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STG - St George, Hanover Square
0038 - St George Hanover Square, sacrament certificates
1324 - St George Hanover Square, parish registers
1852 - St George Hanover Square parish records: Commissioners for Public Baths and Washhouses
2208 - St George Hanover Square parish records: Vestry notice for the information of inhabitants
2212 - Petition to St George Hanover Square Paving Committee from the inhabitants of Piccadilly
2256 - St George Hanover Square, marriage licences
2326 - St George Hanover Square, parish registers and other records
2362 - St George Hanover Square parish records, including material relating to incumbents Rev Henry Howarth, Rev David Anderson, church organ and stained glass, the opening of the New Vestry Hall, Mount Street and the first annual Vestry Dinner
2520 - St George Hanover Square parish records
C - St George, Hanover Square parish records (first deposit)
1 - Ecclesiastical Records
2 - Civil Records
1 - Vestry orders and vestry minutes
2 - Parish property records
3 - Burial Records
4 - Poor Relief Records
5 - Public Health
6 - Rating and Valuation
7 - Streets, Paving, Cleansing and Lighting
8 - Committees: Public Health/Conveniences
9 - Committees: Refuse collections
10 - Committees: Public Health
11 - Committees: Works
12 - Committees: Sewers
13 - Committees: Wharves and Stables
14 - Committees: Finance Committee
15 - Committees: Parliamentary Committee
16 - Committees: Gas Sub-Committee
17 - Committees: Disorderly House Committee
18 - Committees: Vestry Hall
19 - Committees: Public Libraries Commissioners
1075 - Commissioners for Public Libraries and Museums. Minutes, reports upon design, instructions to architects, description and other printed records relating to the establishment of a public library in the parish.
1076 - Commissioners for Public Libraries and Museums. Miscellaneous documents relating to the establishment, building and management of the Buckingham Palace Road and South Audley Street libraries.
1 - List of documents and papers relating to the public libraries of the parish handed to the Vestry Clerk for custody by direction of the Libraries Committee.
2 - Public Libraries (England) Act, 1855-1889. Draft notice of poll on the desirability of adopting the Public Libraries Acts in the parish.
3 - St George Hanover Square Public Libraries. Rules and regulations [dated] 26 November 1896 bearing certificate of the Registry of Friendly Societies entitling the parish to exemption from county, county borough, parochial and other local rates
4 - Agreement between Albert John Bolton of Lincolns Inn Fields, architect, and the Commissioners for Public Libraries and Museums, concerning the appointment of the said AJ Bolton as architect for a proposed public library and museum in Buckingham Palace Road.
5 - Receipt from George Shead, a trustee in bankruptcy to John Thomas Chappell and John Spain, a mortgage of the said John Thomas Chappell to the Commissioners for Public Libraries and Museums in the Parish of St George, Hanover Square; Contract between John Thomas Chappell of Lupus Street, Pimlico, contractor, his two sureties, Charles German Reed, of Brighton, co Sussex, ironfounder, and Charles Chappell of Dunsely Farm, Tring, co Herts, farmer, and the Commissioners for Public Libraries and Museums for the erection and building of a library, museum and offices in Buckingham Palace Road.
6 - Agreement between Samuel Prout Newcombe Esq of Chelsea, and the Commissioners for Public Libraries and Museums for the Parish of St George, Hanover Square, concerning a natural history collection to be housed at Buckingham Palace Road Library.
7 - Copy of architect's final certificate for completion of work as laid down in the contract, dated 6 July 1892, between John Thomas Chappell of Lupus Street, Pimlico, contractor, his two sureties and the Commissioners for Public Libraries and Museums for the erection of Buckingham Palace Road Library
8 - Duplicate of agreement between the Governors and Company of Chelsea Waterworks and Commissioners for Public Libraries and Museums for the Parish of St George, Hanover Square, for the supply of water to Buckingham Palace Road Library.
9 - Duplicate of agreement between the Governor and Company of Chelsea Waterworks and the Commissioners for Public Libraries and Museums for the Parish of St George, Hanover Square, for the supply of water at Buckingham Palace Road Library.
