Hierarchy Browser

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Collapse STP - St Paul Covent Garden, parish recordsSTP - St Paul Covent Garden, parish records
0064 - St Paul, Covent Garden, Churchwardens' accounts
0373 - St Paul, Covent Garden, Rector's rate books
Collapse 0426 - St Paul, Covent Garden, parish registers etc0426 - St Paul, Covent Garden, parish registers etc
Expand 1 - Registration, church services and worship1 - Registration, church services and worship
Collapse 2 - Incumbent2 - Incumbent
12 - Brief book
13 - Fee book
14 - Fee book
15 - Offertory book
16 - Offertory book
17 - Offertory book
18 - Offertory book
19 - Minutes of the Trustees for Rebuilding the Church
20 - Ledger of the Trustees for Rebuilding the Church
21 - Minutes of the Committee appointed to conduct repairs to the Church
22 - Minutes of the Committee appointed to conduct repairs to the Church
23 - Disbursement journal of the Committee appointed to conduct repairs to the Church
24 - Rector's rate book
25 - Rector's rate book
26 - Rector's rate book
27 - Rector's rate book
28 - Rector's rate book
29 - Rector's rate book
30 - Rector's rate book
31 - Rector's rate book
32 - Rector's rate book (duplicate)
33 - Rector's rate book
34 - Rector's rate book (duplicate)
35 - Rector's rate book
36 - Rector's rate book (duplicate)
37 - Rector's rate book
38 - Rector's rate book
39 - Rector's rate book
40 - Rector's rate book
41 - Rector's rate book
42 - Rector's rate book
43 - Rector's rate book
44 - Rector's rate book
45 - Rector's rate book
46 - Rector's rate book
47 - Rector's rate book
48 - Rector's rate book
49 - Rector's rate book
50 - Rector's rate book
51 - Rector's rate book
52 - Rector's rate book
53 - Rector's rate book
54 - Rector's rate book
55 - Rector's rate book
56 - Rector's rate book
57 - Rector's rate book
58 - Rector's rate book
59 - Rector's rate book
60 - Rector's rate book
61 - Rector's rate book
62 - Rector's rate book
63 - Rector's rate book
64 - Rector's rate book
65 - Rector's rate book
66 - Rector's rate book
67 - Rector's rate book
68 - Rector's rate book
69 - Rector's rate book
70 - Rector's rate book
71 - Rector's rate book
72 - Rector's rate book
73 - Rector's rate book
74 - Rector's rate book
75 - Rector's rate book
76 - Rector's rate book
77 - Rector's rate book
78 - Rector's rate book
79 - Rector's rate book
80 - Rector's rate book
81 - Rector's rate book
82 - Rector's rate book
83 - Rector's rate book
84 - Rector's rate book
85 - Rector's rate book
86 - Rector's rate book
87 - Rector's rate book
88 - Rector's rate book
89 - Rector's rate book
90 - Rector's rate book
91 - Rector's rate book
92 - Rector's rate book
93 - Rector's rate book
94 - Rector's rate book
95 - Rector's rate book
96 - Rector's rate book
97 - Rector's rate book
98 - Rector's rate book
99 - Rector's rate book
100 - Rector's rate book
101 - Rector's rate book
102 - Rector's rate book
103 - Rector's rate book
104 - Rector's rate book
105 - Rector's rate book
106 - Rector's rate book
107 - Rector's rate book
108 - Rector's rate book
109 - Rector's rate book
110 - Rector's rate book
111 - Rector's rate book
112 - Rector's rate book
113 - Rector's rate book
114 - Rector's rate book
115 - Rector's rate book
116 - Rector's rate book
117 - Rector's rate book
118 - Rector's rate book
119 - Rector's rate book
120 - Rector's rate book
121 - Rector's rate book
122 - Rector's rate book
123 - Rector's rate book
124 - Rector's rate book
125 - Rector's rate accounts
126 - Rector's rate account, receipts
127 - Rector's rate account, receipts; 1856-1868
128 - Rector's rate account, receipts
129 - Rector's rate account, receipts
130 - Rector's rate cash book
131 - Rector's rate cash book
132 - Rector's rate cash book
Box 2 - Committee appointed to conduct repairs to the Church, annuitants' receipts
Box 3.1 - Rector's rate balance sheets for income and expenditure account and statement of receipts and payments
Box 3.2 - Rector's rate book
Box 5 - Rector's rate loose administrative correspondence and details of legal cases; 1878-1930
Box 6 - Rector's rate legal papers concerning the case between Lewin and others (Churchwardens) v the Civil Service Supply Association, including a photograph of the premises
Box 7 - Rector's rate legal papers concerning the case between Lewin and others (Churchwardens) v Frederick End, including three photographs of the premises
Box 8 - Rector's rate legal papers concerning cases
Box4.1 - Rector's rate loose correspondence arranged alphabetically
Box4.2 - Rector's rate vouchers
Expand 3 - Churchwardens3 - Churchwardens
Expand 4 - Charities4 - Charities
Expand 5 - Vestry5 - Vestry
Expand 6 - Overseers of the Poor6 - Overseers of the Poor
Expand 7 - Miscellaneous parish records7 - Miscellaneous parish records
Expand 2462 - St Paul, Covent Garden parish records2462 - St Paul, Covent Garden parish records
2643 - Scrapbook of printed notices and newspaper cuttings concerning the election of a Churchwarden of St Paul, Covent Garden
Expand H - St Paul, Covent Garden parish records, first depositH - St Paul, Covent Garden parish records, first deposit
Expand PR - St Paul, Covent Garden, parish registersPR - St Paul, Covent Garden, parish registers

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