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STC - St Clement Danes, parish records
0160 - Charter of feoffment of a messuage in the parish of St Clement Danes, outside the bar of New Temple.
0725 - St Clement Danes, poor rate collectors book
1279 - St Clement Danes, removal orders to the parish
2232 - St Clement Danes parish records
2364 - St Clement Danes parish records
2392 - St Clement Danes bellringers' visitors book
2556 - St Clement Danes, leather bound testimonial presented to Thomas Harris upon his retirement from being a Churchwarden of the parish of St Clement Danes, including the signatures of the subscibers and the amounts donated
2573 - The Friends of St Clement Danes
2596 - St Clement Danes church
2673 - St Clement Danes
2679 - St Clement Danes Peals and Quarter Peals Book
2752 - St Clement Danes
2794 - St Clement Danes key to chest and two clay pipes
2824 - St Clement Danes parish records
2837 - St Clement Danes service register
2938 - St Clement Danes
3118 - St Clement Danes Churchwardens Accounts
B - St Clement Danes: parish records, first deposit
1 - Parish records
1 - Ecclesiastical: Other
2 - Ecclesiastical: Vestry and Parish Officers
3 - Poor Relief: General
4 - Poor Relief: The Workhouse
5 - Poor Relief: Parish Poor Children
6 - Paving and Street Cleansing
7 - Watch
8 - Charities
1126 - Register of leases of the Holborn Estate, indexed 1655-1694.
1293 - Trustees' of the Holborn Estates minutes and rough minutes, indexed.
1294 - Notices of vacancies in the almshouses
1295 - Rent roll of the Holborn Estate, with names of lessees, assignees and undertenants, numbers of houses let, dates of commencement and terms of leases, rents, and fines.
1296 - Receivers' annual accounts of the Holborn Estate, with receipts from rents, charitable gifts and sales of alms-people's goods, and disbursement to alms-people and for the business of the estate.
1297 - Feoffees', receivers' or collectors' annual accounts of the Holborn Estate, as above.
1298 - Collectors' and receivers' annual accounts of the Holborn Estate, as above.
1299 - "The Register for Charitys:" churchwardens annual accounts of Bridgman's, Middleton's and Mudford's charities, and accounts of gifts and legacies for distribution among the poor.
1300 - Churchwardens' annual accounts of charities and gifts, as above, 1785-1850
1301 - Subscriptions to fund for supplying poor housekeepers and lodgers with bread at 8d per quartern.
1302 - Subscriptions to a fund for the relief of the poor during the inclement weather.
1303 - Alphabetical list of persons relieved with money and provisions by voluntary subscription of the inhabitants January 1767.
1304 - Churchwardens' almshouse accounts.
1306 - Treasurer's account of a fund to relieve poor housekeepers and lodgers with coals at 1s per bushel and bread at 6d per quartern 12 Jan 1795-22 Jan 1795
1307 - Alphabetical list of persons relieved by voluntary subscription, with their addresses and sums given in relief
1307a - Donations received of the nobility, gentry and others for the sufferers of the dreadful fire in the Strand, Holywell St, etc, which happened 9th day of October 1781, with names of sufferers an their losses, 1781.
1308 - Treasurer's account of moneys received and expended for the relief of poor housekeepers and lodgers with bread at 8d, per quartern
1309 - Overseers' annual accounts of charities.
1309a - An abstract of several charities given to the poor of the Parish of St Clement Danes.
1315 - Trustees' of the Dukes Place Estate minutes with notes of agenda
1315b - Trustees' of the Dukes Place Estate minutes with notes of agenda
1318 - List of subscribers to a charitable fund, with the votes to which they were entitled, arranged under streets. Index of streets c 1837.
1320 - Churchwardens' accounts of Palmer's charity 1729-1773.
1357 - Bills, depositions, answers and orders in Corporation of Bedford v Feoffees of the Holborn Estate.
1395 - Palmers' Charity. Abstract of title and copies of conveyances, together with original letters and other papers relating to a chapel and house adjoining in West Street, in the Parish of St Giles-in-the-Fields.
noref - Declaration of Elizabeth Ryplingham of Greate Harborough, co Warwick, spinster, granting letters of attorney to Arthur Manwaringe, citizen and goldsmith of London and to Frauncis Walton, citizen and goldsmith of London, in the disposal of a parcel of land upon Addlinge [Addle] Hill in the Parish of St Andrews in the Wardrobe, London.
noref2 - Assignment of lease from Elizabeth Riplingham of Great Harborough, co Warwick, spinster, to Mathew Watts, taylor, John Watts, sallinrazer, John King, razermaker, Robert Blanchard, goldsmith, John Syson, cordwayner, Edmond Curtis, chandler, Gabriell Sedgwick, poulterer, Batholomew King, razermaker, John Preston, gouldsmith, JoBDavies, baker, Francis Browne, silkeman and Thomas Heydon, taylor, parishoners and inhabitants of the Parish of St Clement Danes, trustees of the poor of the parish, of a parcel of waste ground near Adling Hill [Addle Hill], for the residue of a term of one hundred and fifty years.
9 - Militia and Volunteers
10 - Miscellaneous
2 - Rate books
PR - St Clement Danes, parish registers
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