10 - Copy of an agreement between the Commissioners for Public Libraries and Museums for the Parish of St George, Hanover Square and The Westminster Electric Supply Corporation Ltd, for a supply of electricity for Buckingham Palace Road Library
11 - Commissioners for Public Libraries and Museums for the Parish of St George, Hanover Square. Insurance policy taken out with the County Fire Office against risk of fire to the building and contents of Buckingham Palace Road Library.
12 - Commissioners for Public Libraries and Museums for the Parish of St George, Hanover Square. Insurance policy taken out with the Palatine Insurance Company Ltd, against risk of damage by fire to the buildings and contents of Buckingham Palace Road Library.
13 - Westminster City Council Public Libraries Committee. Insurance policy taken out with the Sun Life Insurance against damage by fire to an oil painting - a portrait of the late Duke of Westminster [Hugh Lupus Grosvenor 1st Duke of Westminster], by William Canten [sic] Carter.
14 - Corps of Commissionaires. Agreement for the engagement of a Commissionaire, T Marks, permanently employed as hall porter at Buckingham Palace Road Library
15 - Corps of Commissionaires. Agreement for the engagement of Richard Dobson and his wife at South Audley Street Library; Agreement for the engagement of a commissionaire, William Bowers, permanently employed at Buckingham Palace Road Library.
1078 - Commissioners for Public Libraries and Museums. Minute Book.
1079 - Commissioners for Public Libraries and Museums. Minute Book.
1080 - Public Libraries Committee. Minute book.
1081 - Public Libraries Committee Index to minutes.
1082 - Public Libraries Committee. [Alphabetical] inventory of fittings and furniture in the Buckingham Palace Road and South Audley Street Libraries.
1083 - Commissioners for Public Libraries and Museums. Register of mortgages.
1084 - [Details of] painting, distempering [and Decoration] at Buckingham Palace Road Library.
1085 - Commissioners for Public Libraries and Museums. Finance Committee. Minute book.
1085a - St George, Hanover Square Commissioners for Public Libraries and Museums. Draft financial statement, year ending
1085b - St George, Hanover Square Commissioners for Public Libraries and Museums. Draft financial statement, year ending
1085c - St George, Hanover Square Commissioners for Public Libraries and Museums. Draft financial statement, year ending
1085d - St George, Hanover Square Commissioners for Public Libraries and Museums. Draft financial statement, year ending
1085e - St George, Hanover Square Commissioners for Public Libraries and Museums. Draft financial statement, year ending
1085f - St George, Hanover Square Commissioners for Public Libraries and Museums. Draft financial statement, year ending
1085g - St George, Hanover Square Commissioners for Public Libraries and Museums. Draft financial statement, year ending
1085h - St George, Hanover Square Commissioners for Public Libraries and Museums. Draft financial statement, year ending
1085i - Public Libraries Commissioners for St George's, Hanover Square [in account] with Messrs GI, EA, AH and C Drummond [bankers]. Pass books
1085j - Public Libraries Commissioners for St George's, Hanover Square [in account] with Messrs GI, EA, AH and C Drummond [bankers]. Pass books
1085k - Public Libraries Commissioners for St George's, Hanover Square [in account] with Messrs GI, EA, AH and C Drummond [bankers]. Pass books
1085l - Public Libraries Commissioners for St George's, Hanover Square [in account] with Messrs GI, EA, AH and C Drummond [bankers]. Pass books
1086 - Commissioners for Public Libraries and Museums. Book sub-committee. Minutes.
1087 - Commissioners for Public Libraries and Museums. Subscription and donation accounts (1898-1913); Buckingham Palace Road Library. Natural History Room maintenance fund accounts (1894-1898).
1088 - Commissioners for Public Libraries and Museums. Public suggestion book.
1089 - Commissioners for Public Libraries and Museums, Buckingham Palace Road Library - gifts of books
1090 - Commissioners for Public Libraries and Museums. Ledger Volume 2.
1091 - Commissioners for Public Libraries and Museums. Ledger Volume 3
20 - Committees: Baths and Wash-Houses
21 - Committees: Establishment
22 - Committees: Memorial
23 - Committees: Defence
24 - Additional Records
3 - Rate books
PR - St George, Hanover Square, parish registers
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