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Collapse STG - St George, Hanover SquareSTG - St George, Hanover Square
0038 - St George Hanover Square, sacrament certificates
Expand 1324 - St George Hanover Square, parish registers1324 - St George Hanover Square, parish registers
Expand 1852 - St George Hanover Square parish records:  Commissioners for Public Baths and Washhouses1852 - St George Hanover Square parish records: Commissioners for Public Baths and Washhouses
Expand 2208 - St George Hanover Square parish records:  Vestry notice for the information of inhabitants2208 - St George Hanover Square parish records: Vestry notice for the information of inhabitants
2212 - Petition to St George Hanover Square Paving Committee from the inhabitants of Piccadilly
Expand 2256 - St George Hanover Square, marriage licences2256 - St George Hanover Square, marriage licences
Expand 2326 - St George Hanover Square, parish registers and other records2326 - St George Hanover Square, parish registers and other records
Expand 2362 - St George Hanover Square parish records, including material relating to incumbents Rev Henry Howarth, Rev David Anderson, church organ and stained glass, the opening of the New Vestry Hall, Mount Street and the first annual Vestry Dinner2362 - St George Hanover Square parish records, including material relating to incumbents Rev Henry Howarth, Rev David Anderson, church organ and stained glass, the opening of the New Vestry Hall, Mount Street and the first annual Vestry Dinner
Expand 2520 - St George Hanover Square parish records2520 - St George Hanover Square parish records
Collapse C - St George, Hanover Square parish records (first deposit)C - St George, Hanover Square parish records (first deposit)
Expand 1 - Ecclesiastical Records1 - Ecclesiastical Records
Collapse 2 - Civil Records2 - Civil Records
Expand 1 - Vestry orders and vestry minutes1 - Vestry orders and vestry minutes
Expand 2 - Parish property records2 - Parish property records
Expand 3 - Burial Records3 - Burial Records
Collapse 4 - Poor Relief Records4 - Poor Relief Records
844 - Minutes of a meeting of the Governors and Directors of the Poor
867 - Minutes of the Overseers of the Poor, concerning Voters' Lists and Jury lists.
868 - Minutes of the Overseers of the Poor, concerning Voters' Lists and Jury lists.
869 - Minutes of a Committee appointed to inspect and regulate the affairs of the workhouse.
870 - Minutes of a Committee appointed to inspect and regulate the affairs of the workhouse.
871 - Minutes of a Committee appointed to inspect and regulate the affairs of the workhouse.
872 - Minutes of a Committee appointed to inspect and regulate the affairs of the workhouse.
873 - Workhouse committee minutes
874 - Workhouse committee minutes
875 - Workhouse committee minutes
876 - Workhouse committee minutes
877 - Workhouse committee minutes
878 - Workhouse committee minutes
879 - Workhouse committee minutes
880 - Workhouse committee minutes
881 - Workhouse committee minutes
882 - Minutes of a meeting of the Governors and Directors of the Poor
883 - Minutes of a meeting of the Governors and Directors of the Poor
885 - Minutes of a meeting of the Governors and Directors of the Poor
886 - Minutes of a meeting of the Governors and Directors of the Poor
887 - Minutes of a meeting of the Governors and Directors of the Poor
888 - Minutes of a meeting of the Governors and Directors of the Poor
889 - Minutes of a meeting of the Governors and Directors of the Poor
890 - Minutes of a meeting of the Governors and Directors of the Poor
891 - Minutes of a meeting of the Governors and Directors of the Poor
892 - Minutes of a meeting of the Governors and Directors of the Poor
893 - Minutes of a meeting of the Governors and Directors of the Poor
894 - Minutes of a meeting of the Governors and Directors of the Poor
895 - Minutes of a meeting of the Governors and Directors of the Poor
896 - Minutes of a meeting of the Governors and Directors of the Poor
897 - Minutes of a meeting of the Governors and Directors of the Poor
898 - Minutes of a meeting of the Governors and Directors of the Poor
899 - Minutes of a meeting of the Governors and Directors of the Poor
900 - Minutes of a meeting of the Governors and Directors of the Poor
901 - Minutes of a meeting of the Governors and Directors of the Poor
902 - Minutes of a meeting of the Governors and Directors of the Poor
903 - Minutes of a meeting of the Governors and Directors of the Poor
904 - Minutes of a meeting of the Governors and Directors of the Poor
