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WAT - Watney Mann
0200 - Watney, Combe Reid & Co Ltd, documents relating to public houses in Westminster
0276 - Plans of Stag Brewery, Pimlico (copy)
0323 - Plan of Stag Brewery
0789 - Watney Mann records
1 - Watney and Co Ltd
2 - Combe and Co
3 - Reid's Brewery Co Ltd
1 - Minutes
2 - Accounts
3 - Griffin Brewery Records
1 - General notebook recording daily events, memoranda, etc
2 - Incomplete brewing book (porters, stouts and India Pale Ale only)
3 - Personal notebook of William F Wilson, head brewer at the Griffin Brewery of Reid and Co, 1838-1878, including diary entries, notes on maltings, chemical analyses and notes
4 - Brewing book maintained by the head brewer at the Griffin Brewery, William Wilson (ale only)
5 - Brewing book maintained by the head brewer at the Griffin brewery, William Wilson (ale only)
6 - Brewing book maintained by the head brewer at the Griffin brewery, William Wilson (ale only)
7 - Brewing book maintained by the head brewer at the Griffin brewery, William Wilson
8 - Brewing book maintained by the head brewer at the Griffin brewery
9 - Brewing book maintained by the head brewer at the Griffin brewery, W F Wilson, 12 Oct 1844 -5 Jun 1845, 31 Jul 1848-16 Nov 1854
10 - Brewing book maintained by the head brewer at the Griffin brewery, 16 Oct 1844-31 May 1845, 31 Jul 1848- 10 Jan 1851
11 - Brewing book maintained by the head brewer at the Griffin brewery (ale only)
12 - Brewing book maintained by the head brewer at the Griffin brewery (ale only)
13 - Brewing book maintained by the head brewer at the Griffin brewery (porter and stout), 4 Feb 1867-14 Mar 1868, 14-27 Feb 1871
14 - Brewing book maintained by the head brewer at the Griffin brewery, W F Wilson (porter and stout)
15 - Griffin Brewery Records
4 - Property Registers
5 - Wigram Family
6 - Bradford Family
7 - Miscellaneous
4 - Watney, Combe, Reid and Co Ltd and Watney Mann
5 - Deeds of Brewery Premises
6 - Deeds of Public Houses
7 - Brewing Trade
8 - Other Brewery Companies
0793 - Watney Mann records
1572 - Watney Mann
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