead Bulk supply.
591C - Hampstead Bulk supply.
592A - Joint Electricity Authority. (Including conferences of Local Authorities Owning electricity undertakings:- Greater London and Joint Committee of Local Authorities Owning Electricity undertakings.)
592B - Joint Electricity Authority
592C - Joint Electricity Authority
592D - Joint Electricity Authority
592E - Joint Electricity Authority
592F - Joint Electricity Authority
592G - Joint Electricity Authority
592H - Joint Electricity Authority
593A - Staff and wages, including correspondence with National Joint industrial Board; Electrical Trades Union; No.10 District Council and Wages conference
593B - Staff and wages - manual workers
593C - Staff and wages - manual workers
593D - Staff and wages - manual workers
593E - Staff and wages - manual workers
593F - Staff and wages - manual workers
594 - Staff and wages - clerical and technical - including correspondence with National Joint Board; Incorporated municipal Electrical Assoc. Electrical Power Engineers' Assoc. Electricity Supply Commercial Assoc. and no. 10 District Council.
594A - Staff and wages - clerical and technical
594B - Staff and wages - clerical and technical
594C - Staff and wages - clerical and technical
594D - Staff and wages - clerical and technical
594F - Staff and wages - clerical and technical
594G - Staff and wages - clerical and technical
595 - Standard forms of Agreement.
599 - Selfridge & Co Ltd. Supply of Electricity.
600 - Unemployment.
601 - Victoria Palace. (Cross reference to other files:- ES 14,24, 1430)
612 - Messrs. Waring and Gillow Ltd. Supply of Electricity.
642 - Madame Tussaud and Sons Ltd. Supply of Electricity.
643 - Bourne and Hollingsworth. Supply of Electricity.
644 - Messrs. Debenham's. Supply of Electricity.
648D - Claims and Complaints.
650 - Supply of Steam.
652 - Electricity Commission.
652A - Electricity Commission: memoranda, statistics and correspondence
652B - Electricity Commission: memoranda, statistics and correspondence
652C - Electricity Commission: memoranda, statistics and correspondence
653 - Metropolitan Waterboard. Electricity Department.
656 - Messrs. Peter Robinson Ltd. Supply of Electricity.
657 - Regent Street Polytechnic. Supply of Electricity.
661 - 1923 Plant Extension.
666 - Electricity Supply - Quarterly revenue accounts.
679A - Building Work.
679B - Building Work. Simms and Russell
680A - Meters
680B - Meters
680C - Meters
680D - Meters
686 - Cooling Towers
686A - Cooling Towers
688A - Cables
688B - Cables
688C - Cables
688D - Cables.
688E - Cables.
688F - Cables and Contracts.
688G - Cables and Contracts.
729 - Wiring Schemes - Tenement Properties
729A - Wiring Schemes - Tenement Properties
743 - Wiring of premises (except tenement properties)
744 - Interruption of supply.
773 - Emergency Account. (electricity)
775 - British Electrical Development Association
775A - British Electrical Development Association
798 - Architectural Standards Association.
819 - Architect and Quantity Surveyor.
828 - Holborn and Frascati Ltd. Electricity supply.
829 - John Lewis & Co. Electricity Supply.
896 - Conference of Local Authorities owning Electricity Undertakings in Greater London 1939-1948
896A - Conference of Local Authorities owning Electricity Undertakings in Greater London 1939-1948
896B - Conference of Local Authorities owning Electricity Undertakings in Greater London 1939-1948
914 - Black Horse Yard and Rathbone Place properties.
915A - Electricity Supply Bill and Act.
915B - Electricity Supply Bill and Act.
917 - Incorporated Municipal Electrical Association.
917A - Incorporated Municipal Electrical Association.
917B - Incorporated Municipal Electrical Association
917C - Incorporated Municipal Electrical Association
918 - Wages Conference, electricity, Greater London.
948 - Staff - Questions affecting all sections.
951 - General Strike and Coal emergency.
952 - Defaulters - Procedure.
952A - Defaulters - Procedure.
964A - Accounts, Estimates and Statistics.
964A.1 - Accounts, Estimates and Statistics.
964B - Accounts, Estimates and Statistics.
964C - Accounts, Estimates and Statistics.
964D - Accounts, Estimates and Statistics.
964E - Accounts, Estimates and Statistics.
964F - Accounts, Estimates and Statistics.
964G - Assessment of Undertaking
965A - Plant-additions and alterations - Contracts
965B - Plant-additions and alterations - Contracts
965C - Plant-additions and alterations -Contracts
965F - Plant-additions and alterations - Contracts
965G - Plant - additions and alterations - Contracts
965H - Plant - additions and alterations - Contracts
965I - Plant - additions and alterations - Contracts
965J - Plant - additions and alterations - Contracts
965K - Plant - additions and alterations - Contracts
966 - Technical scheme for London and Home Counties.
967 - London and Home Counties, Joint electricity authority bills.
968 - Domestic supplies of electricity.
969 - Plant Extensions
993 - Central Electricity Board. (except agreement with Council and supplies to and from Council.)
1032 - Metropolitan Railway - electricity supply
1032B - Metropolitan Railway - electricity supply
1033 - Langham Hotel - Transformer station
1098A - South-east England - electricity scheme
1098B - South-east England - Electricity scheme.
1104 - Hackney Borough Council Act, 1926.
1105 - Press.
1106 - Supplies to Large Consumers.
1107 - Messrs. D.H. Evans & Co., - electricity supplies.
1144 - No 45
1145 - No 44
1146 - No 43
1147 - No 42
1148 - No 33
1149 - Transport
1150 - Change of Pressure and System of Supply.