905 - Minutes of a meeting of the Governors and Directors of the Poor
906 - Minutes of a meeting of the Governors and Directors of the Poor
907 - Minutes of a meeting of the Governors and Directors of the Poor
908 - Minutes of a meeting of the Governors and Directors of the Poor
909 - Minutes of a meeting of the Governors and Directors of the Poor
910 - Minutes of a meeting of the Governors and Directors of the Poor
911 - Minutes of a meeting of the Governors and Directors of the Poor
912 - Minutes of a meeting of the Governors and Directors of the Poor
913 - Minutes of a meeting of the Governors and Directors of the Poor
914 - Minutes of a meeting of the Governors and Directors of the Poor
915 - Minutes of a meeting of the Governors and Directors of the Poor
916 - Minutes of a meeting of the Governors and Directors of the Poor
917 - Minutes of a meeting of the Governors and Directors of the Poor
918 - Minutes of a meeting of the Governors and Directors of the Poor
919 - Minutes of a meeting of the Governors and Directors of the Poor
920 - Minutes of a meeting of the Governors and Directors of the Poor
921 - Minutes of a meeting of the Governors and Directors of the Poor
922 - Minutes of a meeting of the Governors and Directors of the Poor
923 - Minutes of a meeting of the Governors and Directors of the Poor
924 - Minutes of a meeting of the Governors and Directors of the Poor
925 - Minutes of a meeting of the Governors and Directors of the Poor
926 - Minutes of a meeting of the Governors and Directors of the Poor
927 - Minutes of a meeting of the Governors and Directors of the Poor
928 - Minutes of a meeting of the Governors and Directors of the Poor
929 - Minutes of a meeting of the Governors and Directors of the Poor
930 - Minutes of a meeting of the Governors and Directors of the Poor
931 - Minutes of a meeting of the Governors and Directors of the Poor
932 - Minutes of a meeting of the Governors and Directors of the Poor
933 - Minutes of a meeting of the Governors and Directors of the Poor
934 - Minutes of a meeting of the Governors and Directors of the Poor
935 - Minutes of a meeting of the Governors and Directors of the Poor
936 - Minutes of a meeting of the Governors and Directors of the Poor
937 - Minutes of a meeting of the Governors and Directors of the Poor
938 - Minutes of a meeting of the Governors and Directors of the Poor
939 - Minutes of a meeting of the Governors and Directors of the Poor
940 - Minutes of a meeting of the Governors and Directors of the Poor
941 - Minutes of a meeting of the Governors and Directors of the Poor
942 - Minutes of a meeting of the Governors and Directors of the Poor
943 - Minutes of a meeting of the Governors and Directors of the Poor
944 - Minutes of a meeting of the Governors and Directors of the Poor
945 - Minutes of a meeting of the Governors and Directors of the Poor
946 - Minutes of a meeting of the Governors and Directors of the Poor
947 - Minutes of a meeting of the Governors and Directors of the Poor
948 - Minutes of a meeting of the Governors and Directors of the Poor
949 - Minutes of a meeting of the Governors and Directors of the Poor
950 - Minutes of a meeting of the Governors and Directors of the Poor
951 - Minutes of a meeting of the Governors and Directors of the Poor
952 - Paving Rate (Collector's Book), Hanover Square; Minutes of a meeting of the Governors and Directors of the Poor
953 - Minutes of a meeting of the Governors and Directors of the Poor
954 - Minutes of a meeting of the Governors and Directors of the Poor
955 - Minutes of a meeting of the Governors and Directors of the Poor
956 - Minutes of a meeting of the Governors and Directors of the Poor
957 - Minutes of a meeting of the Governors and Directors of the Poor
958 - Minutes of a meeting of the Governors and Directors of the Poor
959 - Minutes of a meeting of the Governors and Directors of the Poor
960 - Minutes of a meeting of the Governors and Directors of the Poor
961 - Minutes of a meeting of the Governors and Directors of the Poor
962 - Minutes of a meeting of the Governors and Directors of the Poor
963 - Minutes of a meeting of the Governors and Directors of the Poor
964 - Minutes of a meeting of the Governors and Directors of the Poor
965 - Minutes of a meeting of the Governors and Directors of the Poor
966 - Minutes of a meeting of the Governors and Directors of the Poor
967 - Minutes of a meeting of the Governors and Directors of the Poor
968 - Index to Vols 41-100, 1780-c1835, of the Minutes of the Governors and Directors of the Poor.
