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0495 - Collection of records of Westminster City Council and the various authorities which it superceded
1 - St George, Hanover Square
2 - St. James, Piccadilly
3 - St. Margaret and St John, Westminster
4 - St. Martin-in-the-Fields
5 - Poor Law Unions
6 - Boards of Works
7 - City of Westminster
8 - Miscellaneous Westminster City Council and civil parish records
1 - House re-numbering and street re-naming
1 - Extract from the minutes of the Metropolitan Board of Works concerning the re-numbering of Carlton House Terrace
2 - Extract from the minutes of the Metropolitan Board of Works concerning the naming and numbering of Garrick Street.
3 - Extract from the minutes of the Metropolitan Board of Works concerning the re-numbering of Spring Gardens.
4 - Extract from the minutes of the Metropolitan Board of Works concerning the numbering of Brydges Street, and Catherine Street, Aldwych.
5 - Extract from the minutes of the Metropolitan Board of Works concerning the numbering of Castle Street, Upper St Martin's Lane.
6 - Extract from the minutes of the Metropolitan Board of Works concerning the numbering of King Street, Long Acre.
7 - Extract from the minutes of the Metropolitan Board of Works concerning the naming and numbering of Whitcomb Street, Dorset Place and Princes Street.
8 - Extract from the minutes of the Metropolitan Board of Works concerning the numbering of New Street, Spring Gardens, and Spring Garden Terrace.
9 - Extract from the minutes of the Metropolitan Board of Works concerning the numbering of Warwick Street, Charing Cross.
10 - Extract from the minutes of the Metropolitan Board of Works concerning the numbering of Wilson Street.
11 - Extract from the minutes of London County Council concerning the numbering of Charing Cross Road.
12 - Extract from the minutes of London County Council concerning the numbering of Carlton Mews.
13 - Extract from the minutes of London County Council concerning the numbering of St Martin's Court.
14 - Extract from the minutes of London County Council concerning the numbering of Green Street, St Martin-in-the-Fields
15 - Extract from the minutes of London County Council concerning the re-naming of Hart Street and Bow Street as Floral Street
2 - Miscellaneous
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