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MS - Marshall and Snelgrove, department store, Oxford Street and Vere Street
2250 - Marshall and Snelgrove, department store, Oxford Street and Vere Street
1 - Centenary Catalogue
2 - Christmas Catalogues
3 - Fashion Catalogue
1 - Fashion Catalogue
2 - Fashion Catalogue
1 - Front cover of Marshall & Snelgrove Fashion Catalogue
3 - Fashion Catalogue "Silks in May", for the Festival of Britain
4 - Fashion Catalogue including details of special events associated with Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II
5 - Fashion Catalogue
6 - Fashion Catalogue "Silks in May"
7 - Fashion Catalogue "Silks in May"
8 - Fashion Catalogue "Silks in May"
9 - Fashion Catalogue, Tricosa
10 - Fashion Catalogue
11 - Fashion Catalogue, "Baratta Italian Costume"
12 - Fashion Catalogue, "Autumn Fashions in Courtella"
13 - Fashion Catalogue
14 - Fashion Catalogue
15 - Fashion Catalogue, "Marcusa in Pure Silk"
16 - Fashion Catalogue, "Marcusa Pure Silk Dresses"
4 - Sale Catalogues
5 - Swimwear Catalogue
6 - Packaging
7 - Company History
2718 - Marshall and Snelgrove, department store, Vere Street and Oxford Street
2996 - Marshall and Snelgrove, department store, Oxford Street
M:Acc0350 - Receipted bill of Marshall and Snelgrove, drapers and silk mercers, 10-15 Vere Street, St Marylebone and 18-20 Henrietta Street, St Marylebone, to Mrs Percy Anderson
M:Acc0503 - Marshall and Snelgrove, department store, Oxford Street and Vere Street, deeds
M:Acc0567 - Marshall and Snelgrove property records
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