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SMCHS - St Marylebone Charity School
1080 - St Marylebone Charity School leaving certificate issued to Lucy Pomeroy
2249 - St Marylebone Charity School and St Marylebone Education Foundation
2619 - St Marylebone Educational Foundation (St Marylebone Charity School)
SMCS - St Marylebone Charity School, records
1 - Trustees minute books, with minutes of Committees and General Meetings of Subscribers
2 - General Meetings of Patrons and Subscribers (Annual General Meetings) and half yearly election of girls to the schoool, minutes
3 - Trustees' and General Meetings rough minute books
4 - Trustees' rough minute books
5 - Monthly Board Meetings rough minute book
6 - Board of Trustees' monthly meetings agenda books
7 - Committee of Management agenda books
8 - Finance Committee and Committee of Management, minutes
9 - Committee of Management and House Committee (from 1900) minutes
1 - Committee of Management minutes
2 - Committee of Management minutes
3 - Committee of Management minutes
4 - Committee of Management minutes
5 - Committee of Management minutes
6 - Committee of Management minutes
7 - Committee of Management minutes
8 - Committee of Management minutes
9 - Committee of Management minutes
10 - Committee of Management minutes, 3 May 1889-30 Mar 1900 and minutes of the House Committee, which succeeded the Committee of Management, 2 Apr 1900-7 Jan 1908
10 - Finance Committee and Committee of Management, rough minutes
11 - Committee of Management rough minutes
12 - Committee of Management reports to the Board of Trustees monthly meetings
13 - Special Committees minute book
14 - Special Sub-Committee minutes
15 - Newton and Bagshaw Fund
16 - Endowed Charities
17 - Letter book containing copies of outgoing letters
18 - Attendance books for the Board of Trustees, Committee of Management and Special Committees
19 - Annual reports
20 - Treasurers' accounts
21 - Treasurers' accounts and summary reports
22 - General abstracts of income and expenditure
23 - Cash account books, giving full details of income and expenditure
24 - Petty cash books of Secretary
25 - Abstracts of bills due to tradesmen
26 - Authorisation of bills
27 - Bill books of accounts with individual tradesmen
28 - Trade accounts
29 - Domestic expenses
30 - Subscriptions
31 - Other accounts
32 - Records of children and life at the school
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