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Collapse STJ - St James Piccadilly, parish recordsSTJ - St James Piccadilly, parish records
0300 - St James, Public Baths & Washhouses wages book
0446 - St James Piccadilly, general annual account book
Expand 0494 - St James Piccadilly0494 - St James Piccadilly
Expand 0494 - St James' Piccadilly: Parish Records0494 - St James' Piccadilly: Parish Records
Expand 1213 - St James Piccadilly1213 - St James Piccadilly
1218 - St James Piccadilly
1353 - St James Piccadilly
1425 - St James Piccadilly, parish records
Expand 2176 - St James Piccadilly, parish records2176 - St James Piccadilly, parish records
Expand 2243 - St James Piccadilly, parish records2243 - St James Piccadilly, parish records
2725 - St James Piccadilly Christmas card and a card showing a triptych of the seven lamps
Expand 2835 - St James Piccadilly historical files2835 - St James Piccadilly historical files
Collapse D - St James Piccadilly:parish records,  first depositD - St James Piccadilly:parish records, first deposit
Collapse 1 - St James' Piccadilly: Parish Records1 - St James' Piccadilly: Parish Records
Expand 2 - Churchyard2 - Churchyard
Expand 3 - Churchwardens' Accounts3 - Churchwardens' Accounts
Expand 4 - Chapels and Burial Grounds4 - Chapels and Burial Grounds
Expand 5 - St James' Chapel and Burial Ground, Hampstead Road5 - St James' Chapel and Burial Ground, Hampstead Road
Expand 6 - Census6 - Census
Expand 7 - Parish boundaries and properties7 - Parish boundaries and properties
Expand 8 - Vestry8 - Vestry
Expand 9 - Vestry Clerk9 - Vestry Clerk
Expand 10 - Vestry Officials10 - Vestry Officials
Expand 11 - Valuation and Assessment11 - Valuation and Assessment
Expand 12 - Rating12 - Rating
Expand 13 - Poor Law Records13 - Poor Law Records
Expand 14 - Workhouse14 - Workhouse
Expand 15 - Orphans, Apprentices and Schools of Industry15 - Orphans, Apprentices and Schools of Industry
Collapse 16 - Paving, Cleansing and Lighting and Public works16 - Paving, Cleansing and Lighting and Public works
1906 - Commissioners for Paving and Improving the Parish of St James. Agenda book.
1907 - Commissioners for Paving and Improving the Parish of St James. Agenda book.
1908 - Committee for Paving, Cleansing and Lighting. Minute book, Vol 1.
1909 - Committee for Paving, Cleansing and Lighting. Minute book, Vol 2.
1910 - Committee for Paving, Cleansing and Lighting. Minute book, Vol 3.
1911 - Committee for Paving, Cleansing and Lighting. Minute book, Vol 4.
1912 - Committee for Paving, Cleansing and Lighting. Minute book, Vol 5
1913 - Committee for Paving, Cleansing and Lighting. Minute book, Vol 6
1914 - Committee for Paving, Cleansing and Lighting. Minute book, Vol 7
1915 - Committee for Paving, Cleansing and Lighting. Minute book, Vol 8
1916 - Committee for Paving, Cleansing and Lighting. Minute book, Vol 9.
1917 - Committee for Paving, Cleansing and Lighting. Minute book, Vol 10
1918 - Committee for Paving, Cleansing and Lighting. Minute book, Vol 11
1919 - Committee for Paving, Cleansing and Lighting. Minute book Vol 12
1920 - Committee for Paving, Cleansing and Lighting. Minute book, Vol 13
1921 - Committee for Paving, Cleansing and Lighting. Minute book, Vol 14.
1922 - Committee for Paving, Cleansing and Lighting. Minute book, Vol 15
1923 - Committee for Paving, Cleansing and Lighting. Minute book, Vol 16
1924 - Committee for Paving, Cleansing and Lighting. Minute book, Vol 17
1925 - Committee for Paving, Cleansing and Lighting. Minute book Vol 18
1926 - Committee for Paving, Cleansing and Lighting. Minute book Vol 19
1927 - Committee for Paving, Cleansing and Lighting. Minute book Vol 20
1928 - Committee for Paving and Improving the Parish of St James. Minute book Vol 1
1929 - Committee for Paving and Improving the Parish of St James. Minute book Vol 2
1930 - Committee for Paving and Improving the Parish of St James. Minute book Vol 3
1931 - Committee for Paving and Improving the Parish of St James. Minute book Vol 4
1932 - Committee for Paving and Improving the Parish of St James. Minute book Vol 5
1933 - Committee for Paving and Improving the Parish of St James. Minute book Vol 6
1934 - Committee for Paving and Improving the Parish of St James. Minute book Vol 7
1935 - Paving and Improvements Committee. Minutes Vol 1
1936 - Index to Vols 2 & 3 of the Minutes of the Commissioners for Paving and Improving the Parish of St James, Vol 1, A-L
1937 - Index to Vols 2 & 3 of the Minutes of the Commissioners for Paving and Improving the Parish of St James, Vol 2, M-Y
1938 - Committee for Paving, Cleansing and Lighting the Parish of St James. Rough minutes.
