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CCDS - Christ Church, Down Street, Mayfair
2330 - Christ Church, Down Street, Mayfair parish records
1 - Registration, Church Service and Worship
2 - Incumbent
3 - Churchwardens
1 - Committee minutes
1 - Committee for Completion of the Church signed minutes
2 - Committee for Completion of the Church signed minutes
3 - Committee for Rebuilding the Church after the Fire signed minutes
4 - Finance Committee signed minutes
5 - Save the Church Committee minutes
6 - Christ Church Mayfair Trust Committee minutes
2 - Accounts
3 - Correspondence files
4 - Church fabric papers
5 - Photographs of the Church and congregation
6 - Printing blocks
4 - Parochial Church Council
5 - Parochial Charities
2507 - Christ Church, Down Street Mayfair
2877 - Reverend George Erle Farran, Christ Church, Down Street, Mayfair
PR - Christ Church, Down Street, Mayfair, parish registers
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