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0738 - Hooper and Co, coachbuilders, chiefly Victoria Street
1 - Financial records
2 - Sales records
3 - Production records
4 - Staff records
1 - Notice entitled "General Directions to Clerks, Foremen, Workmen and Labourers in the employ of Hooper & Co, Coach Builders, Victoria Street, London SW"
2 - Job advertisement, asking all types of coach workmen to apply to Hooper & Co at 28 Haymarket, St Martin-in-the-Fields
3 - Price list for piecework coach painting, London prices, labour only, produced by the Master Coachbuilders' Association
4 - Notice advertising a general meeting of the coach trades to be held at the Music Hall, Store Street, St Giles in the Fields
5 - Time kept by piecemen. A list of men employed by Hooper & Co with their hours of work for summer and winter
6 - Resolutions from a public meeting of the Master Coach-Builders of London concerning working hours
7 - Copy letter addressed to "Sir" and unsigned concerning the "4 o'clock Movement"; a movement to finish work at 4 p m on Saturday
8 - Resolution issued by a meeting of the Master Coach-Builders concerning a 4 o'clock finish on Saturday
9 - Time notice issued by Hooper & Co agreeing to a change in working hours, to a 4 o'clock finish on Saturday
5 - Miscellaneous
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