1939 - Commissioners for Paving and Improving the Parish of St James. Rough minutes.
1940 - Commissioners for Paving and Improving the Parish of St James. Rough minutes
1941 - Commissioners for Paving and Improving the Parish of St James. Rough minutes.
1942 - Commissioners for Paving and Improving the Parish of St James. Rough minutes.
1943 - The Committee for Paving, Cleansing and Lighting the Parish of St James in account with the Westminster Paving Commissioners. Account book.
1944 - Committee for Paving, Cleansing and Lighting the Parish of St James. Rough account book.
1945 - Committee for Paving, Cleansing and Lighting the Parish of St James. Guard book: account book.
1946 - Committee for Paving, Cleansing and Lightning the Parish of St James. Ledger
1947 - Commissioners for Paving and Improving the Parish of St James. Ledger.
1948 - Copies of assignments by the Committee for Paving, to various of five-sixths of an additional rate level under and Act of II Geo III, being the security on sums of money borrowed for paving the streets within the parish.
1949 - Copies of assignments by the Committee for Paving, to various of five-sixths of an additional rate level under and Act of II Geo III, being the security on sums of money borrowed for paving the streets within the parish.
1950 - Copies of assignments by the Committee for Paving, to various of five-sixths of an additional rate level under and Act of II Geo III, being the security on sums of money borrowed for paving the streets within the parish.
1951 - Committee for Paving, Cleansing and Lighting the Parish of St James. Optional streets ledger.
1952 - Committee for Paving, Cleansing and Lighting the Parish of St James. Book of interest due on monies borrowed on credit of the additional rate in the optional streets in the parish, shewing names of streets and creditors, with place of abode and debt incurred.
1953 - Committee for Paving, Cleansing and Lighting the Parish of St James. Book of interest due on monies borrowed on credit of the additional rate in the optional streets in the parish, shewing names of streets and creditors, with place of abode and debt incurred.
1954 - Committee for Paving, Cleansing and Lighting the Parish of St James. Letter book.
1955 - Commissioners for Paving and Improving the Parish of St James. Attendance signature book for meetings of the Commissioners.
1956 - Commissioners for Paving and Improving the parish of St James. Letter book.
1957 - Commissioners for Paving and Improving the parish of St James. Letter book.
1958 - Paving letter book: copies of letters sent out by the Paving and Improvements Committee, the Vestry and the Works Committee
1959 - Committee of General Purposes. Minute book.
1960 - Committee of General Purposes. Minute book.
1961 - Regent Street Committee: Minutes: paving, cleansing and lighting the street.
1962 - Regent Street Committee. Minutes: paving, cleansing and lighting the street. Minute book.
1963 - Regent Street and Waterloo Place watering account book.
1964 - Regent Street and Waterloo Place. Cleansing and repairing account book: name of employee, hours worked; wages due
1965 - Commissioners for Paving and Improving the Parish of St James. Dust complaints book: date of complaint; where and when disposed.
1966 - Commissioners for Paving and Improving the Parish of St James.
1967 - Commissioners for Paving and Improving the Parish of St James. General record of work of the sweeping department
1968 - Commissioners for Paving and Improving the Parish of St James. Weekly reports of scavengers' wages.
1969 - Commissioners for Paving and Improving the Parish of St James. Weekly reports of scavengers' wages.
1970 - Commissioners for Paving and Improving the Parish of St James. Weekly reports of scavengers' wages.
1971 - Commissioners for Paving and Improving the Parish of St James. Weekly reports of scavengers' wages.
1972 - Scavengers' wage book: [name of scavenger; days and hours worked; rate of pay per day; total wage]
1972a - Scavengers' wage book: [name of scavenger; days and hours worked; rate of pay per day; total wage].
1972b - Scavengers' wage book: [name of scavenger; days and hours worked; rate of pay per day; total wage].
1973 - Crossing sweepers' wages book.
1974 - Stone Yard, Dufour's Place. Clerk's fortnightly report book: [numbers and earnings of men employed in stone-breaking]
1981 - Works Committee. Minutes, Vol 2
1982 - Works Committee. Minutes, Vol 3.
