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1272 - Harrison and Sons Ltd (formerly James Harrison and Son c1820, then Thomas Richard Harrison and Co until c1848, then Thomas Richard Harrison and Sons until 1862), printers, chiefly St Martin's Lane
1 - Corporate records
2 - Accounting records
3 - Production records
4 - Printing orders
5 - Business correspondence
6 - Staff records
7 - Legal records
8 - Subsidiary companies
9 - Property records
10 - Family records
11 - Other material
1 - Photographs and pictures
2 - Manuscripts and offprints
3 - Other records
1 - Pedigree of Queen Victoria
2 - Envelope entitled "Old Papers from Hurst Ho. J. W. H.", including (inter alia) programme of annual dinner of Harrisons, 11 Aug 1866
3 - Letter from R Davis concerning dental treatment
4 - Correspondence and memoranda relating to the selection of a library cataloguer for a client
5 - Memorandum concerning clocks at St Martin's Lane and the Foreign Office and War Office Presses
6 - Memorandum from Post Office concerning delivery of letters
7 - Letter notifying Harrisons of a change of address
8 - Extract from The Printer's Engineer relating to Balding and Mansell, printers, of London and Wisbech, Cambridgeshire, nd [c1897]
9 - Publishers' Association's conditions of supply to retail booksellers
10 - Part of index filing system, nd [1890s]
11 - Certificate for preference shares held by Harrisons in New Century Arc Light Company
12 - Programme of Cinderella in aid of Willesden Cottage Hospital, starring two members of the Harrison family
13 - Programmes of the 15th and 16th Annual Congress of the Federation of Master Printers and Allied Trades of Great Britain and Ireland
14 - List of files
15 - Extracts from Walford's Old and New London, 1870, The Graphic, 1894, and An Encyclopaedia of London, relating to the St Martin's Lane area
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