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STP - St Paul Covent Garden, parish records
0064 - St Paul, Covent Garden, Churchwardens' accounts
0373 - St Paul, Covent Garden, Rector's rate books
0426 - St Paul, Covent Garden, parish registers etc
1 - Registration, church services and worship
2 - Incumbent
3 - Churchwardens
4 - Charities
5 - Vestry
6 - Overseers of the Poor
303 - Churchwardens, Overseers and Trustees of the Poor, minutes
304 - Overseers accounts (including rate accounts, general rate, poor rate, sewers rate, main drainage rate, 1857-1867)
305 - Rate account ledger; General rate, sewers rate, main drainage rate, consolidated rate, rector's rate)
306 - Assessment for the speedy building of thirty ships of war, West Division; 1677
307 - Parish roll
308 - Assessment for rateable value
309 - Commissioners appointed to implement the Papists Act, minutes
310 - District Visitor's book
311 - District Visitor's book
7 - Miscellaneous parish records
2462 - St Paul, Covent Garden parish records
2643 - Scrapbook of printed notices and newspaper cuttings concerning the election of a Churchwarden of St Paul, Covent Garden
H - St Paul, Covent Garden parish records, first deposit
PR - St Paul, Covent Garden, parish registers
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