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0716 - Papers of Sir James Thomas Knowles, Architect and Editor, 1850-1908, with additional papers, 1909-1920
1 - Diaries of a tour of Italy and Sicilly
2 - Letters from James Thomas Knowles to Henry Gay Hewlett
3 - Notes for speeches, papers and poems
4 - The Metaphysical Society
5 - Correspondence of James T Knowles
6 - Letters from the Royal Family
7 - Papers relating to the Paris Food Fund
1 - Cuttings from The Evening Standard and the Pall Mall Gazette of letters from Knowles suggesting a fund to provide a week's food for Paris
2 - Copies of The Daily Telegraph and cuttings on response to appeal by Bishop of Versailles for food for Paris, and progress of Paris Food Fund Committee established by Knowles
3 - Correspondence relating to establishment of fund, firstly by Knowles with Cardinal Manning and Professor Huxley acting as trustees, then in conjunction with Daily Telegraph with the Lord Mayor of London as president
4 - Correspondence relating to distribution of food
5 - Papers relating to supplies sent to Paris
1 - Letter and bill from MacMillan & Co. for cost of printing copies of 'Sermon on the Distress in Paris'
2 - Letter concerning the sample of bathing powder
3 - Letter from Thomas Simonds, Brighton, offering pork hams
4 - Letter and testimonials for William Jackson & Co's Milk Cordials
5 - Letter from Adam and Sons, Marshall Street with testimonial for Captain Warren's Campaign (Meat) Biscuits
6 - Notices for Plumbe's Arrow Root with prices
7 - Note and price list for provisions for export from D. Hogarth & Co., Bon Accord Wharf, Wapping. (in envelope)
8 - Telegram from the Admiralty offering tins of soup at cost price
9 - Telegram from MacCullock, Calais to Lord Mayor about proposed shipment of charcoal of a 'very inferior' quality
6 - Notes by James Thomas Knowles for speeches in support of fund, particularly on price paid for food, on the use of a firm, Powell's, because of their speed and correspondence with J. Ball who investigated Powell's accounts
7 - Papers of other relief organisations and appeals
8 - Correspondence received by James Thomas Knowles concerning France
9 - Letterbook kept by James Thomas Knowles of letters to John Hopgood, his solicitor, to the national papers, to Lucas and Aird, contractors, and others, with copies of letters sent to him, concerning the building of Queen Anne's Mansions next door to his own house, Queen Anne's Lodge, protesting about structural and other damage caused to his house and making efforts to prevent building
8 - General papers relating to the journal "XIXth Century"
9 - Photographs and papers relating to the knighthood and death of Sir James Thomas Knowles
10 - Other material
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