1150A - Change of Pressure and System of Supply.
1150B - Change of Pressure and System of Supply.
1151 - Requirements of Electricity Undertakings.
1152 - Wireless Apparatus
1153F - Reform in Local Government.
1154 - Purchase powers of local authority undertakers.
1189 - Co-Ordinating of generating resources.
1191 - British electrical and allied industries research association
1191A - British electrical and allied industries research association
1289 - 39-40, Aybrook Street.
1290 - Reports by experts.
1291A - Rising mains
1291B - Rising mains
1291C - Rising mains
1291D - Rising mains
1292 - Land Acquisition
1293 - No.38; Aybrook Street
1294 - No.41; Aybrook Street
1295 - Plant extensions, 1929.
1296 - Plant extensions, 1930.
1297 - Smoke, fumes, treatment of sulphur etc.
1298 - Staff - senior officers of the electricity department.
1325 - Area of supply.
1329 - Moreby House - transformer station.
1429 - Rising main agreements - Standard forms.
1430 - Emmanuel School.
1431 - B.B.C. - electricity supplies.
1432 - Oxford Street traffic signals.
1528 - Grand Union Canal - canal water facilities.
1546 - Accident to H.E. Griffen
1547 - St Marylebone electric lighting order, 1901
1584 - Town Hall - heating.
1585 - Electricity Supply. Bills and Acts.
1585A - Electricity Supply. Bills and Acts.
1777 - Royal Institute of British Architects.
1778 - Research re - boiler plate failures.
1780 - Royal Jubilee (1935), celebrations and Regent Street floodlighting.
1781 - Electricity Supply Act, 1935.
1842 - Air raid precautions
1842A - Air raid precautions
1855 - Coal Mines Bill.
1856 - Electricity supply (Meters) Act, 1936.
2005 - Messrs. Sanderson & Co., Electricity Supplier.
2006 - Fuel
2006A - Fuel
2007 - Central Electricity Board - Agreements with and supplies to and from
2007A - Central Electricity Board - Agreements with and supplies to and from
2008 - Electricity Distribution
2008A - Electricity Distribution - re-organisation.
2008B - Electricity Distribution.
2008C - Electricity Supply Services - Organisation and Distribution
2008D - Electricity Supply Services - re-organisation. Printed Memoranda
2009 - No. 10 District Joint Board (except Electricity and Technical and Clerical Staff.
2009A - No. 10 District Joint Board (except Electricity and Technical and Clerical Staff.
2010 - No. 10 District Council. Electricity Supply Industry. (excepting manual workers and file staff).
2010A - No. 10 District Council. Electricity Supply Industry. (excepting manual workers and file staff).
2011 - North Metropolitan Electric Power Supply Acts.
2012 - Hire Purchase Bill and Act. 1938.
2013 - London Building Acts in relation to electricity.
2014 - London Power Co. Ltd. Purchase of Ducts and Cables.
2015 - London Passenger Transport Board Bill and Act.
2016 - Gas Light and Coke Company Acts.
2043 - Aybrook Street and Blandford Street properties. Acquisition of Interests
2043A - Aybrook Street and Blandford Street properties. Acquisition of Interests.
2043B - Aybrook Street. and Blandford Street properties. Acquisition of Interests.
2044 - Aybrook St. properties - Demolition and Erection.
2045 - Aybrook Street and Blandford Street premises (extracts from reports and minutes)
2046 - Aybrook Street. and Blandford Street sites. (Architect and quantity)
2047 - Aybrook Street. and Blandford Street properties. (Clerk of Works)
2048 - Aybrook Street and Blandford Street properties. (Clerk of Works)
2049 - Aybrook St. Depot and Sub-contract.
2050 - Blandford Street Building (including demolition)
2050B - Blandford Street Building (including demolition)
2050C - Blandford Street Building (including demolition)
2051 - Aberdeen Place Sub-Station. (including erection and building)
2052 - Aberdeen Place Sub-Station. Architect and quantity surveyor - fees and appointments.
2053 - Aberdeen Place Sub-Station. Clerk of Works
2054 - Aberdeen Place Sub-Station. Clerk of Works
2120 - Bedford Arms (28, Blandford Street) and Bricklayer's Arms (33, Aybrook Street). Exchange.
2229 - Welbeck Street - Subsidence
2229A - Welbeck Street - Subsidence
2253 - Messrs. G. Cozens & Co. - Electricity Supplies.
2254 - Fuel and Lighting Order, 1939.
2255 - Tariffs - Increases 1940.
2256 - Second Point of Electricity Supply.
2257 - Aybrook Street and Blandford Street properties.
2909 - Bickenhall Mansions - transformer sub-stations.
2910 - Architects - various matters.
2911 - Advertising.
2912 - Chief Electrical Engineer Salaries.
2913 - Decision letters to chief engineers and borough treasurer.
2914 - Electricity Act. 1947.
2915 - Essential work - protected establishment and essential work orders.
2916 - Load shedding and spreading.
2917 - London Clinic - transformer sub-station.
2918 - London Consultative Council.
2919 - Plant - disposal of, and scrap metal.
2920 - Portman Square - transformer sub-station.
2921 - St. Marylebone electric lighting acts
2922 - Scott-Ellis Gardens - transformer sub-station.
2923 - Lisson Street. (Sherrington Estate) - transformer sub-station.
2924 - Transformer sub-station.
2925 - War damage - electricity undertaking.
2926 - Works committees and shop stewards.
2927 - Montagu Square - transformer sub-station.
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