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STC - St Clement Danes, parish records
0160 - Charter of feoffment of a messuage in the parish of St Clement Danes, outside the bar of New Temple.
0725 - St Clement Danes, poor rate collectors book
1279 - St Clement Danes, removal orders to the parish
2232 - St Clement Danes parish records
2364 - St Clement Danes parish records
2392 - St Clement Danes bellringers' visitors book
2556 - St Clement Danes, leather bound testimonial presented to Thomas Harris upon his retirement from being a Churchwarden of the parish of St Clement Danes, including the signatures of the subscibers and the amounts donated
2573 - The Friends of St Clement Danes
2596 - St Clement Danes church
2673 - St Clement Danes
2679 - St Clement Danes Peals and Quarter Peals Book
2752 - St Clement Danes
2794 - St Clement Danes key to chest and two clay pipes
2824 - St Clement Danes parish records
2837 - St Clement Danes service register
2938 - St Clement Danes
3118 - St Clement Danes Churchwardens Accounts
B - St Clement Danes: parish records, first deposit
1 - Parish records
1 - Ecclesiastical: Other
2 - Ecclesiastical: Vestry and Parish Officers
3 - Poor Relief: General
4 - Poor Relief: The Workhouse
5 - Poor Relief: Parish Poor Children
1258 - Annual register of parish poor children
1259 - Annual register of parish poor children
1260 - Annual register of parish poor children
1262 - "Enfield Book", containing the names, in alphabetical order, of children at Enfield, with the date of birth of each child, the mother's name and settlement, the father's name, settlement, address and occupation, the date when the child was placed out to nurse, the nurse's address, the amount of the weekly allowance, the dates of death, removal of apprenticeship and remarks on the child's history
1263 - Clothing book, containing the names of children at nurse, with the articles of clothing issued to them.
1264 - Clothing book for the children at nurse
1265 - Accounts of expenditure on goods and provisions for the Hendon nursery, arranged partly chronologically and partly under the heads of tradesmen and goods supplied, with index of tradesmen.
1266 - Alphabetical list of apprentices, with the age of each child, the date when he was sent on liking, the person (if not the master) by whom he was chosen, the master's name, trade and address, the date when the child was bound, the amount of the premium, and notes on how the child was sent and on payments of the instalments of the premium.
1267 - Alphabetical list of apprentices, as above, (partly duplicating the previous volume).
1268 - Apprentices' register
1269 - Book of apprentices' indentures with the masters' bonds.
1270 - Book of apprentices' indentures with the masters' bonds.
1271 - Counterparts of apprentices' indentures, with the justices' orders and declarations as to masters' characters, notices to other parishes that children were to be bound or made over to masters in them, similar notices from other parishes to St Clement Danes, masters' receipts for premiums, and notes on unsuitableapplicants for apprentices and removal of discharged apprentices.
1353 - Papers relating to parish apprenticeship
1380 - Office copies of returns made to the Home Office concerning schools in the parish together with relevant correspondence and other papers.
1391 - Copy of resolutions of the Trustees of the Charity School assembled upon a special summons, 22 Jan 1723.
6 - Paving and Street Cleansing
7 - Watch
8 - Charities
9 - Militia and Volunteers
10 - Miscellaneous
2 - Rate books
PR - St Clement Danes, parish registers
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