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Collapse UWS - United Westminster SchoolsUWS - United Westminster Schools
Expand 1656 - St Margaret's Hospital (Green Coat Hospital School) 1656 - St Margaret's Hospital (Green Coat Hospital School)
Collapse 1657 - United Westminster Schools1657 - United Westminster Schools
Expand 1 - United Westminster Schools1 - United Westminster Schools
Collapse 2 - St Margaret's Technical Day School and Westminster City School2 - St Margaret's Technical Day School and Westminster City School
Expand 1 - Headmasters' report book1 - Headmasters' report book
Collapse 2 - Applications for admission2 - Applications for admission
1 - St Margaret's Technical Day School for Boys. Register of applications for admission, giving date and number of application; name, age, parish; name, occupation and address of parent or guardian; date of admission, withdrawal or rejection; terms; school number; present school; remarks; date of leaving. Indexed
2 - Draft lists of successful candidates in public examinations and scholarships
3 - The Day School Register of applications for admission, giving date and number of application; name, age, parish; name, occupation and address of parent or guardian; date of admission, withdrawal or rejection; terms; school number; present school; remarks; date of leaving. Indexed
4 - The Day School. Register of applications for admission, but used as an admission register. Indexed
5 - The Day School. Forms of application for admission, giving date of application; name, age, parish; name, occupation and address of parent or guardian; present school, 1884, 1887-1889, 1894-1895
6 - The Day School. Lists of candidates from St John's School, Horseferry Road, for exhibitions awarded by the Day School, [1885]-1890
7 - The Day School. Form of application and general statement in support of orphan and adversity exhibition awarded by the Day School
8 - Letter from F L Simmonds, Surbiton Hill, to C Spencer Smith, requesting receipt for school fees
9 - Emanuel (Boarding) School. Forms of application for admission
10 - The Day School. Register of admissions and removals, giving: admissions: date, registered number, name and address, school number. Removals: date, school number, name
11 - The Day School. Register of forms of application for admission, No 4750-5250. Indexed
12 - The Day School. Register of forms of application for admission. No 5251-5750. Indexed
13 - Westminster City School. Register of forms of application for admission. No 5751-6250. Indexed
14 - Westminster City School. Register of forms of application for admission. No 6251-6750. Indexed
15 - Westminster City School. Register of forms of application for admission. No 6751-8000. Indexed
16 - Westminster City School. Register of forms of applicaton or admission. No 8001-9250. Indexed
17 - Westminster City School. Register of forms of application for admission. No 9251-10500. Indexed
18 - Westminster City School. Register of forms of application for admission. No 1-1000. Indexed
19 - Westminster City School. Register of forms of application for admission. No 1001-1485 Indexed
Expand 3 - Pupils' charge books3 - Pupils' charge books
Expand 4 - Plans4 - Plans
Expand 5 - Schemes of management5 - Schemes of management
Expand 6 - Prospectus6 - Prospectus
Expand 7 - Photographs7 - Photographs
Expand 8 - Personal papers8 - Personal papers
Expand 9 - Historical notes9 - Historical notes
Expand 1658 - Westminster Technical Fund1658 - Westminster Technical Fund
Expand 2584 - Westminster City School2584 - Westminster City School
Expand 2593 - St Margaret's Hospital (Green Coat Hospital School) 2593 - St Margaret's Hospital (Green Coat Hospital School)
Expand 2594 - United Westminster Schools2594 - United Westminster Schools

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