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STG - St George, Hanover Square
0038 - St George Hanover Square, sacrament certificates
1324 - St George Hanover Square, parish registers
1852 - St George Hanover Square parish records: Commissioners for Public Baths and Washhouses
1 - Minute book
2 - Special report on the "Scheme for Building the New Baths and Washhouses on the Site in the Buckingham Palace Road" by Arthur R MacDonald, Chairman of the Commissioners
3 - Probate of the will of Mr Samuel Ray of 18 Belgrave Place, St George Hanover Square
2208 - St George Hanover Square parish records: Vestry notice for the information of inhabitants
2212 - Petition to St George Hanover Square Paving Committee from the inhabitants of Piccadilly
2256 - St George Hanover Square, marriage licences
2326 - St George Hanover Square, parish registers and other records
2362 - St George Hanover Square parish records, including material relating to incumbents Rev Henry Howarth, Rev David Anderson, church organ and stained glass, the opening of the New Vestry Hall, Mount Street and the first annual Vestry Dinner
2520 - St George Hanover Square parish records
C - St George, Hanover Square parish records (first deposit)
PR - St George, Hanover Square, parish registers
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