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Collapse STA - St Anne Soho, parish recordsSTA - St Anne Soho, parish records
0249 - St Anne, Soho parish, Assessor's list number 14
Expand 1259 - Bill for shrouds and coffins1259 - Bill for shrouds and coffins
Expand 1503 - Church Tower Restoration Committee1503 - Church Tower Restoration Committee
Expand 1634 - Church Yard, Dean Street, list of remains exhumed by the London Necropolis Company1634 - Church Yard, Dean Street, list of remains exhumed by the London Necropolis Company
Expand 1924 - Vestry minutes1924 - Vestry minutes
Expand 2151 - Papers relating to property holdings2151 - Papers relating to property holdings
Expand 2288 - Parish registers and parish records from House of St Barnabas, St Peter Great Windmill Street, St Thomas Regent St, St Anne Soho and St Peter Great Peter Street.2288 - Parish registers and parish records from House of St Barnabas, St Peter Great Windmill Street, St Thomas Regent St, St Anne Soho and St Peter Great Peter Street.
Expand 2670 - Two photographs of St Anne's Soho2670 - Two photographs of St Anne's Soho
Expand 2701 - St Anne's Soho building agreements, marriage licences and sequestrations2701 - St Anne's Soho building agreements, marriage licences and sequestrations
Collapse A - St Anne's Soho: first depositA - St Anne's Soho: first deposit
Expand 1 - Parish records1 - Parish records
Collapse 2 - Civil Records2 - Civil Records
Expand 1 - Vestry1 - Vestry
Expand 2 - Census2 - Census
Expand 3 - Valuation3 - Valuation
Collapse 4 - Poor Law Records4 - Poor Law Records
2051 - Subscriptions (and distributions of sums of money collected) for charitable purposes.
2054e.1 - Warrant against John Duckers, late a servant to Dr Cruikshank of Leicester Fields, to indemnify the parish against a bastard child
2201 - Booke of orphants putt apprentice
2224 - Board of Guardians Overseers' minute book
2225 - Board of Guardians
2226 - Board of Guardians
2227 - Board of Guardians
2228 - Board of Guardians
2229 - Board of Guardians
2230 - Board of Guardians
2231 - Board of Guardians
2232 - Overseers of the Poor Bills and receipts
2233 - Overseers' cash book
2234 - Overseers' cash book
2235 - Account book of the Overseers of the Poor
2236 - Account book of the Overseers of the Poor
2236a - [Overseers of the Poor Cash disbursement book]
2237 - [Overseers of the Poor Account book]
2238 - [Overseers of the Poor Account book]
2239 - Overseers book of receipts and payments
2240 - (Draft) statement of Overseers' Account from
2241 - [Memorandum book of the Clerk to the Overseers of the Poor]
2242 - [Memorandum book of the Clerk to the Overseers of the Poor]
2243 - [Memorandum book of the Clerk to the Overseers of the Poor]
2243a - Deficiency lists, casts of ratebooks, receipts and other papers relating to the poor rate
2244 - Account of payments to weekly poor
2245 - List of pensioners belonging to the parish of St Anne viewed and taken in the workhouse and ordered to be relieved weekly
2246 - An Account of benefactions collected for and distributed to the poor on account of the inclemency of the weather
2246a - An Account of monies collected in the parish of St Anne, Westminster, in January 1771 on account of the inclemency of the weather for the assistance of poor persons residing therein
2247 - An Account of benefactions collected for and distributed to the poor on account of the inclemency of the weather
2248 - Leicester Fields Division East (Register of people in receipt of bread and potatoes sold at a cheap rate)
2249 - Subscription Committee Draft minutes, subscription lists and receipts relating to the relief of the poor
2250 - Miscellaneous papers relating to the poor of the parish
2251 - An Account of work done by the poor in the workhouse of St Anne, Westminster with the expenses attending the same
2252 - Paupers' work book, 7
2253 - Paupers' work book
2254 - Paupers' work book
2255 - Paupers' work book
2256 - Paupers' work book
2257 - Account of linnen and other cloathing received at the workhouse and delivered to the poor
2258 - Letters, receipts and other papers relating to the workhouse
2259 - [Record of poor persons] received [into the Parish and] passed [from the parish]
2260 - Orders for removal and other settlement papers
2261 - Abstract of payments made on account of the poor children of the parish of St Anne
2262 - Indentures of apprenticeship and other papers relating to the apprenticing of poor children
2263 - Accounts for children out at nurse at Enfield, Middlesex
2264 - Benefactions made to the two charity schools
2265 - Minute book of St Anne's School
2266 - Miscellaneous papers relating to St Anne's Infant School
Expand 2266a - Abstract of transactions relating to the estate in Antigua belonging to the poor of the parish of St Anne under the will of Cornwall Vincens, together with letters, accounts and a copy of the will of Cornwall Vincens2266a - Abstract of transactions relating to the estate in Antigua belonging to the poor of the parish of St Anne under the will of Cornwall Vincens, together with letters, accounts and a copy of the will of Cornwall Vincens
2267 - Book of (indemnification) bonds and releases
2267a - Agreement between Edward Day and the Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poor, whereby, for the sum of five guineas the said Edward Day is released from the maintenance of a female bastard child born to Anne Bartlett
2268 - [Register of] illegitimates
2269 - Proceedings of the Committee for the relief of the sufferers by the fire in Compton Street and Greek Street
2270 - List of claims of housekeepers, lodgers, etc and distribution to them of money collected for sufferers from the fire in Compton Street and Greek Street
2375 - The Claim of the Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poor of the Parish of Saint Anne on the Right Honorable the Commissioners of His Majesty's Stamp Duties for their trouble and expense in making out and exhibiting at the Door of the Parish Church a List of all Persons who have taken out licences to wear Hair Powder
Expand 5 - Riots5 - Riots
Expand 6 - Paving, lighting and cleansing6 - Paving, lighting and cleansing
Expand 7 - Watch etc.7 - Watch etc.
Expand 8 - Land Tax, Window Tax etc.8 - Land Tax, Window Tax etc.
Expand 9 - Militia and volunteers9 - Militia and volunteers
Expand 10 - Petty Sessions etc10 - Petty Sessions etc
Expand 3 - Rate books3 - Rate books
Expand PR - St Anne, Soho, parish registersPR - St Anne, Soho, parish registers

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