969 - Minutes of Committees concerned with the the Institution for supplying the distressed inhabitants of [St George's] Parish with meat, soup, rice, herrings and potatoes, and with the establishment of schools of industry.
970 - Minutes of the Provision Committee appointed by the Committee of Management of the Institution for supplying the distressed inhabitants of the Parish of St George, Hanover Square, with soup.
971 - Minutes of the Committee appointed to consider the subject of the cholera morbus. 4 November 1831; Minutes of the Parochial Subscription Committee for considering the distributing of soup and other aids to the poor.
971b - Papers relating to the intended administration of the Craven Pest House Charity.
1105 - Minutes of a meeting of the Governors and Directors of the Poor
1106 - Minutes of a meeting of the Governors and Directors of the Poor; Duke of Westminster Memorial, St George's Hanover Square Fund. List of donors and donations.
1107 - Minutes of a meeting of the Governors and Directors of the Poor
1108 - Minutes of a meeting of the Governors and Directors of the Poor
1109 - Minutes of a meeting of the Governors and Directors of the Poor
1110 - Minutes of a meeting of the Governors and Directors of the Poor
1111 - Minutes of a meeting of the Governors and Directors of the Poor
1112 - Minutes of a meeting of the Governors and Directors of the Poor
1113 - Minutes of a meeting of the Governors and Directors of the Poor
1114 - Minutes of a meeting of the Governors and Directors of the Poor
1115 - Minutes of a meeting of the Governors and Directors of the Poor
1116 - Minutes of a meeting of the Governors and Directors of the Poor
1117 - Minutes of a meeting of the Governors and Directors of the Poor
1118 - Minutes of a meeting of the Governors and Directors of the Poor
1119 - Minutes of a meeting of the Governors and Directors of the Poor
1120 - Minutes of a meeting of the Governors and Directors of the Poor
1121 - Minutes of a meeting of the Governors and Directors of the Poor
1122 - Minutes of a meeting of the Governors and Directors of the Poor
1123 - Minutes of a meeting of the Governors and Directors of the Poor
1124 - Minutes of a meeting of the Governors and Directors of the Poor
1125 - Minutes of a meeting of the Governors and Directors of the Poor
1126 - Minutes of a meeting of the Governors and Directors of the Poor
1127 - Index to Vols 101-108, Jul 1836-Aug 1864, of the Minutes of the Governors and Directors of the Poor.
1128 - Index to Vols 119-121, Aug 1864-Aug 1867, of the Minutes of the Governors and Directors of the Poor.
1129 - Overseers' account containing rate collection, disbursements and report of committee of the vestry appointed to examine the accounts.
1130 - Parish apprenticeship indentures.
Expand 5 - Public Health5 - Public Health
Expand 6 - Rating and Valuation6 - Rating and Valuation
Expand 7 - Streets, Paving, Cleansing and Lighting7 - Streets, Paving, Cleansing and Lighting
Expand 8 - Committees: Public Health/Conveniences8 - Committees: Public Health/Conveniences
Expand 9 - Committees: Refuse collections9 - Committees: Refuse collections
Expand 10 - Committees: Public Health10 - Committees: Public Health
Expand 11 - Committees: Works11 - Committees: Works
Expand 12 - Committees: Sewers12 - Committees: Sewers
Expand 13 - Committees: Wharves and Stables13 - Committees: Wharves and Stables
Expand 14 - Committees: Finance Committee14 - Committees: Finance Committee
Expand 15 - Committees: Parliamentary Committee15 - Committees: Parliamentary Committee
Expand 16 - Committees: Gas Sub-Committee16 - Committees: Gas Sub-Committee
Expand 17 - Committees: Disorderly House Committee17 - Committees: Disorderly House Committee
Expand 18 - Committees: Vestry Hall18 - Committees: Vestry Hall
Expand 19 - Committees: Public Libraries Commissioners19 - Committees: Public Libraries Commissioners
Expand 20 - Committees: Baths and Wash-Houses20 - Committees: Baths and Wash-Houses
Expand 21 - Committees: Establishment21 - Committees: Establishment
Expand 22 - Committees: Memorial22 - Committees: Memorial
Expand 23 - Committees: Defence23 - Committees: Defence
Expand 24 - Additional Records24 - Additional Records
Expand 3 - Rate books3 - Rate books
Expand PR - St George, Hanover Square, parish registersPR - St George, Hanover Square, parish registers

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