1983 - Works Committee. Minutes, Vol 4.
1984 - Works Committee. Minutes, Vol 5
1985 - Works Committee. Minutes, Vol 6.
1986 - Works Committee. Minutes, Vol 7
1987 - Works Committee. Minutes, Vol 9
1988 - Works Committee. Minutes, Vol 10.
1989 - Works Committee. Minutes, Vol 11.
1990 - Works Committee. Minutes, Vol 12.
1991 - Works Committee. Minutes, Vol 13.
1992 - Works Committee. Minutes, Vol 14.
1993 - Works Committee. Minutes, Vol 15.
1994 - Works Committee. Minutes, Vol 16.
1995 - Works Committee. Minutes, Vol 17
1996 - Works Committee. Minutes, Vol 18.
1997 - Works Committee. Minutes, Vol 19.
1997a - Works Account Book, Vol 3: [record of paving work carried out as a result of excavations undertaken by the gas and water companies].
1998 - Register of plans of house drains, vaults, lamps, etc: date of Works Committee meetings; number of plans; name of builder sending in plan; situation; remarks of the Surveyor; remarks of the Works Committee.
1999 - Register of plans of house drains, vaults, lamps, etc: date of Works Committee; number of plan; name of builder sending in plan; situation; remarks of the Surveyor; remarks of the Works Committee
2000 - Register of plans of house drains, vaults, lamps, etc: date of Works Committee; number of plan; name of builder sending in plan; situation; remarks of the Surveyor; remarks of the Works Committee.
2001 - Works Committee. Time and wages book: name of employee; hours worked; weekly wages due.
2002 - Register of plans of house drains, vaults, lamps, etc: date of Works Committee; number of plan; name of builder sending in plan; situation; remarks of the Surveyor; remarks of the Works Committee
2003 - Register of plans of house drains, vaults, lamps, etc: date of Works Committee; number of plan; name of builder sending in plan; situation; remarks of the Surveyor; remarks of the Works Committee.
2004 - Register of plans of house drains, vaults, lamps, etc: date of Works Committee; number of plan; name of builder sending in plan; situation; remarks of the Surveyor; remarks of the Works Committee
2005 - Register of plans of house drains, vaults, lamps, etc: date of Works Committee; number of plan; name of builder sending in plan; situation; remarks of the Surveyor; remarks of the Works Committee
2006 - Works Committee. Wages book for orderlies, sweepers, lamp lighters and others employed by the Works Committee.
2007 - Works Committee. Wage abstract book for scavengers, stone yard employees, sewermen, crossing sweepers, disinfectors and those responsible for cleansing Regent Street.
Expand 17 - Paving, Cleansing and Lighting and Public works: Surveyor17 - Paving, Cleansing and Lighting and Public works: Surveyor
Expand 18 - Paving, Cleansing and Lighting and Public works: Sewers18 - Paving, Cleansing and Lighting and Public works: Sewers
Expand 19 - Paving, Cleansing and Lighting and Public works: Lighting19 - Paving, Cleansing and Lighting and Public works: Lighting
Expand 20 - Paving, Cleansing and Lighting and Public Works: Water Supply20 - Paving, Cleansing and Lighting and Public Works: Water Supply
Expand 21 - Paving, Cleansing and Lighting and Public works: Hydraulic power21 - Paving, Cleansing and Lighting and Public works: Hydraulic power
Expand 22 - Paving, Cleansing and Lighting and Public works: Public Health and Sanitation22 - Paving, Cleansing and Lighting and Public works: Public Health and Sanitation
Expand 23 - Parliamentary Bills and General Purposes23 - Parliamentary Bills and General Purposes
Expand 24 - Parliamentary Bills and General Purposes: Finance committee24 - Parliamentary Bills and General Purposes: Finance committee
Expand 25 - Baths and Wash Houses25 - Baths and Wash Houses
Expand 26 - Mortuary26 - Mortuary
Expand 27 - Victuallers27 - Victuallers
Expand 28 - Watch and Police28 - Watch and Police
Expand 29 - Governors and Directors of the Poor29 - Governors and Directors of the Poor
Expand 30 - Workhouse Records30 - Workhouse Records
Expand 31 - Poor Relief and Settlement31 - Poor Relief and Settlement
Expand 2 - St James Piccadilly: Rate Books2 - St James Piccadilly: Rate Books
Expand PR - St James Piccadilly (St James Westminster), parish registersPR - St James Piccadilly (St James Westminster), parish registers

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