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SMW - St Margaret Westminster, parish records
0044 - St Margaret, Churchwardens' accounts
0076 - St Margaret, Westminster, account book
0141 - St Margaret, account of expenses in perambulating the Out Bounds of the parish
0277 - St Margaret, photocopy of tithe apportionment with map of land near Kensington
1584 - St Margaret parish records
1944 - Scavengers' Rate assessment for St Margaret Westminster
2391 - Invitations, orders of service and papers relating to the history of the church of St Margaret Westminster
2542 - St Margaret, Westminster
E - St Margaret's Westminster, parish records
1 - Churchwardens' accounts
2 - Oversees' accounts
3 - Westminster Paving Commissioners, paving accounts
4 - Westminster Paving Commissioners, Sunday tolls
5 - Parish rate books for relief of persons visited by plague
6 - Poor rate books
7 - Poor lame, impotent, old and blind rates
8 - Poor, highway, scavenger, and watch rates
9 - Poor, highway and scavenger rates
10 - Poor rate, repair of highways and cleansing streets
11 - Poor rate
12 - Sewer and general rate and special rate over Crown and Tothill Fields
13 - Sewer rate and Counter's Creek sewer rate
14 - Main drainage and sewer rate
15 - Main drainage rate
16 - Special sewers rate
17 - Metropolitan Board of Works and sewer rate
18 - General rate
19 - Metropolitan consolidated rate
20 - School board rate
21 - General, consolidated, London School Board and sewers rates
22 - District rates (including consolidated, general, school board, sewers and library rates)
23 - General rates (including consolidated, sewers, school board and library)
24 - Highways rate
25 - Poor rate
26 - Highways rate
27 - Rates for repairing and amending highways
28 - Scavenger rate
29 - Paving and lighting rate
30 - Paving rate
31 - Paving rate, collectors' accounts
32 - Water rate, collectors' accounts
33 - Water rate
34 - Poor rate and nightly watch, arrears
35 - Library rate
1365 - Library rate
1366 - Library rate
1367 - Library rate
1368 - Library rate
1369 - Library rate
1370 - Library rate
1371 - Library rate
1372 - Library rate
1373 - Library rate
1374 - Library rate
1375 - Library rate
1376 - Library rate
1377 - Library rate
1378 - Library rate
1379 - Library rate, including school board
1380 - Library rate
36 - Rector's rate
37 - Church rate, for repairing St. John's Church
38 - Church rate, for repairing St John's Church and rebuilding the fences of St Margaret's Burial Ground
39 - Church rate, for the repair of "any Church" in the parish
40 - Rate for the repayment of loan borrowed on Church rate
41 - Church rate for the repair of St. John's Church
42 - Church rate, Petty Sessions list of defaulters
43 - Burial Act 1605, collectors' books
44 - Collection books
45 - Banns book
46 - Church rate, collector's book, pocket copies
47 - Army rates
48 - "Royal Aids" rates
49 - Rate for bounties paid to volunteers in the navy
50 - Rate for defraying expense of hand engine, etc
51 - Assessment upon the parish under subsidies of Charles II
52 - Assessment upon the parish for relief of Ireland
53 - Rates to raise additional military forces
54 - Voluntary contribution for defence of the Country
55 - Collectors' books of assessment upon the parish following the Gordon Riots
56 - Tothill Fields Trust rate
57 - Tothill Fields Trust, financial records
58 - Paving rate, collectors' copies, optional streets
59 - Westminster Paving Commissioners, paving rate
60 - Westminster Paving Commissioners, paving rate, optional streets
61 - Paving rate, City of Westminster
62 - Paving rate, Liberty of the Rolls
63 - Overseers' personal pay books
64 - St John the Evangelist, Church notices
65 - St John the Evangelist, Vestry notices
66 - St John the Evangelist, letter book
67 - St John the Evangelist, minutes books of parish committees
68 - St John the Evangelist, Register of deeds
69 - Tothill Fields Trustees' minutes, books and Improvement Act
70 - Inventory of records in Westminster Abbey Muniment Room
71 - Poor rate, Treasurer's accounts
72 - District Board of Works Treasurer's accounts
73 - Poor rate Treasurer of the united parishes cash books
74 - Poor rate, Treasurer's accounts
75 - Westminster Paving Commissioners' draft accounts
76 - Account book of John Allen, brewer of Millbank
77 - Workhouse, Clerk's cash account book
78 - Overseers' Personal account book
79 - Watch accounts
80 - Workhouse accounts
81 - Church rate accounts
82 - St Margaret's burial fee book
83 - Militia pay books
84 - Account books
85 - Churchwardens' accounts
86 - Rate account books
87 - Westminster Paving Commissioners' accounts, parochial journal
88 - Armed Association of St Margaret and St John
89 - Subscription lists
90 - District Board of Works, paving & lighting ledgers
91 - Vestry orders
92 - St John's Vestry minutes
93 - District Board of Works minutes
94 - District Board of Works, Committee minutes
95 - Poll Tax Commissioners' minutes
96 - Land and Poll Tax minutes
97 - St Margaret's Land Tax Commissioners' minutes
98 - St Margaret's Window Tax Commissioners' minutes
99 - Petty Sessions minutes
100 - Poor Law and Settlement
101 - Committee minutes
102 - St Margaret and St John Watch Committee minutes
103 - St Margaret and St John Paving Committee minutes
104 - Westminster Paving Commissioners' minutes
105 - Committee for Paving of St Margaret and St John minutes
106 - Index to Westminster Paving Commissioners minutes
107 - St John's Paving Commissioners minutes
108 - Westminster Paving Commissioners, Treasurer's cash account books
109 - St Margaret and St John Town Hall Committee
110 - St Margaret and St John Churchwardens and Overseers
111 - Board of Churchwardens and Overseers
112 - Statutes at large
113 - St John's burial fee book
114 - Vestry records
115 - Cheques and vouchers
116 - Agenda books
117 - Land Tax
118 - St Margaret and St John Paving Commissioners
119 - St Margaret and St John watch, beadles' reports and patrols' returns
120 - Elections
121 - Registers of officiating clergy
122 - Fee registers
123 - Books of copies of legal precedents
124 - Report of audit committee
125 - Attendance books
126 - Charities
127 - St Margaret and St John Valuation lists
128 - Land, window and other tax assessment ledgers
129 - Settlement examination papers
130 - Pew rents
131 - Letter books received
132 - Governors and Directors of the Poor
133 - Other records
PR - St Margaret, Westminster, parish registers
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