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SMW - St Margaret Westminster, parish records
0044 - St Margaret, Churchwardens' accounts
0076 - St Margaret, Westminster, account book
0141 - St Margaret, account of expenses in perambulating the Out Bounds of the parish
0277 - St Margaret, photocopy of tithe apportionment with map of land near Kensington
1584 - St Margaret parish records
1 - Rate levied on the parish of St Margaret for the relief of the plague
2 - List of benefactors for the relief of sufferers of the fires at Blandford, Dorset and Tiverton, Devon
3 - Tax assessment on the parish of St Margaret for the maintenance of the army and navy
4 - Middlesex and Westminster Association subscription list for the St Margaret and St John
1944 - Scavengers' Rate assessment for St Margaret Westminster
2391 - Invitations, orders of service and papers relating to the history of the church of St Margaret Westminster
2542 - St Margaret, Westminster
E - St Margaret's Westminster, parish records
PR - St Margaret, Westminster, parish registers
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